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07:14, 11th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils.

Posted by The Powers That BeFor group 0
Player 3
player, 9 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 16:16
  • msg #39

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 37):

I was thinking my guy would kind of be a mix of the sort of stereotypical chivalrous knight, as well as a knight who might be in a military order if possible
Player 1
player, 14 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 16:45
  • msg #40

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

So I've got my proposed character description and sheet below:

X is the sole daughter and representative of a long convalescent Flemish wool merchant. Acting as his deputy, she advises and finances the Castellan. A minor patron of the arts, her reputation is nonetheless tainted by rumours of links to owlers and smugglers, and her seeming disinterest in finding a husband.

And my trait and bonuses follow:

Representative of a long convalescent Flemish wool merchant +2

This one is pretty straight-forward - I would consider it would manifest itself partly in terms of reputation and social acceptance, as well as access to a certain amount of discretionary funds and cash on hand which would make her life easier.

Advises and finances the Castellan. +1

Again, this one would be somewhat straight forward - partially, it's reputational and gives a certain degree of influence, but she's also not so prominent in court that she's untoucheable, so she needs to be careful.

Minor patron of the arts +1

This one just adds a small bit of background, but it would probably translate to some in-game knowledge, as well as potentially easier reception from artists or those with particular interests.

Rumours of links to owlers and smugglers +2

So, this one was really fun, because I learned something fun about the Wool Trade. So, in the 1100-1300s, Flanders became rich by buying raw English wool, spinning it and selling it at a profit for textiles. England didn't like this and tried to set up their own textile industry, and basically banned export of raw wool from 1367. If you smuggled wool out of the county, you tended to have to do it under dark and were hence known as an owler (, and if you got caught, punishment was potentially quite painful.

So, my thought was that my thus far nameless character is well aware this is going on and has some contacts among the owling community, who she can use to help keep her business having a competitive edge, and also to potentially provide other services on the Burgundian coast and rivers, including smuggling and other stuff. They don't work for her per se, but she knows who to talk to if she needs to call in a favour.

Player 2
player, 10 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 16:56
  • msg #41

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 35):

Thanks for all the great feedback!

I can add +2 to the suggested Squired under the chivalrous Knight Gaspar de Durtain. It's a good idea and I had debated using it early. It does provide that additional contact and allows for some sage wisdom to filter down in play.

I can drop Heir to a small Imperial Free City to +1. I did briefly consider why Gerhard would be in Rethel as opposed to his Father's land, but I honestly sort of chalked it up to. "Because the Count of Nevers was the first one that offered" or "That's where his mentors contacts were."

But I think after a little consideration, he is in Rethel because it's exciting and good for his career. It's bound to be far more active and cosmopolitan than the little mountain city where he was raised, where he could easily ride across his families entire holding in a single day.

Yes, he could go back to Colmar, and while he misses his family and would enjoy the familiar comforts in a way, he feels he would be giving up on his future prospects. Admitting to himself that being Squired under Durtain will likely remain the highlight of his career, and that he should settle into a relatively quiet life of tax collection and local law enforcement.

How does Haunted Veteran of the Revolt of Ghent sound?

I went with this one over the more simple "trained Knight" example in the book because I feel it clarifies his position as a fighting sort among the other potential meanings.

I also wanted to mention the specific campaign because I had hoped it would be more evocative. It might be the difference between saying that one had a relative that served as a soldier in the Second World War, and saying that you had a relative that fought at the Siege of Stalingrad.

Both true, but because of the nature of that particular battle the second phrase sets a different tone.
The Powers That Be
GM, 27 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 17:00
  • msg #42

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to Player 3 (msg # 39):

At this point in history most chivalric orders are still military. There are plenty of them. In Burgundy the main ones were the Order of the Golden Fleece and The Noble Order of Saint George of Rougemont. The French had a Rival Faction to the Order of the Golden Fleece, which was the Order of Saint Micheal. The English had the Order of the Garter. (But why they would be in our place is a bit weird. The war with France is over and they are needed as the War of the Roses is momentarily raging in England.) Wikipedia has some well linked examples, and those without pages can be google searched to find the one you like.
Player 3
player, 10 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 17:07
  • msg #43

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 42):

Alright! I was thinking maybe my guy was in the Order of the Golden Fleece
The Powers That Be
GM, 28 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 17:30
  • msg #44

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to Player 3 (msg # 43):

Alright. He's in the order of the Golden Fleece. That means he is nobility of some sort. It's a very exclusive order with only a set amount of members. What did he do to get admitted to it? Did he inherit the position from a father who died, did get awarded a position through a chivalric deed or did he sign up himself out of a desire to be in there?

To read up on the Order of the Golden Fleece read only the part under "Origins" in this wiki page.
Player 3
player, 11 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 18:21
  • msg #45

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 44):

He was awarded a position in the Order for saving the life of a knight in the order during a battle.
The Powers That Be
GM, 29 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 19:36
  • msg #46

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

The most recent conflict that you could have been involved in if you want to be a young knight is probably the Revolt of Ghent, but you could also have participated in the Hundred Years War, which ended in the same year.

