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14:41, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Purge's arrival.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 11 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #1

The Purge's arrival

The Purge dropped out of hyperspace suddenly, the hyperdrive as well as a number of other systems have failed and been failing for a while. It was getting to a catastrophic level. Imperial Engineers thought it could make one last trip before it needed to be taken out of service.

The captain sent a group consisting of an engineer and five Stormtroopers. Within thirty minutes they came under attack. The captain then decided to start sending prisoners to do the job instead of risking his men.
Jan Arano
NPC, 1 post
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 02:27
  • msg #2

The Purge's arrival

As far as Jan knew she was the sole survivor. She had been using Viper probe droid to scout the ship safely and to eliminate as many of the zombies as possible before they were destroyed. She was down to four left on the entire ship. The zombies the moment they discovered the probe droids easily overwhelmed and destroyed them.

Her last destroyed probe droid reported seeing Stormtroopers and an engineer. Her first thought was she pulled up the wrong data. After confirming she had the right data she began accessing other systems. The helmet of her second was on display in her office. "Sel you'll never guess what I just saw. There is a ship docked." She began trying to access the communications systems. She slammed her hands on the console. "Fraging idiots failed to get the communications systems fixed."
Shill Tyson
player, 4 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #3

The Purge's arrival

Shill stood at the window of his cell, looking out. There weren't any shell heads around, they seemed to have disappeared.

"Anyone know what the frell is going on?"

It was slow, but Shill was starting to get a bad feeling about things going on, something that he hadn't felt in a very long time. There was an unconscious fear response and he wanted to flee, he backed away from the window, a fight or flight response starting to build.
Morai Aliath
player, 4 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #4

The Purge's arrival

"Don't know what a frell is but not a clue, she ship sounds bad though, I mean worse then when I got on it, perhaps the reactor is down?" the Twi'lek responds down the cellblock to whoever asked the question "I'd say we either broke down or they wanna kill us slow with a broken ship." She begins to look around the cell for anything she may be able to use as a weapon.
GM, 12 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #5

The Purge's arrival

A squad of Stormtroopers arrived one holding a communicator held it out. A holographic image of the captain appeared.  “As you might have guessed there is a problem with the ship. We have docked with what we thought was an abandoned Star Destroyer. We have no idea what happened over there but something has turned the crew into cannibals. We know it’s not airborne. We sent over an engineer and some Stormtroopers. They were all killed. Imperial High Command has decided to send prisoners instead of wasting Imperial lives. Any survivors who come back uninflected with one or more parts we need to fix this ship will be given a year off their sentence. Anyone who come back with information on what happened on the Star Destroyer will be given two years off. If you bring back survivors you will be given time off their sentence depending on the rank of the survivor, the higher the rank the more time off. Volunteers will be given access to weapons to defend themselves and any survivors. Of course if you survive you will have to sign a NDA before you will be given your reward. Do I have any volunteers?”
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:15, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Ran Sorr
Character, 2 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #6

The Purge's arrival

Ran didn’t believe they would really offer time off her sentence, besides to get out before she was old she would have to bring back every part and seven admirals. “I’ll volunteer.” Star Destroyers had smaller ships on board she planned to steal one and make her escape. Maybe even get the dirt on the Empire’s sick little experiment and give them one hell of a black eye or maybe even get a sample of it so she could weaponize it and use it against the Empire.
Shill Tyson
player, 5 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 02:44
  • msg #7

The Purge's arrival

He could feel a tightness in his chest, a gear response. But there was the thought of the compliment of an Imperial class Star Destroyer, they were supposed to have 8 Lambda class shuttles. Those were light speed capable ships. One of them could get him out of this system. There was a great risk but it would be worth it.

"I volunteer."

If there was something that dangerous over there would they dare to arm them? They would need to in order to give a chance of success
Morai Aliath
player, 5 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #8

The Purge's arrival

Not finding anything of use as a weapon when bucketheads come in and offer weapons in exchange to helping figure out what's wrong with the ship. With any luck she gets away with her life, at worst she kills a few bucketheads and the ship stays scuttled, "I'll go, but what weapons do we get?"
GM, 13 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 09:20
  • msg #9

The Purge's arrival

The captain waited for a bit to see if any others would volunteer. “No more volunteers. Disappointing. As for your weapons you will be using standard Imperial Stormtrooper weaponry. We have set up an air lock to act as a buffer to make sure no infected get on the Purge. We have disabled the ability to open the air lock to get on the Purge. Only way on to the Purge if someone already on the Purge lets you on. I would not recommend eating or drinking anything over there that isn’t perfectly sealed, whatever it is while not airborne now may have been at one time contaminating anything opened. I shouldn’t have to say this but there are some really dumb criminals, don’t lick any surfaces.” He pointed to a prisoner who was currently licking and grinding against the wall of his cell. The captain then shook his head. “If you follow the Stormtroopers they will escort you. Try anything and you will be executed.” The locks on their cells disengaged.
Shill Tyson
player, 6 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 15:04
  • msg #10

The Purge's arrival

He had no intention of returning to this ship in any way, a chance, any chance was better than returning to this hell.

"Fine, lead the way."

He looked at the Twi'Lek and Mandalorian as they walked. Mandalorian had a fearsome reputation, she should be able to handle herself. The Twi'Lek was a pilot and the Lambda class shuttles really did take two to fly. This should work out... maybe... if they could survive.

