In my experience, discussion of options doesn't really make a difference in the outcome, it just delays things in a format that is already very, very slow. The less people can ask questions and the more they can take action, the faster things can go.
I don't know if you aimed your post to me, or to the other players or to all us in general. However your post peaked my curiosity and I would like to ask, if I may;
What's the rush?
I think we can agree on that PbP is very slow, it's given. What (little) experience I have about PbP games, I've noticed that more the players are willing to role play along the way, i.e talk in-character, ask questions from each others and the GM and propose possible solutions to whatever fictional situation they're facing in the imaginary world, the more they're enjoying the game and find it engaging. It's about the journey, not the destination, so to speak.
Simply trying to 'get to the end-game fastest way possible' sounds like... I don't know... a dull experience of solving the fictional Sudoku presented by the GM, maybe. Maybe I read it wrong.