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18:37, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Mission One: First Step.

Posted by GM StarMasterFor group 0
GM StarMaster
GM, 5 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 04:10
  • msg #1

1st Mission

Captain Flynn Braddock sat at the head of the table waiting patiently for all of League of Pathfinders to show up. As a special group of the Retriever's Guild, they were the ones most likely to be assigned to the more important retrievals.

"Most of you may already know this information, but I'm going to repeat it for those of you that may not know it," the Captain began.

"Some captains of Taldor's merchant fleet claim to be sailing under letters of Marque that gives them permission to attack the Golden Fleets of Qadira. Whether true or not, pirates have been attacking Qadira ships. Qadira finally had enough! They sent a small fleet to Taldor to put an end to the attacks."

"One of those ships was the Avenger, the latest and most advanced warship in the Qadira navy. It was under the command of Captain Slye. As the Avenger approached the Taldor Sea, a nasty fog set it and the Avenger became separated from the rest of the fleet. Most of the crew feared this was an ill omen, and they first recommended that the captain turn back, then protested against continuing. Bound for glory and treasure, Captain Slye had no intention of going back without a victory."

"Suddenly the fog cleared and the Avenger found itself facing ten Taldorian pirate ships. The rest of the Qadira fleet was nowhere to be seen."

"Whether Captain Slye truly believed that his ship could defeat the pirates or whether he was just too stubborn to admit failure, he command the crew to continue the attack."

"The crew, feeling they were sailing to their doom and under the prompting of the First Officer, Tarik Marwan, mutinied. After taking over the ship, the put the captain in a lifeboat and then fled from the Taldor ships."

"Captain Slye was 'rescued' by the Taldorians and they then ransomed him back to Qadira for 50,000 gold sovereigns, adding insult to injury."

"Qadira has put out a bounty on the mutineers... 20,000 gold for each of the six 'ring leaders' brought back alive so that they can be court-martialed and hung. The bounty is only 10,000 gold for each one brought back dead."

"There's an additional 20,000 gold reward if you bring back the Avenger, though most people think it's been sunk. There's also a 1,000 gold bounty on each of the other ten crewmen."

"Rumors have started that the mutineers have sought refuge in Absalom, despite the government's protests to the contrary. Lord Gyr requests that the Retriever's Guild find the mutineers before war breaks out. If they aren't returned to Qadira, Qadira will declare war on Absalom, or so the theory goes. They can probably get Geb and Katapesh to join them, and probably bribe Taldor to go along. Qadira's pockets are deep, and as a satrap of Casmaron, its potential army is even deeper."

"No one seriously thinks that Absalom could fall, but such a war could cause a lot of death, grief, and economic turmoil."

"The six men are Tarik Marwan, Umar Malik, Xavier Altair, Bari the Lynx, Kamal Kade, and Omar Ferran."

"So, that's your assignment. Any questions?"

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:41, Wed 04 Aug 2021.
Aikio Ebonfeather
player, 1 post
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 01:36
  • msg #2

1st Mission

"Any clues as to their whereabouts?" said the Tengu female from the corner.

She was garbed in simple if good quality robes, the hood casually draped over he head.
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 2 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 02:47
  • msg #3

1st Mission

Arthur, ever keeping his face in the shadow of his hood, takes a moment to consider the question. "If they hired someone to squib the ship, they may have managed to hide in Absalom after all. Has there been any rumors of large new vessels coming into port?"
Capt. Flynn Braddock
NPC, 1 post
Human Bounty Hunter
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 03:53
  • msg #4

1st Mission

"Why are you asking me if there are any clues?" the Captain responds to Aikio. "That's your job!"

"I don't know about 'large new' ships, but ships come into Absalom everyday. This is the major trade port for entire sea."

"I suppose there's a certain amount of stupidity you could attribute to the mutineers simply because they mutinied. One could also argue that they'd have to be rather stupid to think they could get away with it."

"Then again, maybe they were a lot more clever that we're giving them credit for."

"I certainly wouldn't have sailed the ship into a port in the condition it was in. Banged it up some, changed the name, take down a mast... whatever I could to make it look like it'd seen better days. Nothing you could do about the size except try to make people focus on some other point."

"While there's something to be said for sailing into a busy port, they could also have taken it to a smaller port, like Diobel."

"I might have sold it to someone, or traded it for a smaller ship. Reinforce the 'hard times' angle."

"Anyway, that's what you'll have to find out. Where did they go? If they sold the ship... or scuttled it... they most likely would have scattered after that."

Gray Mouser
player, 4 posts
Grey Elf Rogue Ranger
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 12:34
  • msg #5

1st Mission

The Gray Mouser stood behind those that sat as Captain Braddock laid out what information he had on the mission they were to embark on.  She was covered from head to toe in the resplendent mithril full plate armor and helm sporting long red plumes which were the distinctive trappings of the Gray Maiden's, the all-female, elite bodyguard for Queen Ileosa Arabasti of Korvosa of which she had been its general before it had been disbanded after the Queens death.  A Longsword and Large shield were strapped to her back over a long red flowing cape.