"Shill Tyson."
GM, 14 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 20:20
  • msg #11

The Purge's arrival

The Stormtroopers escorted them to the airlock where the chief medical officer was waiting. "I will be implanting each of you with a tracking device. That way you can be better guided through the ship."

Each prisoner was injected with a tracking device at the base of the skull. They were then given a C1 personal comlink. A Stormtrooper then showed them codes for the airlock on both sides. "Memorize it. If you forget it, you will be trapped on that ship. As for your weapons. There are plenty on the other side of the airlock. He gave them each some ammunition. I recommend looting corpses for anything useful whenever you can. You might also want to consider putting on some Stormtrooper armor if you can find any that fits."

A Stormtrooper opened the airlock for them. Once they were all in he closed the airlock.
Ran Sorr
Character, 3 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #12

The Purge's arrival

Ran unlocked the airlock to the Star Destroyer. She picked up an E-22 reciprocating double-barreled blaster rifle and a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.

She noticed some DH-17 blaster pistols and E-11 blaster rifles on the ground. She studied some of the dead corpses. She didn't find any thermal detonators or other explosives. She wouldn't dare sully her body with that cheap Stormtrooper garbage armor.

"I assume you all also plan to find a ship and escape?"
Morai Aliath
player, 6 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #13

The Purge's arrival

Morai exits the cell arms held at 90 degrees to her body then again at the elbows showing her hands were empty, all it would take is one jumpy trooper to put a bolt in her back. "Morai Aliath" she responds before being led to the airlock, keeping her hands up the whole time in case.

"Couldn't even leave some pieces of armour could they, gotta scrounge it off the infected, not that it will fit anyway" she says as she looks at the assembled motley collection of gear available and tries to decide what to grab. Spying an A280C that was under a pile of E-11's, then a pair of EC-17's, not the best pistols but better than nothing and a small vibroblade in case it gets real close and ugly.

With the talk of escape she looks at the mando and says "Obviously but they may have implanted a detonator in the tracker, if we can hit up the med bay and see if a droid can extract it then all the better"
Shill Tyson
player, 7 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 04:28
  • msg #14

The Purge's arrival

Shill steps forward, locating a couple of dead officers, he takes a couple of RK-3 blaster pistols, including the holsters and spare ammunition. There were a lot of dead troopers around and a good selection of weapons. Shill picks up a TL-50 repeating blaster.

"The Lambda class shuttle is the only thing that we are likely to find that is light speed capable. Anything else isn't going to get us far enough from this place. A Lambda shuttle really needs two pilots."

He straps on the holsters, making it easy for him to draw both of the pistols if needed. He ejects the pair of magazines for the heavy blaster and inserts new ones, it was at less than half a charge. He straps a bandoleer across his chest, he brought the rifle up and aimed down the corridor but paused for a moment to stoop and pick up a stun batton, hooking it onto the bandoleer.

"It would be worth going to sick bay, at least examine the implants to see if there is anything dangerous. Who wants point?"
Morai Aliath
player, 7 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 05:06
  • msg #15

The Purge's arrival

"Take turns?" Morai suggests "20 minutes at front then rotate to the back, keeps everyone fresh and not on point or rear too long?
Shill Tyson
player, 8 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 05:34
  • msg #16

The Purge's arrival

He stepped forward, bringing the heavy blaster up to his shoulder, tucking it in tight. He kept his aim low. A blaster, a clumsy and random weapon, but one that he had been using for the past 20 years.

"I've got the lead."

He started to move down the hallway where he thought Sickbay would be located. It was traditionally located in the central part of the ship.
GM, 15 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 13:01
  • msg #17

Re: The Purge's arrival

They arrived at the sickbay, it was locked. There was a message scrawled on the door in blood, some of it was smeared and unreadable.


A Togruta prisoner that also volunteered opened the door before anyone could voice an opinion. A Stormtrooper grabbed him and began feasting on the neck.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:06, Sun 07 Aug 2022.
Ran Sorr
Character, 4 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 13:11
  • msg #18

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran could see multiple people pounce on the Togruta prisoner to feed. She began working to close the door. She spoke softly barely a whisper.

"If they stop eating that fool, start shooting."

After a moment the door began to close. She then blasted the controls so no one could open it.

"Can we agree messages written in blood on doors means never open no matter what?"
Shill Tyson
player, 9 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #19

Re: The Purge's arrival

The heavy blaster opened up into the mass is storm troopers munching on the prisoner. It was a mercy compared to what was happening to him.

"Frell this place. We need to head straight to the hanger bay."

His hand goes to the back of his neck, feeling for the transponder beneath the skin. When he was younger, he would have been able to just pull it out using the force. Now... He could still touch the force but it was a pale shadow of what he had been able to do.
Morai Aliath
player, 8 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 19:04
  • msg #20

Re: The Purge's arrival

"If I get grabbed please just shoot me in the head" she says watching Togruta get ripped apart as and after Shill puts them out of their misery. "And agreed, straight to the shuttlebay, if we need to use the vibroblade to cut the transponder out, hopefully someone has better then basic med skills, or we find a bacta bandage." she adds shouldering the blaster rifle and looking down the corridor.
Shill Tyson
player, 10 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #21

Re: The Purge's arrival

"It would be best if it didn't come to that, the Lambda take two pilots and a someone to act as engineer to be fully effective. But if it comes to it, I'll shoot you in your pretty face."

