I will use this thread to document the important clues and information that the investigators have uncovered about the case, so that it can be easily referenced as the game progresses. This thread will be updated regularly as new discoveries are made.
- Jennifer Hargrave was found murdered one week ago in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Her remains were reportedly in horrific condition. Miss Hargrave is said to be the fifth victim found in such a condition within the last four weeks.
- Miss Hargrave’s parents do not know why Jennifer traveled to the Lower East Side that evening.
- Violence and disappearances in the Lower East Side are apparently not a new phenomenon. The Hargrave family suspects that incidents related to Jennifer’s death have been going on much longer than the police are aware of, or have admitted.
- Police have indicated that, at this time, they have no credible leads regarding who is responsible for the murders. A theory has circulated that the perpetrator is an escapee from an asylum. However, none of the mental institutions in the area have reported any escapes.
- The New York Pillar-Riposte reported that Miss Hargrave’s body was found just before dawn in an alley off of Clinton Street.
- The lead investigator in Miss Hargrave’s murder is Detective Cameron MacBrady.
- While examining Miss Hargrave’s possessions in her bedroom, Jake Morris discovered an empty glass vial concealed beneath her mattress.
- Sully Quinn indicated that the author of the story that Mrs. Hargrave provided to the group from the Pillar-Riposte was one J. Mondale Crief, one of the paper’s longtime reporters.
- Jake Morris identified the substance that had been within the glass vial as having been cocaine. The container did not point him to any particular seller that he knew of, though it did suggest that it was a container used for sales to high end clients.
- The Hargrave’s butler identified several friends of Jennifer in the photographs that they found in her room. Among them were Charlotte Fisker, her best friend of many years, and Elena Santoro, another friend who currently works at an attorney’s office in Manhattan.
- On the night of her death, Jennifer was reportedly going to meet with Mollie Pratt, a friend she had made while attending classes at City College.
- Anthony Wells had indicated his intention to perform some research on the area where Jennifer’s body was found to determine if there was a history of similar deaths or disappearances.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:53, Tue 26 Oct 2021.