1-B: Harbor Lights
Kass slips through the stern windows of the captain's cabin and begins searching. It would appear as if the captain is fairly experienced as there are no papers left on the desk, and one of the drawers of the desk is locked.
It's not a complex or sophisticated lock so Kass makes short work of that. And there are papers in the drawer. Kass quickly begins to look through them.
There is a letter of recommendation that Lieutenant Goram Hazir be promoted to the rank of Captain and be given his own ship. It was written a week ago but it isn't signed yet.
There are some expenditure vouchers, and notes about somethings to be bought... new boots, a pillow, cigars, incense, another blanket, and Queenie's Chocolates.
The other drawers contain ink, blotter sand, blank paper, and a quill pen. The bottom drawer has four bottles of spirits. There's a small locked box in the center drawer, which Kass opens to find a signet ring, sealing wax in three colors, and a dozen tindertwigs.
While this all seems perfectly normal, it leaves Kass feeling... unsatisfied. He looks around the cabin as if he's going to find an answer there... and maybe he does, as he realizes that there should be other important papers. While the captain might carry them in a waterproof leather pouch, it doesn't feel right. Not here, not under these circumstances.
There aren't that many places to hide something like that in the cabin. Secret compartment in the desk? Maybe one in the floor? Possibly in the wardrobe or the bed? And then he remembers an old tale he heard years ago, told by an even older retired captain. Supposedly built by an Elven woodworker, a secret compartment had been put into one of the ceiling beams on that captain's ship.
Looking up at the ceiling, Kass sees that two of the beams are wider and thicker than the other three. Not that that is particularly unusual unto itself. Thicker beams are often used on certain points to reinforce the structure.
After examining the beam for a minute, he tries to wiggle the beam but it doesn't budge. Feels as solid as it should. Then he spots the knot. Anomalous? Possibly. He tries pushing it, and, to his surprise, it moves inward. Grabbing the beam with his other hand, the beam seems to fold downward from a long hinge along the forward edge.
Although thick, the beam is still partially hollow, with a channel running about half the length. On the left end, there is the leather document pouch. On the right, there are stacks of gold coins. In the center, is a dagger.