There was the slightest grin at the end, but Shill felt no amusement.
Jan Arano
Character, 2 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #22

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan was able to access internal communication. She overheard the trio talking.

"If you are planning to take a shuttle out think again. The infection can't spread beyond this ship. My job is to ensure the infection doesn't spread. Most of my men gave their lives to do two things destroy any chance of escaping the ship and destroy the hyperdrive. We couldn't disable anything as we learned early on that zombies are capable of utilizing blasters, operating turrets, and piloting starships. We would have scuttled the entire ship but the scientists were positive they could come up with a cure. They failed, they turned. As far as I know, I am the only survivor. I lack the manpower to scuttle the ship. I tried using blaster-equipped drones to thin the heard. But the zombies overwhelmed them and destroyed them. Now I only have a few left. If you are not willing to help then turn around and leave."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:03, Mon 08 Aug 2022.
Ran Sorr
Character, 5 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #23

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran looked around she shot the camera and the speaker. "Should we believe the voice? I for one don't believe her. I say we go for the shuttles anyway or at the very least check out a security station to verify. We'll need to find someone or something with security clearance first."
Morai Aliath
player, 9 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 00:23
  • msg #24

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Won't hurt to double check, I mean a year off a life sentence is still life" Morai says to Mando eyeing for other comms that may need to be taken out as they moved out.
Kiana Vell
player, 2 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 07:55
  • msg #25

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kiana Vell came to with a start.

The tactical screen in the pilot's briefing room still showed the plans for the day's exercises.  It cast the whole room in a pale green light, including Kiana herself, sprawled on the floor with a throbbing headache.  She was a slim woman with dark hair cut short and features that never seemed to smile.  She wore the green uniform of an Imperial flight officer, with a pair of blue squares on her rank plaque that marked her as a junior lieutenant.  Slowly, she sat up, bringing a hand to her sore head.  It came back slick with blood.

"Shit..." she muttered, dabbing her head a little more; she looked to the side and saw some blood on the pulpit.  The events came back to her in a rush; the sight of Imperial officers eating each other had been rampant in the hallway.  She had shot Commander Benning, but he had kept coming.  In a panic, she had stepped back through the door and locked it, then she must have tripped and hit her head.

How long have I been out?  She stood up and moved to the tactical display where a clock marked that two hours had passed.  For a moment, she just stared at the display, letting the throbbing in her head settle down.  Two hours, when officers had been going mad on the ship?  And nobody had disturbed her here?  That meant things had gotten bad.
Jan Arano
Character, 3 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 19:03
  • msg #26

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan was cycling through the security feed. "Sel! You won't believe this! There is another crew member alive!" She began speaking to Kiana.

"This is Jan Arano chief of security on this desolate hell hole. Please tell me you weren't bitten or scratched."
GM, 16 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 19:08
  • msg #27

Re: The Purge's arrival

The prisoners arrived at security station. The top right corner of the screen was covered in blood. Before one of the prisoners could do anything the screen changed to show several Lambda shuttles had been blown up from the inside. The room was also had numerous zombies in it. Way to many to take out on their own.
Kiana Vell
player, 4 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #28

Re: The Purge's arrival

As the speaker crackled to life, Kiana jumped.  She stared at the speaker for a moment, surprised at herself for being so jumpy, then stepped over to press the button.

"Kiana Vell, Junior Lieutenant.  TIE Pilot.  I haven't been bitten, what... is the situation?" she asked.  What the hell is going on?
Shill Tyson
player, 12 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #29

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill stands next to the wall, hunched over a bit to present a smaller target, the heavy repeating blaster rifle held tight to his shoulder. He could feel the fear and panic among those that still lived on the ship. From the others... just hunger. He was never that sensitive to the emotions around him and much of the abilities he had had become suppressed over the years, except when he was playing sabacc, but this was invasive. He could feel his own fear building and building.

He stopped, closing his eyes and remembering the words of Master Eerious, calm and peace... he closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, in through his nose and out of his mouth. It was calming, it put the fear to the back of the mind and did not let it over take him.

"We should keep going. I don't trust anything an Imperial has to say. We need to check the hanger bay, if we can get out, we should."

His voice is actually completely calm.
Morai Aliath
player, 12 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 15:15
  • msg #30

Re: The Purge's arrival

Feeling a sense dread at the potential of staying on this tub she tries to get the camera to pan around "Agreed, we need to check it out ourselves even if all we get is some ties, we won't be able to leave the system but we can at least get away from the flesh eating monsters maybe fine a planet nearby" she says to the others
Kya Jax
player, 1 post
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #31

Re: The Purge's arrival


Figuring she had little real choice in the matter Kya volunteered to accompany the other prisoners onto the other ship to investigate. She felt the others were likely all of like-mind; go onto the Imperial capital ship and find a way off, a shuttle or something. Unlike the others, her sentence was only for ten years, even though most people knew the empire could keep you a prisoner for as long as they liked... Procedures mattered little these days. Also unlike the others, she wasn’t a warrior, or combatant...

She was small and insignificant enough that the others mostly ignored her as they made their way to the airlock and then the other ship. She picked up one of the E-11 blasters, wishing there was something smaller. The thing was heavy... As the others discussed the situation among themselves it took her a few minutes to figure out how to insert the energy cell into the weapon and to identify where the safety was... God, I hope I don’t shoot anyone in the back accidentally... She thought to herself...

