1-A: At the Docks and Dives

Carissa joins the others towards the docks and what rough company they may find tonight. Now that she knew what may be required for tonight, she had bound herself with the spirits of Lady Jarah and the painter of paradox, Muse Istago.
As they walk, Carissa and her clothing shift subtly, to those of more Qadiran style, loose and more fit to those of a dancer; her hair and features shifting subtly to reflect more of the Qadiran look she has seen before. With the aid of the Lady of Rogues, she reaches for the gift of tongues, now able to speak both Taldan and Kelish.
Upon hearing Gray Mouser's remarks to Aikio and Fafhrd's idea, she nods. "Once the tavern begins to fill, and you begin playing, I think a rousing Qadiran dance to remind some of the sailors a bit of home might help to at least draw their attention, if not get them to buy me a drink or three."
She will wait a few moments before entering the tavern, taking up position boldly near the bar as she orders herself something to drink and scans the room as she plays with the rim of her drink, waiting for Fafhrd to appear. She will wait until Fafhrd plays a song or two then calls out for something livelier.
If he does, then Carissa will give a wide smile, and walk to the center of the tavern, her body moving to the music as she raises her hands, turning and swaying with the beat, as if she were back in the tents of the desert.
As she twists and dances, riding the notes of the music, her appearance shifts again, somehow becoming something more alluring, something more personal to each onlooker in the tavern. Perhaps something to remind them of home.
Rewrite Self: You can alter your physical appearance as a move action (Lady Jarah)
Across All Cultures: Select a number of non-secret languages that you cannot speak equal to your Charisma bonus (+6). You can speak those languages for the duration of the pact.(Lady Jarah)
Perform (Dance) Take 10+15=25
Aura of Distracting Beauty: As a standard action, you weave your physical appearance into a different form for all onlookers, causing them to see perfection in you. Creatures within 30 feet that can see you must make a Will save or become fascinated until you take a hostile action of any sort against a fascinated creature or one of its allies. (Lady Jarah)