She had no questions.  She was not an investigator.  That was the strength of other's of the Retriever's Guild.  She simply listened and waited for this meeting to end and for her team to start their next assignment.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:42, Thu 05 Aug 2021.
Jarinvar the Warcat
NPC, 1 post
Animal Companion
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 13:00
  • msg #6

1st Mission

Jarinvar sat by the door of the building his Master had entered.  He wore leather barding, a saddle and saddlebags.  He remained alert as was his training, ready at any moment to respond should he hear his master's call for his aid.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:01, Fri 06 Aug 2021.
Aikio Ebonfeather
player, 2 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 14:01
  • msg #7

1st Mission

"If there’s no more information than the existence of mutineers and their names, then we’ve got a lot of work to do," she said, more to her fellow Pathfinders than the captain. "Any volunteers to do a bit of research? We need more detailed individual history on the mutineers, names of any family or known associates and their locations, potential places of refuge they might seek either individually or as a group, and as mentioned a list of any other nearby ports where they could have had the ship altered, etc."
Carissa Mirowen
player, 2 posts
Aasimar Occultist Warlord
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 23:12
  • msg #8

1st Mission

Carissa gave a languid shrug.  "For those who wish to hunt these down, I'd suggest we start at the port.  They likely wouldn't be the only Quadiran's in port, but that helps narrow down what we are looking for.  If can find more information about them, that may be enough for one of my spirits to scry on them.  Find one, we might find clues the rest."

She gave a slow smile.  "Find somewhere where there are even a few Qadirans gathered, and I might be able to tempt a few to talk to me while some of you keep a keen eye out."
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 4 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 03:23
  • msg #9

1st Mission

"You're right, it's as good a place as any." Arthur stands. "I'll pay a visit to the harbor master. If they came here, he's likely to have seen them, even if he didn't notice them."
Gray Mouser
player, 5 posts
Grey Elf Rogue Ranger
HP: 90/90
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 04:16
  • msg #10

1st Mission

The Gray Mouser looked to Fafhrd who had remained more silent than she would have expected and said in a powerfully booming voice, Perhaps we should check out the local taverns and pubs and see if we can find out anything from some drunken sailors and ship workers

She was not much for information gathering but knew her diminutive companion could get the job done if anyone could.  She only offered to go along in hopes of a stiff drink and a good bar fight.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:01, Fri 06 Aug 2021.
player, 1 post
Shadovin, HP 80/80
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 12:36
  • msg #11

1st Mission

Fafhrd made eye contact with his good friend Mouse as she spoke to him and offered nothing more than a simple nod of agreement.  They had been given very little to go on and he felt that there wasn't anything that could possibly be asked that would garner any additional information.  He rarely spoke for the sole purpose of hearing his own voice.

Though local taverns and pubs were likely the best place to start Fafhrd couldn't help but roll his eyes at the suggestion.  He knew there was a high likelihood that Mouse would end up drinking too much, which would likely result in her smashing a few heads together.  The woman loved a good barroom brawl.  Though, her fights usually succeeded in drawing attention away from his efforts to gather information.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:19, Fri 06 Aug 2021.
Gray Mouser
player, 6 posts
Grey Elf Rogue Ranger
HP: 90/90
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 14:30
  • msg #12

1st Mission

With Fafhrd onboard she looked to the other's, Anyone else not 'investigating' up for a few drinks with me?

She knew that not everyone's strength's laid in seeking information and unless there were tasks that they were suited for to be done then a few might as well come along and help provide a distraction for and to possibly protect those who were.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:02, Fri 06 Aug 2021.
Jak Woodshock
player, 5 posts
Ahrahkoonem Swash Shaman
You don't know Jak
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 20:12
  • msg #13

1st Mission

He was late for the meeting and found others rushing out as he was rushing in. If both sides hadn't been in a hurry, there might have been an issue between Jak and the Gray Mouser's overly large kitty-cat.

"So, what'd I miss?" he asked those still there.

There were a couple of new faces that he didn't recognize, but he spotted Carissa. After he got caught up, he then asked:

"What does that leave us to do? Some went off to the Harbormaster and some went off to the docks to check out the dives."

"Anyone else know what to check out? Do you think they would have stuck together or scattered? One of them could have gone into the city and disappeared amid the teeming masses. Should we try looking for them there?"

"Oh-oh! What about a fortuneteller?"

Jak Woodshock
player, 7 posts
Ahrahkoonem Swash Shaman
You don't know Jak
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 00:28
  • msg #14

1st Mission

Did she ignore him because she thought he was a talking animal?

Did he stutter?

