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22:15, 20th January 2025 (GMT+0)

1-B: Harbor Lights.

Posted by GM StarMasterFor group 0
GM StarMaster
GM, 14 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 17:56
  • msg #1

1-B: Harbor Lights

Arthur had decided to visit the harbormaster to see if he had any information on the missing ship or the mutineers.

The harbormaster's office is on the second floor of a tower built just off the wharves. The bottom level is the Dockmaster's tavern and inn. Access to the harbormaster's office is via a set of external stairs, which also continue up to the roof which also has a railing around it. Three sides of the office are windows looking out onto the harbor.

Inside, there are two desks--the harbormaster's and his assistant. The back wall is half covered by wooden filing cabinets. An assortment of maritime bric-a-brac adorn the tops of the cabinets and there's a really nice seascape painting on the wall above the filing cabinets.

Presumably it's the harbormaster sitting at the desk.

(OOC: Anyone else going with Arthur?)
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 6 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 22:57
  • msg #2

1-B: Harbor Lights

Once past the door, Arthur pulls back his hood slightly. "Good day, sir. I apologize for imposing on your busy schedule, but my employer, sir Erodel, wishes to acquire a new vessel. However, he is, shall we say, eccentric. A soothsayer convinced him that his fortune would come with a used Qadiran vessel. And thus, I am forced to disturb you in hope that you could tell us where to find any such vessel in our fair harbor. Could you please assist us?"

OOC: Rolled a 27 for my bluff... with a 2 on my dice. It's a good thing I maxed out that skill...

18:55, Today: Arthur Spellseeker rolled 27 using 1d20+25.  Bluff check (using Linguistic from Orator).

player, 7 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 23:46
  • msg #3

1-B: Harbor Lights

'Ere they entered, Kass remarks "I stayed silent while the Captain raged, but I don't think of these men as mutineers. Simply intelligent, practical men. Captain Skye was either insane or stupid to take on 10-to-1 odds with no support. Half the crew, at least, were needed to man the ship, and the fact that they got away means the ship was more nimble than heavily-weaponed. But since the job is the job, perhaps we can lure them out, either by offering berths or buying their ship, or at least appearing to. If they've heard of the bounty, they will wish to disassociate from the vessel, and find berths elsewhere."
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 7 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 00:24
  • msg #4

1-B: Harbor Lights

"I share your opinion, my friend. But there's more to their flight than simple survival. Setting aside the embarrassment of defeat, the fact that they ran off with a state-of-the-art warship is an issue Qadira cannot ignore. Not to mention that there may be more to this battle than we know about..." Arthur answers. "If anything, finding the ship, or the sailors, will tell us more about what really happened."
GM StarMaster
GM, 16 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 02:54
  • msg #5

1-B: Harbor Lights

"Hello. I'm the Harbormaster, Jondar Krade," the man behind the desk says.

"Well, I suppose you've come to the right person. I pretty much know all the ships in the harbor at any time."

"Now, if you're talking about a merchant ship, those are independently owned. We have three in the harbor at the moment: the Sea Sprite, the Golden Sunrise, and the Profiteer. I don't know that any of the captains are interested in selling, but you never know."

"If, on the other hand, you are talking about Qadiran naval ships, I'm pretty sure the captain that ship isn't capable of selling you his ship. That would be the Endurance. That's her, over there on Dock 7. She's put in for water and supplies, but she's also brought a... delegation."

Arthur Spellseeker
player, 8 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 12:43
  • msg #6

1-B: Harbor Lights

"A delegation? Are we speaking of a diplomatic vessel? In that case, I should likely ask them directly." Arthur says as he looks at the indicated vessel. Despite what he just said, he had a feeling that the delegation was less about diplomacy, and more about investigation. As in, the same investigation they were on. "Either way, could you point me to the merchant ships as well? I know it is an unlikely endavor, but a task must be attempted, even if it cannot be fulfilled."
player, 10 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 13:07
  • msg #7

1-B: Harbor Lights

Kass waits outside the office, offering a Stony glare at any who linger or show unusual interest in the person looking for a vessel to purchase. His glare is threatening enough to make a gargoyle pee gravel.
GM StarMaster
GM, 17 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 17:56
  • msg #8

1-B: Harbor Lights

Jondar directs Arthur to the ships mentioned. The various docks are of different lengths such that some can only accommodate one ship while others can accommodate up to three ships (if they aren't too large).

