This is a Gestalt Pathfinder game, where virtually any class, combination of classes, multi-classing, etc. are available and allowed. This game was created so that players could play characters they rarely or never get to play in other games. So have fun! Go all out! Except...
Since this is a semi-revival of another GM's game that he had to abandon, most of the characters already exist. However, if you are just joining this game, the following Character Generation rules are in effect.
ABILITY SCORES: Roll 4d6 (reroll 1's and drop lowest die) seven times (drop lowest total). If you still wind up with incredibly low scores, message the GM to discuss options. Generally though, as long as the majority of your stats are above 9, you're stuck with the results.
CLASSES: Most classes are allowed, but the more esoteric classes may causes problems, so choose with a bit of common sense.
MULTI-CLASSING: Both halves of the Gestalt can be Multi-Classed, but only two classes per side. This game is complicated enough without making it worse.
ARCHETYPES: Only one archetype per class. While the rules say you can have more than one, that's just absurd.
LEVEL: Players start at level 8 (or below if you really want).
WEALTH: We will be using the PC wealth by level chart found here at this link below.
EDIT: Magic Items This includes purchasing any magic items you wish to start out with. You can also request the GM bestow something interesting on your character.
SKILLS: We will be using the background skills house rule.
FEATS: We will be using the Feat Tax House Rule, which takes away the need for several Feats in order to allow for players to play characters they would rather play, and choose feats they want to actually use.
Race: All characters can be built with 18 race points. If you feel you must add/remove RP features from a pre-built race (Humans, Elves, etc.) to get to 18, you need to reskin it as a different race. For example, if you alter a Gnome to be 18 RPs, change it to a Peskie or a Chud or a Hobber, etc.
You may also choose to build your own unique race, here's a handy link below.
ALIGNMENT: No Evil alignments allowed! In this game, you are the Good Guys! You destroy Evil. If you played a truly Evil character, the rest of the party would soon turn on you when you tried to backstab them. After than, no one would want to game with you any more.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:00, Thu 23 Feb 2023.