The most glory would have been had in the Hundred Year War probably, since it was the most important and biggest conflict of the times between the two biggest powers. You'd have more chance of having foreign contacts and battle glory. But you'd also notice the effect of the longbows and the cannons and what that meant for the decline of the usability of knights in combat.
Player 3
player, 12 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 20:07
  • msg #47

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 46):

Alright! I'm not sure how realistic it would be for my guy to have been involved in both since he's in his early 20s, but I could see either option working.
Player 2
player, 11 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 20:43
  • msg #48

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

If it would help Player 3, Gerhard is currently 25 and was only a Squire of 17 when the Revolt started.

While he did participate in some of the fighting, for him it was really more about what he saw there. Mass executions, ugly siege warfare, the aftermath of artillery salvos.

If you were so inclined, we could sort of play off between the dichotomy. Your character could have been involved in a fortunate and heroic deed in a more renowned action during the Hundred Years War, earning him a place in the Order despite his young age.

For him, that war could have been a huge step up for himself and his family.

For Gerhard, the Revolt was a horrific experience that cost the lives of some of his friends, including a man he really admired.

Having the two disparate outlooks could lead to some interesting interaction despite both of them having gone to war.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:51, Thu 15 July 2021.
The Powers That Be
GM, 30 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 21:53
  • msg #49

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to Player 1 (msg # 40):

This is great and full of potential.I’m not immediately seeing how I’m going to tie you in with the knights, but it should be possible.
The Powers That Be
GM, 31 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 21:55
  • msg #50

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to Player 2 (msg # 41):

I approve greatly! Well done! I think I still need to unlock character sheets and will get on that!
Player 1
player, 15 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 21:56
  • msg #51

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

The Powers That Be:
In reply to Player 1 (msg # 40):

This is great and full of potential.I’m not immediately seeing how I’m going to tie you in with the knights, but it should be possible.

Well, it's a bit up to you, but you can either slice of life it (say a chance meeting on the road as she travels through the domain), or have them put on a mission together where they're lending a degree of legitimacy and protection while she's possibly doing some more delicate work.
The Powers That Be
GM, 32 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 21:59
  • msg #52

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to Player 1 (msg # 51):

Exactly. I’ll figure something out.
Player 1
player, 16 posts
Thu 15 Jul 2021
at 22:00
  • msg #53

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

Beyond chosing a name and some pictures, is there anything else you want us to do in the meantime?
The Powers That Be
GM, 33 posts
Fri 16 Jul 2021
at 10:33
  • msg #54

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to Player 1 (msg # 53):

I don't need anything purse, but you could give me some hints about what kind of things you'd like to see happening in the story in general and for your character personally. This is not something you'd have to do, but it helps me choose paths to take the story into.

You could also talk amongst each other on wether your characters already know each other (and how) or not.

What I'm thinking at the moment is that you have come with the Castellan. Our trader wants to prospect the county to see what is available everywhere and the Castellan sends the two knights with her as protection. He has also asked you to kind of take stock of what's going on in the County.

Another thing I was thinking is that the Castellan holds a sort of feast/holiday for the people of the County to celebrate his taking over the Manor for now. He wants to gain favor with the people. Food is sent to every village in the county and you three are one of the groups of messengers bearing food-gifts that are sent to the people.
Player 1
player, 17 posts
Fri 16 Jul 2021
at 10:46
  • msg #55

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In terms of the story, I largely leave that up to you as a GM. The main thing I'm looking for is enough investment in the setting and the characters of the manor/villages to feel that my actions have consequences and to invest in them, and that we're encouraged to make choices based on what our characters might do, rather than just on what is expendient.

As a player, I'm a lot more likely to risk my character's skin for an NPC I know and like, rather than for Generic Villager #3.

Aside from that, I'd always be interested in some character specific plot arcs, but I'd prefer them to be in the form of bonus objectives rather than 'this is a P1/P2/P3 centric mission'. That, a bit of horror/supernatural to keep on one's toes, some fun antagonists, and I should be happy :)
The Powers That Be
GM, 37 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 07:05
  • msg #56

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

Suggestion for player 3:

(name) is a promising young knight that has shown valour and bravery during the hundred years war. Saving a fellow knight (name) was awarded entry in the Order of the Golden Fleece. Now that this war is over he is looking for other opportunities to fulfill his chivalric oath and seek glory.

