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19:27, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

1-A: At the Docks and Dives.

Posted by GM StarMasterFor group 0
GM StarMaster
GM, 13 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 17:46
  • msg #1

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

Gray Mouser headed out of the Retrievers' Guild building in the north side of the city and made her way down to the docks, which are mostly on the south side harbor, but there are also some private ones on east side.

At any given time, there are 20-30 ships in the harbor, some loading, some unloading, some getting refitted, and others just sitting there trying hard to turn into a rotting hulk.

At a rough guess, there are maybe just as many bars, inns, pubs, and taverns along the docks. Just over a mile in length, a first walk along the docks and wharves turns up the following places. (Italics indicate what looks like a dive; bold indicates an upscale place.)

The Blue Horizon
The Harp and Seal
Six Tridents
The Captain's Cabin
Tattered Sails
The Black Barnacle
The Drunken Sailor
The Swinging Lanterns
The No Way Inn
The Crow's Nest
The Rusty Anchor
The Buxom Wench
The Skull and Bones
The Rum and Grog
The Salty Dog
The Broken Dagger
Wayfinder's Rest
The Seven Sails Inn
Merchant's Best Rest
The Jibbed Sail
The Dolphin's Wake
The Silver Dagger
The Broken Wheel
The Diamond in the Rough
The Flying Fish
The Bald Diver

At the same time, you are looking at the ships. You don't have really good information about the stolen ship, so it's hard to say what constitutes a 'large' ship or even a 'warship'. There are maybe three that could qualify, with half a dozen more possibilities.

(Anyone else going with Gray Mouser?)
Aikio Ebonfeather
player, 4 posts
Tengu Rogue Monk
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 21:28
  • msg #2

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

The Tengu woman strode alongside Gray Mouser as they headed toward the docks.

"I don’t know that we’ve been introduced formally," she said, pushing back the hood of her cloak, revealing pitch black plumage and eyes set in a narrow avian face, with a modest matte and slightly less dark beak. "I am called Aikio Ebonfeather. If I may ask, what is your name, and what are your areas of expertise?"
Gray Mouser
player, 11 posts
Grey Elf Rogue Ranger
HP: 90/90
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 01:17
  • msg #3

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

The Gray Mouser reached up and removed her helmet then with a slight bow to Aikio said, Well Met Jinx Eater. She used the term used by sailors and pirates for that had been her only experience with Tengu and she realized not the term's full meaning and thought it was an honorific applied to all Tengu.

She addressed Aikio and any others that may have joined her and Fafhrd, My expertise are those of warrior, scout, healer and tracker. She then hooked her helmet to a clip on her belt and looked back to the Tengu, And you?  What are your areas of expertise?
This message was last edited by the player at 17:15, Mon 09 Aug 2021.
Aikio Ebonfeather
player, 5 posts
Tengu Rogue Monk
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 03:01
  • msg #4

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

Aikio raised an eyebrow at Gray Mouser, but said nothing of the superstitious title.

"My skills include combat, scouting, subterfuge, infiltration, medical, and negotiation," she said. "While acquiring information directly is not something at which I’m particularly practiced, I have had some success with an indirect approach. A seedier establishment will serve my purposes."

She nodded toward some of the less reputable watering holes as they passed, seeing if any of them seemed to her comrade a good spot to start digging.
Jarinvar the Warcat
NPC, 2 posts
Animal Companion
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 12:26
  • msg #5

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

As his master exited the building he had been waiting outside of he followed her but only after she had said "come".  The ever watchful companion kept all of it's senses focused on the area around them for any signs of danger.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:00, Sun 08 Aug 2021.
Gray Mouser
player, 12 posts
Grey Elf Rogue Ranger
HP: 90/90
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 13:05
  • msg #6

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

I am very skilled at acquiring information through torture but otherwise not so good.
player, 6 posts
Shadovin, HP 80/80
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 13:28
  • msg #7

1-A: At the Docks and Dives

The little Shadovin followed his friend, Mouse, and any of their new companions that chose to join them (Aikio being one...) as they made their way toward the docks and the various establishments to be found there.

Conversation surrounding skills and abilities had been raised, as was common when Pathfinders were assigned to a mission with others they hadn't previously worked with.  It was never a bad idea to know what the strengths of your allies were.

Fafhrd chimed in: "Though not much of a fighter, my skills are varied. I'm versed in the ways of stealth, infiltration, deception, disguise, subterfuge, and sabotage. I'm quite knowledgeable in a multitude of topics...and, though I'm normally not one to brag, I will say that there aren't many performers with talents superior to mine.  I also have some modest healing magics.  Though, my greatest strength likely lies in my abilities of persuasion and acquiring information through diplomacy."

As an afterthought, Fafhrd turned to Aikio and asked: "Friend. How long have you been in a state of migration?"

reference to migrating:

Tengus are extremely social, banding together in extended communities with many families living in adjacent houses and sharing the work of the household. In cities, a community may also contain members of other ancestries. Tengu children raised in the same unit consider each other siblings, usually forgetting which of them share a biological connection.

The greatest divide in tengu society is between tengus remaining in their ancestral home and those who have dispersed across the world. Tengus refer to these two groups as those “in the roost” and those “migrating,” respectively. Roosted tengus tend to be more traditionalist and conservative and are especially concerned with preserving their culture in the face of years of erosion from oppression. Migrating tengus, on the other hand, voraciously absorb the culture of the various nations and settlements that they now call home.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:31, Sun 08 Aug 2021.
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