Absalom is a rather progressive city, reasonably neat and regulated, as evidence by the large signs at the base of each dock identifying it by number. While you might not be able to read the numbers of all the signs for the entire length of the wharves, you could do so with a spyglass easily enough. If nothing else, you can identify the Qadiran ships by the striped sails, although most of them are furled while in port.

Kass waits at the bottom of the outside stairs, attempting to discourage anyone from intruding on Arthur's meeting with the harbormaster. As it turns out, it's a pointless effort as no one even seems intent on visiting the harbormaster.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:57, Mon 09 Aug 2021.
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 9 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 22:03
  • msg #9

1-B: Harbor Lights

Thanking the harbormaster, Arthur steps out to rejoin Kass. "It seems we have four vessels of Qadiran build right now. It's a thin lead, but at the very least we should check them to see signs of camouflage. Starting with the one most likely to be an issue..."

He walks toward the Endurance, explaining what the harbormaster said. "If it's delegated by Qadira, there's a chance it's their own group of adventurers looking for the Avenger. Or we may be lucky, and the mutineers are bolder than we anticipated..."

Walking slowly past the ship, Arthur takes a good look at the ship's name, trying to see if it had been altered. As he does this, he speaks to Kass in Sphinx. "I could attempt to look inside, but they may have protections against such magics. What do you think?"
player, 11 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 03:03
  • msg #10

1-B: Harbor Lights

Kass responds in kind (in Sphinx) "I have little magic, mostly to help me fight. However I am excellent at stealth, so if you could provide a distraction? I also have a natural climbing ability and could seek entrance into the ship from below, assuming such an opening exists."
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 10 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 12:19
  • msg #11

1-B: Harbor Lights

With a nod, Arthur casts a spell to shift his view to the vessel's window. "I can only offer a few minutes of distraction, so we should make sure we make the most of it. I'll see if I can find the captain's cabin. If there's anything useful, it should be there."

I cast Clairvoyance to look through windows that could indicate a cabin.
player, 12 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Thu 12 Aug 2021
at 03:02
  • msg #12

1-B: Harbor Lights

While Arthur scans, Kass looks over the vessel to observe both movement patterns onboard and any possible ports that could give one access belowdecks.

19:59, Today: Kass rolled 24 using 1d20+17.  Perception.

GM StarMaster
GM, 19 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 14:49
  • msg #13

1-B: Harbor Lights

The only windows are those at the stern, and those are the captain's quarters.

There are no viewports along the side of the ship.

The name on the ship doesn't look like it's been 'altered', but it is a plaque which could easily be made aboard the ship and then affixed to the hull.

At a rough guess, the ship has a complement of about 40 men, all dressed in what you think are Qadiran naval uniforms. Some are standing watch, some are working on the ship, some are just lounging about. In port, they'd be on different shifts. It does not appear as if they've been given shore leave yet.
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 11 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 17:43
  • msg #14

1-B: Harbor Lights

"Mmm... this could be difficult." Arthur says, pointing at the large crew, and looking through his spellbook. "I could likely draw their attention to one side, but getting into the captain's cabin looks difficult. I can give you a few minutes of invisibility, as well as a way to share a brief message. I'm not sure what papers can be found there, but hopefully they'll have a bit more information on our targets, or the battle."

