1st Mission

Captain Flynn Braddock sat at the head of the table waiting patiently for all of League of Pathfinders to show up. As a special group of the Retriever's Guild, they were the ones most likely to be assigned to the more important retrievals.
"Most of you may already know this information, but I'm going to repeat it for those of you that may not know it," the Captain began.
"Some captains of Taldor's merchant fleet claim to be sailing under letters of Marque that gives them permission to attack the Golden Fleets of Qadira. Whether true or not, pirates have been attacking Qadira ships. Qadira finally had enough! They sent a small fleet to Taldor to put an end to the attacks."
"One of those ships was the Avenger, the latest and most advanced warship in the Qadira navy. It was under the command of Captain Slye. As the Avenger approached the Taldor Sea, a nasty fog set it and the Avenger became separated from the rest of the fleet. Most of the crew feared this was an ill omen, and they first recommended that the captain turn back, then protested against continuing. Bound for glory and treasure, Captain Slye had no intention of going back without a victory."
"Suddenly the fog cleared and the Avenger found itself facing ten Taldorian pirate ships. The rest of the Qadira fleet was nowhere to be seen."
"Whether Captain Slye truly believed that his ship could defeat the pirates or whether he was just too stubborn to admit failure, he command the crew to continue the attack."
"The crew, feeling they were sailing to their doom and under the prompting of the First Officer, Tarik Marwan, mutinied. After taking over the ship, the put the captain in a lifeboat and then fled from the Taldor ships."
"Captain Slye was 'rescued' by the Taldorians and they then ransomed him back to Qadira for 50,000 gold sovereigns, adding insult to injury."
"Qadira has put out a bounty on the mutineers... 20,000 gold for each of the six 'ring leaders' brought back alive so that they can be court-martialed and hung. The bounty is only 10,000 gold for each one brought back dead."
"There's an additional 20,000 gold reward if you bring back the Avenger, though most people think it's been sunk. There's also a 1,000 gold bounty on each of the other ten crewmen."
"Rumors have started that the mutineers have sought refuge in Absalom, despite the government's protests to the contrary. Lord Gyr requests that the Retriever's Guild find the mutineers before war breaks out. If they aren't returned to Qadira, Qadira will declare war on Absalom, or so the theory goes. They can probably get Geb and Katapesh to join them, and probably bribe Taldor to go along. Qadira's pockets are deep, and as a satrap of Casmaron, its potential army is even deeper."
"No one seriously thinks that Absalom could fall, but such a war could cause a lot of death, grief, and economic turmoil."
"The six men are Tarik Marwan, Umar Malik, Xavier Altair, Bari the Lynx, Kamal Kade, and Omar Ferran."
"So, that's your assignment. Any questions?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:41, Wed 04 Aug 2021.