Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

My focus is Touch and Range touch spells, with a few rays/cones/lines/balls. When I start throwing spells on bullets, they have to be T or RT, and extra rays/projectiles/etc are wasted. That doesn't mean I can't just blast Scorching Hands or Fireball or whatever multi-target spell directly, of course.
My focus is damage spells and being annoying in people's faces. I'm actually Multi Swash/Gunslinger on the shooty/stabby side of things, which means I get BOTH the Swashy Dodge AND the Slinger Dodge deeds, and the Arch I used for Gunslinger bases my Grit on my Charisma, so I have 10 points of Panache/Grit to say, "Nuh uh, I just increased my AC by 4-5 on top of my Mage Armor Shield and everything else". And Gods of Golarion help you if you actually touch me and get a Monster Shocking Grasp in the face for your troubles.
(Obviously there are OTHER things I can spend my Grit/Panache on, but that's a DEEP pool to draw from that gets replenished from criting and killing with my weapons.)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:06, Wed 07 June 2023.