OOC: If he agrees, I'll cast Invisibility and Message on Kass. I'll wait until he's had time to move close to the windows, before moving on the gangplank to address the crew.
I'll use Diplomacy to influence their attitude, and Fascinate the three guys closest to the captain's cabin.

player, 13 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Tue 17 Aug 2021
at 16:26
  • msg #15

1-B: Harbor Lights

Kass accepts the invisiblity. He then quietly enters the water and makes his way to the hull. Ascending the hull like a gecko on a stone wall, he makes his way up to the windows of the Captain's cabin and waits for the distraction.

00:51, Today: Kass rolled 24 using 1d20+16.  Climb.

00:51, Today: Kass rolled 24 using 1d20+19.  Stealth.

00:51, Today: Kass rolled 18 using 1d20+6.  Swim.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:52, Wed 18 Aug 2021.
GM StarMaster
GM, 22 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 21:03
  • msg #16

1-B: Harbor Lights

Arthur moves to the gangplank, which is almost level with the dock, indicating that the ship has a full cargo hold or else it'd be riding higher in the water.

Just his movement that far draw the attention of the watch, and a minute later, several more of the crew.

His mere presence at the foot of the gangplank, just standing there waiting (?), is sufficient to gain the crew's attention. A few seem unnerved, a few try prompting the watch commander to say something, and a few start looking belligerently threatening.

Just as the watch commander is about to say something, Arthur begins speaking, professing to have heard great tales of such a fine ship. He soon shifts into telling his own tales of great derring-do.

Meanwhile, Kass has no problem swimming through the water to the stern of the ship and then climbing up the siding to the rear windows. A quick glance through them shows the cabin to be absent of people at the moment.

The windows consist of two sets of two that swing outward. One of them is already ajar, held in the partially open position by a wooden peg inserted through the restraining bar and into the sill. It's easy enough to reach in and remove the pin to let the window swing wide open.
player, 14 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 21:32
  • msg #17

1-B: Harbor Lights

Kass manipulates himself through the portal without dislodging the pin.

14:29, Today: Kass rolled 29 using 1d20+12.  Escape Artist

He then quietly goes through the cabin, seeking papers or letters that indicate correspondence or orders.

14:33, Today: Kass rolled 40 using 1d20+21.  Stealth.

14:33, Today: Kass rolled 24 using 1d20+17.  Perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:34, Wed 18 Aug 2021.
Jak Woodshock
player, 8 posts
Ahrahkoonem Swash Shaman
You don't know Jak
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #18

1-B: Harbor Lights

It took him a while to find those that went to the Harbormaster, only doing so when he heard the Bard talking to a ship.

Technically, he was giving a speech to the crew, but it looked more like he was talking to the ship.

Now where'd the other one go?

He walked up to Arthur, not intending to interrupt whatever it was he was doing, and just stood there next to him, listening to his stories.
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 12 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 02:35
  • msg #19

1-B: Harbor Lights

Arthur is careful to not move closer to the ship, not wanting to antagonize the crew anymore than they already were. Not that it made his task harder, the crew members he was concerned about were close enough to address already.

"My time at the academy did not, alas, spare me the time to examine such magnificent vessels as yours. Your lateen sails are a magnificent sight. I understand they are quite efficient at sailing against the wind, yes? Quite an impressive design."

Arthur had not spent much time studying ships, but he knew enough of the terminology to pass quite convincingly as a curious naval scholar. Though it did leave him too distracted to notice Jak.

OOC: If I have to alter reaction, I have a +24 to my check before rolling. Otherwise, I have a 32 to pass as sails fanatic. Oh, and the save DC for my Fascinate is 17.

22:24, Today: Arthur Spellseeker rolled 32 using 1d20+25.  Bluff check (using Linguistic from Orator).

GM StarMaster
GM, 25 posts
Sat 21 Aug 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #20

1-B: Harbor Lights

Kass slips through the stern windows of the captain's cabin and begins searching. It would appear as if the captain is fairly experienced as there are no papers left on the desk, and one of the drawers of the desk is locked.