This is exactly fifty words (the name does not count for words) and has enough in it to put bonusses on.
What do you think? You could give the saved knight a name and make it a bit more personal, but this is a first draft.
The Powers That Be
GM, 38 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 07:11
  • msg #57

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

There is a list of the knights of the golden fleece on wikipedia. Going through you could try and see which one would fit. In reading some of them there seems to have been another conflict that wasn’t apparrent in my previous browsing, and it seemed to have to do with a conflict against the archbishop of Köln.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 11:00, Sat 17 July 2021.
The Powers That Be
GM, 39 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 11:14
  • msg #58

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

Some good candidates are:

1. The Heir, Charles, Count of Charolais.
2. Hendrik II van Borselen, who as a knight had charge over the state approved piracy in the English Channel and the North Sea. There is no English language page for him. Only Dutch, German, French and Russian.
3. John II, Duke of Alençon. Most famous for capturing Joan of Arc. (You were probably too young to have participated in that, but it made him quite legendary amongst troops I'd presume. At the start of our game he would be in prison for defaming the king.
4. John I, Duke of Cleves, on which the Dutch Wiki has a bunch more to say iirc.

There are more, but look these over quick to see who you'd be interested in.
The Powers That Be
GM, 42 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 12:34
  • msg #59

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

5. Jaques de Lalaing, one of the most knightly knights that ever knighted … and got killed by cannon fire at the revolt in Ghent. A symbol of the beginning of the end for knighthood.
6. Anthony, Bastard of Burgundy, a knight of many titles and probably about the same age as our two young knighhts.
7. Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein, a good kniht who fought in all the Burgundian wars.
Player 3
player, 13 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 16:35
  • msg #60

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 56):

I love that! I'll think some on a name this weekend.
Player 4
player, 1 post
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 18:26
  • msg #61

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils


I'm thinking of a scheming noblelady, of high enough birth that she can actually get something done. From a first reading of your historical setting, here are a few ideas that come to mind:

1) The wife (Marie d'Albret) or one of the daughters of the Count, left behind as he fled to France. Either as a diplomatic agent to make sure no other dynasty tries to usurp Rethel, or for apparently unrelated reasons (e.g. say she's one of the daughters, and she was married to someone local, so she stayed with her husband while her father fled; recently the husband died and she's suddenly free to politick around).

2) One of the (many) illegitimate daughters of Philip the Good. Being the recognised bastard of a Duke is not the worst that can happen to a girl, but she still has to hustle to find herself a suitable husband and carve some power for herself. Perhaps she thinks that the current situation in Rethel is an opportunity: a power vaccum in which she can step in, marry some strongman and help him take the county, place herself as Countess.

3) Same-ish but a more minor noblelady: the lady-in-waiting and confidante of one of the previous characters, running secret errands for her mistress. Loyal and ready to do whatever it takes for said lady, or happy to betray her too and replace her as soon as she sees the opportunity. Or perhaps the wife of the castellan, who thinks her husband has too little ambition and should try to make himself Count, à la Lady Macbeth.

Any of those sound any good?
The Powers That Be
GM, 44 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 20:16
  • msg #62

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

I like the third one best, but I think each of these can work.
Player 4
player, 2 posts
Sun 18 Jul 2021
at 12:12
  • msg #63

Re: Session 0: Goals, Characters, Lines and Veils

OK, I think I might try to combine 2 and 3. I like 2 because it gives her some status (and she's going to need it, being a woman in the 15th century), and I guess the good part about 3 is it gives her some sort of official role, am I correct? She probably needs a purpose/excuse to be in Rethel (being the new lady's right hand), because unmarried women are not supposed to just travel and hang around with their buddies, right?

So with this in mind, what about this:

Anne d’Arras is an illegitimate daughter of Philip the Good. She followed the ducal court until her courtly intrigues and liaisons landed her in a nunnery. There she befriended Marie d’Hainaut and became her confidante. Secretly she is driven to become the Countess of Rethel.

Let me know if this makes any sense, it's the first time I play The Pool. I'm trying to make a Medici-like intriguer, so I'd break it down like this:

Bastard daughter of the Duke +1

This should provide some status and contacts, which I'm guessing she is going to need. Although she has no titles or lands, well, she's still of the Duke's blood. That should carry some weight.

Raised in the Burgundian court +1

By all accounts the most sophisticated place in Europe at the time, so I'd expect her to know a lot of cool people, have a fine fashion sense and know etiquette, dances, and the works.

Adept at courtly intrigue +2

Main skill, I suppose? How to start rumours, how to flirt without being jailed...

Spent time in a nunnery +1

Some theology, some Latin, an excuse to be literate.

Lady-in-waiting and confidante of Marie d’Hainaut

This gives her an excuse to be in Rethel, and access to the Castellan's inner family circle. I'm thinking this was how she got out of the nunnery, as Marie's +1 when she married. So at the time it was just a way to regain her freedom...

Driven to become Countess of Rethel +2

...but now that she's in Rethel, she smells opportunity. The Count and his family are away, the Castellan is some Flemish outsider, Anne has the ear of his wife... Perhaps this is the perfect time to make her move, marry, acquire a more stable position in life.

Pool: 4

Feedback on this, please?
This message was last edited by the player at 12:34, Sun 18 July 2021.
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