As they made their way towards the med-back she moved her free hand to the back of her neck. She felt the hypo-insertion point where the tracking device had been implanted; it was close to her neural interface, the one no one here knew about. If she could find a proper connection point she might be able to short out the tracker, and whatever else they injected her with... Despite a walking order having been determined by the Twilek, she found herself falling behind and having to briskly move back into position and she would certainly not volunteer to go up front...

Following the incident at the med-bay they ventured to one of the vessels many security stations... She ignored the monitor screens and made her way to the interface port and she started to dig around for a droid interface cable... She heard the Twilek, whose name eluded her at the moment suggest finding a nearby planet and she frowned... “Speaking of planets, any idea where we are?” She asked as she continued to rummage through the contents of the security desk...
player, 2 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 14:46
  • msg #32

Re: The Purge's arrival

A roar comes at one of the stormtroopers as the wookiee growls and barks as he apparently wanted to go on this 'suicide mission'. He didn't care what he was sentenced for other then ripping stormtrooprs apart. Of course in defense that is. His old captain. Damn him. The wookiee got the whole crap load of blame for it because what he did-so did Roryll. Apparently. Compare to Kya, he towers over her. Hell towers over everyone least here. at 8'-0" tall. The wookiee doesn't have a weapon. He'd like one but honestly...he -is- a weapon. As he goes to the med bay and wherever the group is, Roryll looks around for any weapons. Of course the stormtrooper armor definatly won't fit! A occasional roar and bark comes from him, as he seems to be agrivated with this mess. Upon hearing the speaker come to life and someone at the end, he seems to focus on it.
Ran Sorr
Character, 6 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 16:29
  • msg #33

Re: The Purge's arrival

The prisoners made their way to the shuttle bay with only a single incident. They avoided opening every door that had messages written in blood. The door to the shuttle bay had blood smeared all over it. They could clearly see the beginning of a message. 'DO' the rest was unfinished. There was a Stormtrooper zombie stumbling in the opposite direction.

Ran noticed a ventilation shaft. "Let me check out the situation before we open the door. Keep your eyes peeled for more." She shot the zombie and then shot the vent open. She tossed her blaster inside and then climbed in.

The ventilation shaft led to a vent overlooking the shuttle bay. She kicked out the vent. It brought the zombies right to her they began firing. Ran scrambled out of the way fast. She made her way back to the others. "Shit that was close. Zombies still know how to fire blasters. There isn't a single usable vessel in there and even if there was there are way too many for us to deal with."
Jan Arano
Character, 4 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 16:53
  • msg #34

Re: The Purge's arrival

"The situation is fubared. Scientists have created a virus or whatever that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. The zombies are capable of firing blasters and a lot more. Before anything could escape I had the hyperdrive destroyed along with all shuttles and Ties. External communication is down. Internal communication works...for now. We have been boarded by prisoners, how or why they are here is still being determined. Stay put for the moment while I deal with our visitors."

Jan addressed the prisoners over the intercom. "Can't believe a video feed? Had to see for yourself. There is no way off this ship except the ship you came in on. If you want a chance to survive you will have to do what I say. If not turn around and leave. Otherwise, I can just open the doors and activate the alarms to bring the zombies to you. No more screwing around. So will you help, leave, or die? Your choice. You have a minute to decide. If you don't choose, then you chose death." Jan began counting to sixty.
Shill Tyson
player, 16 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #35

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill glances back at the woman who seemed to be falling behind and struggling with the E-11, there was a shake of his head.  He unstrapped one of the blaster pistols he had picked up, holding it out to her, holster and all.

"Don't fall behind. There are a lot of them on this ship, they are likely to come up behind us."

They would need to go with the Imperial for now, they really had no choice. There wasn't time for a discussion. He held up his hand and gave a nod to the nearest camera.

"Fine bitch, we will go with you."

Looking at the others, he shrugged.

"No choice."
player, 7 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 17:45
  • msg #36

Re: The Purge's arrival

Oh the angry slowly brewing forth from Roryll seems to 'ooze' out of him. Who the hell was she to yell at them? If the wookiee got his claws on her she wish the zombies got to her first. And to think she needs them but insults them at every turn? Anything is better then dealing with that blasted Jan. Least Roryll had someone to fight even if it ment death. But least he wouldn't be in prison! From now on-Roryll goes to take any intercoms and slam them down and throw them. Yeah he's mad. And people wonder why he hates Imperials. Always order people around. Take over worlds and force people to do their bidding.

That's why Roryll never got married (Joke!)

Seeing Kya lagging behind he does what he knows best-He picks her up with one arm and throws her over his shoulder. Seriously. All fireman-like. If he can see the intercom and get to it he throws it against the wall trying to shatter it.

Another roar and bark again comes from the Wookiee.

Now Shill is ordering them around? Well not really ordering. Commanding? Naw. Something about him bugs Roryll. Not like the Imperials though, not like he wants to utterly rip into them....
Morai Aliath
player, 14 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #37

Re: The Purge's arrival

"If you got all these controls why not vent the hanger? Even if there's nothing left for us to boost, you get rid of a lot of the damn biters" Morai asks the disembodied voice of the Imp as the Wookie who's carrying the small human woman like a sack of tubers over his shoulder.

