1-A: At the Docks and Dives

Gray Mouser headed out of the Retrievers' Guild building in the north side of the city and made her way down to the docks, which are mostly on the south side harbor, but there are also some private ones on east side.
At any given time, there are 20-30 ships in the harbor, some loading, some unloading, some getting refitted, and others just sitting there trying hard to turn into a rotting hulk.
At a rough guess, there are maybe just as many bars, inns, pubs, and taverns along the docks. Just over a mile in length, a first walk along the docks and wharves turns up the following places. (Italics indicate what looks like a dive; bold indicates an upscale place.)
The Blue Horizon
The Harp and Seal
Six Tridents
The Captain's Cabin
Tattered Sails
The Black Barnacle
The Drunken Sailor
The Swinging Lanterns
The No Way Inn
The Crow's Nest
The Rusty Anchor
The Buxom Wench
The Skull and Bones
The Rum and Grog
The Salty Dog
The Broken Dagger
Wayfinder's Rest
The Seven Sails Inn
Merchant's Best Rest
The Jibbed Sail
The Dolphin's Wake
The Silver Dagger
The Broken Wheel
The Diamond in the Rough
The Flying Fish
The Bald Diver
At the same time, you are looking at the ships. You don't have really good information about the stolen ship, so it's hard to say what constitutes a 'large' ship or even a 'warship'. There are maybe three that could qualify, with half a dozen more possibilities.
(Anyone else going with Gray Mouser?)