VIB - Scouting the Graveyard
Jake glances at the neighboring gravestones, surmising that everyone who is buried in this section of the cemetery primarily passed away in the late seventeen hundreds. The latest date of death that he is able to locate is 1802.
Studying the ground, Jake has the sense that if there were any underground passage connecting Agatha Bishop’s grave with another location in the cemetery, it would almost certainly have to pass under the nearby two story residence. Somehow, that understanding does not give the detective any comfort.
A brief wind stirs the nearby trees as the two investors depart the Stanton Street Cemetery. As they carefully make their way back to Jake’s parked Dodge, each has the brief impression of a figure passing by one of the first floor windows of the Bishop residence, a tall individual wearing something like a top hat.
Reaching the car, Sully and Jake notice Carlos Cortes departing the graveyard, hurrying toward the nearby Essex Street subway station.
OOC: Jake and Sully can rejoin the Professor and Arthur at Columbia University.