Whenever the Wookies yells she will glare it it and the last time she stands her ground in front of it and says in a harsh whisper "Hey, shut it, you yelling will draw those damned things to us, and you don't even have a blaster, one bite and you could become one so either pick up a gun as some point and be a little quieter, I've heard quieter Trandoshans."
Jan Arano
Character, 5 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #38

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan rolled her eyes at the Twi'lek's suggestion. "Good grief. Sel these prisoners are dumb."

She addressed the prisoners again. "I told you my job is to ensure the infection doesn't spread. They are the undead, they don't breathe. They retain some to all of their knowledge. If I vent them to space and they somehow manage to get aboard another ship they will spread the infection."

She turned on a series of emergency lights. "Follow the lights. It will take you to where you need to go first. It will take longer than normal but I am directing you around the heaviest infected areas. Two corridors from where you are is a dozen zombies. They are outside a room with a survivor. If you try anything with her,..." There was a very loud thud followed by a single shot from a blaster. "I suggest you remember my previous threat."

She began communicating with Kiana. "The prisoners I told you about are coming your way. They will kill the zombies and free you. So just hold tight for the moment and be prepared to defend yourself in case their stupidity outweighs their willingness to survive. I am not to confident on that at the moment but beggars can't be choosers."
player, 10 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #39

Re: The Purge's arrival

The twi'lek gets ignored by the wookiee. He's dealt with Imprerials for a long time and now he has to deal with a hot headed twi'lek? The wookiee grunts, hearing the comment of Trandoshans and that makes him more angry then he was. He flexes his one hand, the other probably holding Kya (if allowed), the claws digging into his palm. And now he's getting complained at from the mandolorian? Heck everyone is as good as dead or rather undead. And now they are getting ordered around by the Imprerial? First Jan now Shill and that bloody twi'lek acting like she's the boss. No one is his boss.

Its take a lot for the wookiee to keep his anger down but he's obviously not happy. Imps insults. Jans insult. Now the twi'lek and he was supposed to work for them to solve a imperial mess?

Roryll waits, not taking the lead. Heck he doesn't trust anyone-specially Morai and Jan. And he's oddly quiet. Could be a good thing. Or a bad one.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:55, Tue 16 Aug 2022.
Kya Jax
player, 4 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 12:16
  • msg #40

Re: The Purge's arrival

When it was offered Kya took the blaster pistol and she dropped the E-11 and she simply nodded in thanks as she fastened the belt about her thin waist. She did peer back when the male suggested they might creep up behind them, then she hurried to catch up and place herself closer to the middle of the group as she took up the cable she’s lifted from the security station. One end had a standard scomp-link and she started to fiddle with the other as she moved.

When the intercom spoke up, she looked about at the others, thinking they were in a rather precarious position. Her free hand moved to the back of her neck to the injection point as she considered their options, as few as they were... Before she can speak her peace though she found herself lifted form the ground... She immediately started to pound at the stinky fur... “Hey. Put me down, you oversized bathroom rug!” she called as she pounded her small fists and kicked with her knees.

“And stop breaking stuff...!” She added as she was hopefully returned to her feet.
Shill Tyson
player, 18 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 12:48
  • msg #41

Re: The Purge's arrival

He looks at the others closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.

"I am going to go and meet with this Imperial, I do not believe we have any choice. They have control of at least some of the operational systems. But I am not going to go back aboard the prison ship. A specialist is supposed to come an interview me in a week, if I am there when they arrive, I will be executed. I have nothing to lose."

His face was completely calm, almost serene.

"I am going to head up there now, I would greatly appreciate some company."

He looks at some conduits, reaching up to pull out a large pipe that has broken loose, offering it to the wookie.
player, 11 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 12:51
  • msg #42

Re: The Purge's arrival

Like she was a doll, the wookiee gently placed her down. He tilts his head, doing as she asked. Probably the nicest thing anyone said to him this entire 'mission' for crying out load even though it was rude. What is wrong with these people for crying out loud? If he was hunting, he wouldn't have wasted his time. Mouthing off to a Wookiee-even a one handed one at the time-isn't the smartest move. His eyes narrow on the twi'lek and he turns back to Kya. Breaking stuff? He didn't break anything-if he did that bloody imperial wouldn't be ordering them around. When he gets a chance-Jan will find out why he was under lock and chain as well as several other restraints. It seems like everyone is against him. Bloody hell. Oddly, his massive paw goes to rest on Kya's shoulder before moving back to his side. The wookiee looks around for any weapon and when offered the pipe, he takes it. When Shill speaks, the wookiee watches him and nods. Hell if he starts barking everyone will hear him.


The wookiee grips the pipe one handed, and seems ready to bash in heads.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:56, Tue 16 Aug 2022.
Morai Aliath
player, 15 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 17:55
  • msg #43

Re: The Purge's arrival

"I'll go with you" she says bringing her rifle back to her shoulder and prepares to follow the  smuggler, "Do you want point or want me to?" she adds as she gets besides him.
player, 13 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #44

Re: The Purge's arrival

Despite having a bit of a argument with the hot headed twi'lek that is just asking to have her head exploded courtesy of Roryll, the wookiee follows as well. He glances at Kya to see if she is following but if she doesn't he'll remain with her. Sticking together is a good thing. But sticking with a big wookiee?
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 7 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #45

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran followed after the others. She wasn't interested in being left alone. As she walked she kept an eye out for anything that she could turn into an IED. She was also keeping an eye for the armory.

