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12:36, 8th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Posted by GM StarMasterFor group 0
Flynn Antares
player, 5 posts
Merfollk Scourge Picaroon
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 21:56
  • msg #224

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

I think that would only work if I was a Ninja. (sorry for the Surf Ninjas reference)
player, 61 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 23:01
  • msg #225

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Get a flying mount like I did.
Tombs Tunesond
player, 22 posts
Sorcerer Cleric
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 00:47
  • msg #226

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

My wagon is modular, with a few hours' heads up it can be changed into a flying vehicle, arguably it goes along the bottom better than across water. Keen investigators may be more disturbed by Tom.
Flynn Antares
player, 6 posts
Merfollk Scourge Picaroon
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 22:50
  • msg #227

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

I'm looking forward to using my Always Intensified Shocking Grasp Rapier stab. Scourge means no extra casting time on some metamagic, Magical Lineage means one less level from metamagic for Shocking Grasp, Armed Touch lets me deliver spells through melee weapons, so I can cast it as normal every time for (currently) 8D6 electric delivered on the point of a rapier. And eventually down the barrel of a gun!

player, 31 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 23:52
  • msg #228

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Ooh, we can be 8d6 buddies then! Costs me my move action to charge it up, but i'm hoping to fix that problem when i can grab a feat next level.
Flynn Antares
player, 7 posts
Merfollk Scourge Picaroon
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 00:26
  • msg #229

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Yeah, delivering spells through my weapons is going to get ugly real quick. Between Shocking Grasp and Force Punch, it'll make for some hilarious and gruesome encounters.

Force Punch on a bullet will give it that cinematic knockback, which will be fun to use on folks in the rigging, on cliffs, edge of ship decks, etc.

I've also got one of those big whammy Shocking Grasps stored in my Spell Storing Armor. There may have been an Electric Eel somewhere up my family coral.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:55, Wed 07 June 2023.
player, 32 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 01:22
  • msg #230

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

I'm aiming more for a support/utility role, but the ability to debuff people's AC, attack or saves (my choice) as a swift action when i punch them is a pretty fun trick as well. I'm mainly a single target damage dealer though, whereas your guns allow you to target multiple people in one attack, correct?
Flynn Antares
player, 8 posts
Merfollk Scourge Picaroon
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 01:49
  • msg #231

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

My focus is Touch and Range touch spells, with a few rays/cones/lines/balls. When I start throwing spells on bullets, they have to be T or RT, and extra rays/projectiles/etc are wasted. That doesn't mean I can't just blast Scorching Hands or Fireball or whatever multi-target spell directly, of course.

My focus is damage spells and being annoying in people's faces. I'm actually Multi Swash/Gunslinger on the shooty/stabby side of things, which means I get BOTH the Swashy Dodge AND the Slinger Dodge deeds, and the Arch I used for Gunslinger bases my Grit on my Charisma, so I have 10 points of Panache/Grit to say, "Nuh uh, I just increased my AC by 4-5 on top of my Mage Armor Shield and everything else". And Gods of Golarion help you if you actually touch me and get a Monster Shocking Grasp in the face for your troubles.

(Obviously there are OTHER things I can spend my Grit/Panache on, but that's a DEEP pool to draw from that gets replenished from criting and killing with my weapons.)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:06, Wed 07 June 2023.
GM StarMaster
GM, 115 posts
The All-Seeing Eye
Illuminati are watching U
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 04:59
  • msg #232

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Just remember that your opponents have to be able to challenge you. I had no plans for an Ancient Blue Dragon in the game but may have to add one now...
Flynn Antares
player, 9 posts
Merfollk Scourge Picaroon
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 05:13
  • msg #233

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Well. That would put a hitch in my giddyup. Fortunately I can change things up a bit. Storing a Force Punch in the armor is simple enough to prep for sparky beasties.
player, 33 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 10:07
  • msg #234

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

GM StarMaster:
Just remember that your opponents have to be able to challenge you. I had no plans for an Ancient Blue Dragon in the game but may have to add one now...