It's not a complex or sophisticated lock so Kass makes short work of that. And there are papers in the drawer. Kass quickly begins to look through them.

There is a letter of recommendation that Lieutenant Goram Hazir be promoted to the rank of Captain and be given his own ship. It was written a week ago but it isn't signed yet.

There are some expenditure vouchers, and notes about somethings to be bought... new boots, a pillow, cigars, incense, another blanket, and Queenie's Chocolates.

The other drawers contain ink, blotter sand, blank paper, and a quill pen. The bottom drawer has four bottles of spirits. There's a small locked box in the center drawer, which Kass opens to find a signet ring, sealing wax in three colors, and a dozen tindertwigs.

While this all seems perfectly normal, it leaves Kass feeling... unsatisfied. He looks around the cabin as if he's going to find an answer there... and maybe he does, as he realizes that there should be other important papers. While the captain might carry them in a waterproof leather pouch, it doesn't feel right. Not here, not under these circumstances.

There aren't that many places to hide something like that in the cabin. Secret compartment in the desk? Maybe one in the floor? Possibly in the wardrobe or the bed? And then he remembers an old tale he heard years ago, told by an even older retired captain. Supposedly built by an Elven woodworker, a secret compartment had been put into one of the ceiling beams on that captain's ship.

Looking up at the ceiling, Kass sees that two of the beams are wider and thicker than the other three. Not that that is particularly unusual unto itself. Thicker beams are often used on certain points to reinforce the structure.

After examining the beam for a minute, he tries to wiggle the beam but it doesn't budge. Feels as solid as it should. Then he spots the knot. Anomalous? Possibly. He tries pushing it, and, to his surprise, it moves inward. Grabbing the beam with his other hand, the beam seems to fold downward from a long hinge along the forward edge.

Although thick, the beam is still partially hollow, with a channel running about half the length. On the left end, there is the leather document pouch. On the right, there are stacks of gold coins. In the center, is a dagger.
player, 15 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 19:15
  • msg #21

1-B: Harbor Lights

Kass pulls out the document pouch and quickly perused its contents. He casts a Detect Magic SLA on the Dagger as well.
GM StarMaster
GM, 27 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 21:35
  • msg #22

1-B: Harbor Lights

There are three documents in there.

1.) Orders from Admiral Farouk to find the mutineers and bring them and the ship back to Qadira to stand trial.

2.) A letter from Sirdar Ormizd recommending that it would be better for the country if the mutineers never made it back to Qadira as their trial and execution could turn them into martyrs for potential insurgents.

3.) Letter of Marque signed by Satrap Xerbystes II stating that the Captain and his ship are authorized to attack any ship at sea that is an enemy of Qadira.

The dagger does detect as magical.
player, 17 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 22:39
  • msg #23

1-B: Harbor Lights

Having sympathy for the 'mutineers', and believing the Dagger to be a tool for finding them, Kass robs the spot of document pouch, gold, and dagger, placing them all in his waterproof Handy haversack. He replaces the boom and slips out the way he came in, slithering down to the water. But he was unable to leave without dislodging the stick holding the portal open. He tried to replace it, but did not wish to linger, so it looked 'moved.

15:39, Today: Kass rolled 11 using 1d20+10.  Escape Artist .

15:39, Today: Kass rolled 33 using 1d20+19.  Stealth.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:42, Thu 26 Aug 2021.
Arthur Spellseeker
player, 13 posts
Human Arcanist Bard
HP: 52 / 52
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #24

1-B: Harbor Lights

As soon as Arthur realizes Kass has left, he makes his exit as well, returning to the rest of the team.
player, 18 posts
Solaric U-Rogue Ranger
HP 94 AC 26 F+9 R+14 W+8
Sat 28 Aug 2021
at 14:40
  • msg #25

1-B: Harbor Lights

If undetected, Kass makes his way to shore and then tries to find Arthur.
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