1c: Overland Group

Unaware that he's been 'charmed', Krip doesn't seem to be bothered by Gray Mouser's comment, perhaps not fully grasping her meaning. He does glance around at everyone, even smiles a bit at sight of Jak.
"Not admitting to anything," he said apparently after making up his mind. "The way I heard it, this fella had been shanghaied from his farm in Qadira. Well, he wasn't on the farm at the time; he was at the port buying fish for the family. Or so they say."
"Then suddenly he was on this ship--the biggest ship he'd ever seen! They needed crew because they were going to war. Now, the captain couldn't let him go, of course, but he did let him send a message back to the farm saying he'd run off to sea."
"Being used to farm work, shipboard duties weren't hard for him. He did have trouble getting his sea legs."
"Then came the day of the battle. This fella was below decks, still being sick from all the tossing and heaving of the ship. That's when the mutiny happened. He had no say in it, no part in it... it was over and done with before he found out about it. The captain was set adrift in a boat with two of his loyal followers."
"The mutineers seemed to know what they'd done was wrong and that Qadira would probably hunt them down. So they had to decide where to go to escape punishment. They felt going south was a really bad idea because that'd be where all the Qadira ships would be. That left west."
"If they wanted to be pirates, they could have gone to the Shackles. Or even Mediogalti. Maybe Rahadoum. Piracy was the last thing on their minds; they just wanted to get away. They didn't want the ship, but it was all they had."
"So, west and north was where they decided to go. They were still debating it when this fella jumped ship... with permission, of course... he wasn't needed just for sailing. He was only good for battle."
"Possibly the Cheliax islands, or, more ambitious, Hermea. Or Varisia even more northward."
"See, they weren't sure of where they were going because they didn't have very good sea charts up that way. It was way beyond the reach of Qadira, which is why they were considering it."
"All this fella in the story wanted was to go home. And, of course, that's all it was--a story."
As he finished talking, he clearly had a bit of trepidation, which Gray realized was because the farmer and his family would protect this man... or try. They knew they didn't stand a chance against the group, but they would try just the same. Krip was feeling a bit guilty on that account.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:30, Fri 18 Nov 2022.