Did she not understand him? Was his accent that bad?

Well, it was too soon for him to get upset. He was already use to that sort of treatment.

"Guess I'll go join one of the teams," he said to those still hanging around.

No one objected, so he headed out the door.

"Let's see... where were they going? Oh, yeah! The Harbormaster!"

So that's where he went.
GM StarMaster
GM, 26 posts
Mon 23 Aug 2021
at 19:59
  • msg #15

1st Mission

Unless you wanted to meet somewhere else, everyone meets back here.

Once you compare what information you found, you can figure out what step to take next.
Capt. Flynn Braddock
NPC, 2 posts
Human Bounty Hunter
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 18:01
  • msg #16

1st Mission

"So, you haven't found a lead yet," Captain Braddock says when everyone's returned and made their reports.

"I was starting to suspect something along those lines, Gray. It wasn't making any sense otherwise. No reason Qadira wouldn't have just hired bounty hunters. And that's only because of the humiliation... perceived humiliation, I might add... of having to pay to get Captain Slye back... if only to find out what happened to their pride-and-joy warship."

"I think it's safe to assume that Slye probably didn't give an accurate or truthful account. Hell, he may have blamed Absalom as a way to divert attention from his own ineptitude."

"Actually, now that it's come up, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that some one in the Qadira government might not have encouraged him to tell that particular lie."

"So, the ship never sailed into Absalom. Doesn't surprise me. Seeking asylum here probably wouldn't have worked out well for them anyway. As liberal as Absalom can be, mutiny isn't something a seafaring nation can tolerate."

"Not sure why Qadira thinks we would. Somebody behind the scenes wants something rather badly--that's my guess. From here on out, you should definitely watch your backs. Someone with power and influence... and probably wealth... doesn't want the mutineers to be found alive."

"Also, if you're not careful, you could get drawn into this web of intrigue... as collusion or scapegoats."

"The mutineers would have had a hard time going to any port along the Inner Sea. We should probably consider islands. They could have decided to settle on one of them, lived on the ship's supplies for a few months... even dismantled the ship to build houses."

"You might try checking out Diobel first, though. They could have put in there in the dark to resupply. Better quality and prices to be had in Absalom, but far greater risk."

"Anything else?"

Gray Mouser
player, 27 posts
Grey Elf u-Rogue - Ranger
HP 90 AC 27 F+8 R+11 W+5
Sat 28 Aug 2021
at 13:22
  • msg #17

1st Mission

The Gray Mouser was not happy with the lack of real leads.

It appears our only recourse is to acquire a ship and head out and start searching and seeking information at ports along the Inner Sea.  Diobel is as good a place to start as any.  Does anyone else feel they have a better plan?

The best Map I could find of the Inner Sea Region:

MAP Deleted
This message was last edited by the player at 22:47, Wed 01 Sept 2021.
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 15 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Sat 28 Aug 2021
at 17:13
  • msg #18

1st Mission

"And it seems this Sirdar Ormizd is quite eager to see the muteneers silenced... making me all the more eager to have a chat with them."

At Gray's comment, Arthur asks "Wasn't Ochnam working on a ship? Perhaps we could use it for this expedition?"
Aikio Ebonfeather
player, 11 posts
Tengu Rogue Monk
Sat 28 Aug 2021
at 19:55
  • msg #19

1st Mission

"As sound a plan as any," said Aikio.

Her attired had returned to fine yet simple robes.

"Diobel is a good place to start."
GM StarMaster
GM, 28 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 00:36
  • msg #20

1st Mission

Nice map, but it looks to be some future version of Golarion or someone's alternate universe. I can't find any reference to 'New Absalom'.

Western Absalom is Andoran at the present time, and Eastern Absalom is Taldor.
player, 19 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 05:14
  • msg #21

1st Mission

Kass counts out the gold that had been stored and looks at it for any distinguishing features. He asks "this Dagger was with the letters of Marque. It is magical, but I am not able to Discern its properties. Perhaps it is an aid to finding the ship or the mutineers? Can someone find out?"
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 17 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 14:12
  • msg #22

1st Mission

"Allow me," Arthur says, whispering a quick spell to examine the item's magical aura.

OOC: Casting Detect Magic, and using my Spellcraft to identify the item. And I can identify an item that's level... 6 or lower. Not too impressive. I make sure to check for marks or writings too, in case there's something to identify the owner.

10:11, Today: Arthur Spellseeker rolled 21 using 1d20+17.  Spellcraft.

player, 17 posts
Shadovin, HP 80/80
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 19:24
  • msg #23

1st Mission

Fafhrd ponders upon Diobel in an attempt to share anything of interest or importance about the journey there and the place itself.

16:23, Today: Fafhrd rolled 28 using 1d20+25.  Knowledge: Geography.

And this is why I prefer to stick to taking 10 when possible...the die roller roles shite too much of the time lol.

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