The Voyage Begins
Bindilou nimbly dodged around the legs of the people headed for the exit as she rushed to the stairs. Brennus was not far behind her. Looking up, they could see that the flickering of the fire was in the stairwell above them, above the second floor landing. As they headed up a couple of steps, they say that someone had stacked a pile of firewood on the stairs. The scent of lamp oil burned at your nose as you realized that the fire had been purposely set.
Ormalian was discretely studying the cloaked strangers; two men and a woman. One of the men quietly rotated out ever so often, obviously bodyguards that were changing shift. Further examination revealed that it was the woman that they the men were protecting. Beneath the men's cloaks, he caught the glimpse of weapons and chain armor, unusual to be wearing in town unless they were expecting trouble. At the cry of 'fire', the group looked around in concern, hands drifting closer to the hilts of their hidden weapons. As they stood to seek safety, they raised the hoods of their cloaks, obscuring their features. The quickly but carefully headed for the exit, the two men taking point, standing protectively in front of the woman.
Angus and Bodric helped move the slower members of the tavern to safety. Holding the door and ushering people out. The the mysterious trio exited the building, Angus heard the familiar twang of a crossbow firing from across the tavern's green. A moment later one of the three cloaked figures collapsed, falling limp at his feet in a quickly growing pool of blood.