Upon arrival at the designated spot she saw the two dozen zombies. She shot at one in the chest. All it did was piss off the zombie. She shot it several more times in the chest. She finally shot it in the face.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 19 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #46

Re: The Purge's arrival

He looks at Morai for a moment before giving her a nod. He gestures to just behind him on his left.

"Stay right with me, you cover everything coming from the front to the left, I'll cover to the right. When we come to a split in the corridor, you cover to the left, I'll stay right."

He starts down the corridor, when they encounter the walking corpses, he brings the heavy blaster up, firing off a long burst right at head level for the group of them. It didn't take long for him to learn from the experience of others.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 16 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 00:51
  • msg #47

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai moves along with Shill, keeping to her side as he does his and when the Mando moves forward and opens fire she takes as much cover as she can in the open hallways and fires her rifle in triple bursts blasting a few limbs off and putting a few through chests, none of which do much good so she readjusts her aim and takes a pair in the head, some deflecting off helms but eventually bursting them open and putting them down for good.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 6 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 09:40
  • msg #48

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan Arano:
"The situation is fubared. Scientists have created a virus or whatever that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. The zombies are capable of firing blasters and a lot more. Before anything could escape I had the hyperdrive destroyed along with all shuttles and Ties. External communication is down. Internal communication works...for now. We have been boarded by prisoners, how or why they are here is still being determined. Stay put for the moment while I deal with our visitors."

Kiana stared at the comm for a long moment.  The words that were coming out of it were crazy.  A virus that turned people into zombies?  The hyperdrive and all spacecraft destroyed?  External communication down?  She felt a rising well of panic the situation was described to her; she put a hand out against the Flight Officer's pulpit to steady herself, taking a few deep breaths.

"Who... authorized the destruction of our ships?" she asked hesitantly.  The way this woman spoke, it sounded as if it had been her idea.

Jan Arano:
"The prisoners I told you about are coming your way. They will kill the zombies and free you. So just hold tight for the moment and be prepared to defend yourself in case their stupidity outweighs their willingness to survive. I am not to confident on that at the moment but beggars can't be choosers."

Her heart quickened, and she felt for the blaster pistol at her waist.  "How many prisoners?" she asked.  She could fight off two or three maybe, if they were hostile.  More than that would be a challenge.  She stepped around behind the pulpit, taking cover behind it.  Her blaster would remain at her side, for now.  Her heart was racing as she listened to the sounds of combat outside.
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 6 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 14:40
  • msg #49

Re: The Purge's arrival

When her feet were finally placed back on the ground she gave the wookie a nasty look, suggesting she wasn’t a fan of just being manhandled like that... She quickly adjusted her clothes before she looked at the others. “Yeah, I’m not staying here alone” she said as she pulled out the cable she’d been working on, adjusting the input to the scomp-link as she started to follow along with the others.

She’d been just about finished fixing the cable when she suddenly heard shots being fired around her. She quickly shoved herself against a wall, hopefully out of sight as she looked around, trying to figuring out what all the fuss was about, then she saw the zombies as she quickly drew her own pistol. She didn’t fire, preferring to keep the weapon as a last resort should the warrior-types not be able to handle the walking dead... Not like she could get much a shot off anyway; probably accidently hit one of her companions instead anyway...
Prisoner, 15 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 14:45
  • msg #50

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ironically, the wookiee acts like a big shield holding his pipe. If they want to get to Kya they will have to go threw him. And he's a lot of meat. He watches the others fire at the zombies but doesn't move from Kya. Seems out of everyone she isn't ordering him around so probably on his good side. Well for now. Hell right about now all you can see is Roryll since she's small behind him and against the wall.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 6 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #51

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Kiana I am the head of security for this ship. I am as far as I can tell the highest ranking officer aboard. My duty to the Empire and to humanity demanded I ensure the zombies can not get off the ship. Since they retain some to all of their knowledge I was forced to have the shuttles, Ties, and hyperdrive destroyed. The ship itself would have been destroyed but the incompetent scientists assured me they could find a cure or a vaccine, they are all now among the walking dead. As for the number of prisoners I'll be honest, it's more than you can take on by yourself but you really got no choice at this point. You either starve to death in there or you risk it with the prisoners. I suggest not pissing off the Wookie, he's already agitated. Also not sure if it is a guy or a girl, hard to tell with those giant fur bags. They have almost killed all of the zombies." She paused for a moment. The sound of pounding could be heard in the background. "Can you kill a zombie? They are already technically dead if you believe those idiot scientists. If it does count as killing, then I am in for one hell of a court marshall." She looked at the zombified remains of the captain of the Venator.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 7 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 20:21
  • msg #52

Re: The Purge's arrival

As Jan spoke her piece over the comm, Kiana felt her blood run cold.  Every way off the ship had been scuttled, and any way for the ship itself to get anywhere was also disabled.  There was a band of prisoners in the hallway including a wookie, and other than that the ship was full of undead monsters.  Kiana was a fighter, but her weapon of choice was a TIE Fighter.  Physically, she was no match for most of the prisoners unless they were starved and weak, and her marksmanship was merely average.