Every gunslinger needs a mount after all ;)
Tombs Tunesond
player, 23 posts
Sorcerer Cleric
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #235

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Swarms are valid challenges too not to mention lots of creatures are immune to an element or two.

It is good to have badass moments for each character. It is good to have a person or two in the party that CAN take down massive threats, but anyone who relies on mostly one spell for so many levels needs methods to modify that spell or other spells that they can use to throw off insightful opponents... Unless you don't drink in taverns to celebrate a job well done AND leave no survivors... Otherwise word spreads and anyone who anticipated you being involved starts to pack spells and gear that let them ignore all or part of your usual tactics.

By 8th level we MAY actually have people or creatures actively looking to ruin us.
player, 34 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 20:07
  • msg #236

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Yup, at around those levels there's some pretty nasty stuff available if you know where to look.
Flynn Antares
player, 10 posts
Merfollk Scourge Picaroon
Sat 10 Jun 2023
at 02:58
  • msg #237

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

That is a wicked critter that I have no desire to run afoul of!

In other news, My Character Sheet is sorted and ready to rock!
player, 16 posts
Knight of the Raven
Sat 10 Jun 2023
at 08:00
  • msg #238

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Tombs Tunesond:
Unless you don't drink in taverns to celebrate a job well done AND leave no survivors...

This is the way.
Mind you, many times monster will escape, but you have to try to kill them all.
Also, celebrating a job well done? In the privacy of your home. You never know where the enemy can have informants.
Tombs Tunesond
player, 24 posts
Sorcerer Cleric
Sat 10 Jun 2023
at 13:28
  • msg #239

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Peasants or friends' celebration may still lend tales and enemies could investigate or flat out use divination to determine how to prepare to make an important day/operation succeed.

Tom should seem a bit creepy at first, but he is handsome, friendly, polite, smart, and has an emphasis in his career toward combatting necromancers and building walls of earth and stone for poorly defended communities.

It sounds like a couple of people have, or should have, reputations somewhat along the line of big game hunters. Bringing down larger creatures to protect communities more directly with violence.
player, 35 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Sat 10 Jun 2023
at 13:34
  • msg #240

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Quite the opposite of me then, trying to cultivate the image of a librarian :P
Tombs Tunesond
player, 25 posts
Sorcerer Cleric
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 16:28
  • msg #241

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Tombs has aspirations of becoming a big damn hero but acknowledges that his own power has... Darker Design. He tries, maybe a little too hard, to prove that his gristly gifts don't dictate the person he is.

He may have spent time with magical researcher characters as he is prone to trying to solve virtually any problem with his magic which is sometimes tricky or indirect to accomplish.
player, 36 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 16:32
  • msg #242

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Well i do own a library...

...Payment in advance if you would like to have a copy made.
Myles Garrett
player, 3 posts
Nephili Fighter Hunter
AC: 15/15/12; HP: 128/128
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #243

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)


Gobble 'Til Ya Wobble :D
player, 37 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 14:43
  • msg #244

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

<-- Not in the USA :(

But hey, Happy Thanksgiving regardless. I'll have some turkey on your behalf :P
Quellus Valkyr
player, 12 posts
Vorpal Knight Swashbuckle
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 17:14
  • msg #245

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Happy Thanksgiving!
player, 62 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 17:25
  • msg #246

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

..... Echo......
Tombs Tunesond
player, 26 posts
Sorcerer Cleric
Fri 24 Nov 2023
at 19:09
  • msg #247

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Happy Leftovers Day!
player, 38 posts
Strix Kineticist Witch
Nisi Dominus
Fri 24 Nov 2023
at 21:56
  • msg #248

Re: Floating Vagabond (OOCs)

Tombs Tunesond:
Happy Leftovers Day!

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