"Understood," she said, keeping her voice steady.  "What is our strategy?  Does this vaccine exist?"  How do we get off this ship?
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 20 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #53

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill maintains a perfect calm as they are charged by a small horde of zombies.  His focus is precise. Any of the shambles that brings up a weapon to bear on them gets a burst of fire from the tribarrelled repeating blaster. He is almost methodical in how he fires... aims... fires until the weapon is empty.

Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 17 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #54

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Covering" she replies as she slows down her rate of fire to conserve the charge she has left in the rifle to allow the smuggler to reload the large cumbersome weapon, trying to focus on head shots but there was a reason she was a pilot not a operations specialist, missing almost as much as she hits but before Shill can finish she runs out as well, "Dammit I'm out" she says reaching back and dragging one of the crappy EC-17's and opens up, winging a few of the zombies and even managing to drop one before the cell goes into overload, then she toss the thing at the zombies where it exploded like a small grenade taking the legs out from a technician who crashes down to the floor but continues to crawl "shit shit shit" she says dragging out the other pistol.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 7 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #55

Re: The Purge's arrival

“If there is a vaccine or a cure, no one knows the scientists never reported success before they became zombies or were completely consumed. So I wouldn’t count on it. Right now the strategy is stop the infection from leaving the ship by any means necessary. Until every last zombie is killed there is no escape for anyone. I am currently trapped by…” She stopped to count. “Two dozen zombies? Give or take. Luckily I have enough food to last a while. I was using blaster equipped droids to kill zombies but the probes were no match for the zombies. Down to a handful at best. Once I get you free, we need to focus on making contact with the ship the prisoners came from. If there are a lot of prisoners or Stormtroopers on that ship it can help or it can hurt. Either way it is currently our best and only hope to deal with the threat.”
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 7 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 13:19
  • msg #56

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya remained behind as much over as she could, and that cover now included the wookie. She looked about, seeing the others were still very much in the firing line. She might have gotten a shot off, had she be able to see anything.

There had to be a more efficient way to kill these things than blasters, which only seemed to piss them off in some instances. How did they remain animated even after death was the question, and were they capable of coherent talk? Doubtful she figured...
Prisoner, 16 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 17:46
  • msg #57

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee could help. But he doesn't. He remains where Kya is, watching and waiting. If they want to rush in and take on zombies, draining their weapons and making them dinner-good for them. Of course he has no weapons anyways besides the pipe. Roryll just watches and waits. Ideas are starting to creep into his head....
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 21 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #58

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Mandalorian, step up to the firing line!"

Shill keeps firing in short bursts, keeping the shots at head level. He drops down to a knee and charges the weapon for a second before releasing a conclusive blast, throwing the remaining zombies back. It would have likely killedd living opponents, but there was no telling what it would do to these creatures.

After the blast he stays in the position he was in, down on one knee, hunching toward a little bit.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 8 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #59

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill's concussive blast only knocked the zombies over. After the zombies got back up they were finished with headshots from Ran and the others.

"Taking positions around the door where the Imp can see you don't want the thing to think it can get away with shooting the person who opens the door."

She then had a brilliant idea. She grabbed one of the zombie corpses, it had a hole where the nose would be. Making sure she was standing off to the side, with her free hand she opened the door. Once the door was open she started shaking it and making zombie noises.
Prisoner, 17 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 13:55
  • msg #60

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee has several ideas but who would really listen to a wookiee anyways? Freeze them? Fire comes into mind. They seem hungry for flesh. Well not his flesh if he can help it. So instead of barking and getting the twi'lek irritated with his ideas he is silent. Why not? Let them die. Who cares right? Roryll remains close to Kya getting ready to beat the heck out of a zombie or zombies if they get too close. Blasters don't seem to work unless getting shot in the head. He steps forwards between anyone and Kyra. Big wookiee.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 22 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 23:37
  • msg #61

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill stayed in place as the others moved forward to finish off the zombie. As they finished them he stayed in the same position. Only after the last of them were down does he slump forward, the barrel of the heavy blaster coming to rest on the ground. He uses it to push himself up slowly. He stands there, a nasty blaster burn running along the left side of his chest. He takes a few deep breaths before moving forward to join the others.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
The words run through his mind.
"Pain is in the mind, it can be ignored."

Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 18 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #62

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai waits until the last zombie seems to stay down then cautiously moves forward "Cover me" she says to Shill as she goes forward, looping the rifle around her back and draws the vibroknife and the crappy pistol, kicks an extremity while pointing the pistol at it then shoves the vibroblade through eyes into the brain, 'better to be sure then be dead' she thinks before moving to the next. Once done, she takes cover at the door's side and waits for the Imp to leave the cell while trying to keep track of anything useful on the bodies, perhaps some vambraces or greaves. "Come on out Imp, the coast is clear for now"
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 8 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 08:49
  • msg #63

Re: The Purge's arrival

Crouched low in the pulpit, Kiana heard the fighting in the hall outside.  There were lots of blaster shots, plenty of shouting, and some sounds that were thoroughly unpleasant.  She was not accustomed to being afraid, but she had never come face to face with Rebels outside of the cockpit.  In a TIE Fighter, it was simple; shoot them before they shoot you.  Here, outgunned, outnumbered, and out-wookied, she was out of her depth.

The door slid open and there was... a zombie?  Had they learned to open doors?  Kiana ducked down, listening for a moment, clutching her blaster to her chest.  She was out of sight, but she could still hear it - there was something off about its moans, but she couldn't quite place it.

As the twi'lek called out to her, she grimaced.  "Clear?  Take a look at that door," she said.  The zombie Ran was shaking was definitely in the way.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 9 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 12:49
  • msg #64

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran was disappointed in the Imp's reaction, she was expecting a shriek or for the Imp to shoot the zombie. She dropped the zombie and stepped into the doorway. "Ugh! Why do you Imps always have to disappoint?" She motioned for the Imp to come out. "Your lucky the controls for this door had to be hotwired to get it open. If the zombies can operate blasters they surely can press buttons to open doors." She looked at both sides of the doors control panel. She noticed neither side was damaged, the hallway side is damaged now but it wasn't earlier. "There was nothing wrong with the controls why did I have to hotwire it to open it? Interesting." She tried another door it wouldn't open. The one with the zombies behind it from earlier opened up right away. "Seems like the inverse of what you would want to happen."
Jan Arano
Imperial, 8 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #65

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Now that you have rescued the survivor, I need you to get external communications open so that I can talk to whoever is on the ship you came from assuming there is anyone left on board of Imperial authority." The emergency lights lit the way to an elevator. "Straight shot to the elevator only four zombies in your way this time. Once at the elevator go to the fourth floor. Do not go to the third floor, outside the elevator on that floor is a hallway filled wall to wall with zombies. You wouldn't last two minutes before you are over..." There was the sound of something falling and then a blaster bolt. She cut comms at that point. She was lucky only one zombie could find its way through the vents to her at a time. She was also lucky they were not stealthy at all or they might actually have stood a chance at getting her.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 9 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 00:53
  • msg #66

Re: The Purge's arrival

From her position of cover, Kiana watched the Mandalorian toss the corpse aside and reveal herself in the doorway.  She had to fight down the urge to reply with an insult, and instead took a deep breath before rising to her feet.  She stepped out from behind the panel, sidelit in green from the briefing screen beside her.  She was slim, dressed in a green officer's uniform with a pair of blue rank pips that marked her as a lieutenant.  Her dark hair was cut short, and her eyes kept darting about as if scanning for danger.

"It seems like we're going to be working together for a time," she said as she reached the doorway, looking up at the Mandalorian.  Kiana was not a tall woman.  She had holstered her blaster pistol, but her hand rested near the grip.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 19 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #67

Re: The Purge's arrival

Coming back to the room, with cobbled storm trooper armour on her arms and shins "Best keep that in hand Imp, if we were going to kill you, we'd have just opened up when we opened the door, besides there are more of these things all over this star destroyer and I don't want to get bit cause you can't keep your weapon ready." she tells the officer before looking to the others "Should we look for explosives on the zombies?"
Prisoner, 18 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 01:14
  • msg #68

Re: The Purge's arrival

Watching Kiana, the wookiee doesn't say a word. Apparently he already got on everyones bad side for some unknown reason. He has to work with them, even if he doesn't like it. Standing in front of Kya, Roryll grips his pipe. Glancing around, he seems intent on looking for more zombies. Or any other weapon. The TIE pilot doesn't worry him as of yet. Even with the blaster pistol. He's gotten it a lot worse in the prison and in other situations but for some reason it didn't kill him.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 23 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #69

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill steps over to an emergency locker, popping it open and pulling out a bacta bandage, lifting up his shirt to apply it to the left side of his chest to cover the blaster burn.

"We made a lot of noise, we should really keep moving."

He pulls the shirt back down and load the third of 4 magazines into the heavy blaster.

"I hope you are good with that blaster Tie pilot."
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 10 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #70

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran reminded them they need to go to communications and get it up and running. She followed the light path like last time. Along the way she found where they stored nothing but standard issue Stormtrooper armor. She hotwired the room open and began putting on a brand new set. She was not about to wear one worn by a zombie. She did have some standards after all.
Prisoner, 19 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 15:26
  • msg #71

Re: The Purge's arrival

Grabbing a blaster if he can find one on the way there, he makes sure its functional (not firing it of course). Pipe in one hand, blaster in the other, the wookiee remains silent and watches the area remaining close to Kya in case something creeps up on them. Roryll watches and waits, patiently despite being bugged previously. If the twi'lek talks, the wookiee makes no sign he even hears her and probably does. Heck everyone in the ship can hear her talking. Once Ran is done, Roryll decides to grab some of the arm bracers and rip them open to make them large enough for the wookiee. Perhaps strap some together. Basically armored armband all makeshift. If he has the time, if not-he can ignore it.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 24 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 04:39
  • msg #72

Re: The Purge's arrival

He looks at the storm troopers armor. A trooper in a fully sealed suit could survive in a vacuum for up to 20 minutes. It might give them an edge. But he looks over at the rest... Morai and the Wookie couldn't seal up in the armor and would have to be left behind. He couldn't do that.

He steps over to Morai, she was the only one who really stepped up in the fight. She was a crack shot, but a decent shot who actually fought was more use than someone who held back.

"The A280C is a heavy weapon, if you loop the sling around your arm, it will give you better control when firing on burst or full auto."

He gives a smile and nod before starting down the lighted path.
Prisoner, 21 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 17:29
  • msg #73

Re: The Purge's arrival

Silently, the wookiee follows. Wait. Did he say -we- made a lot of noise?

Hell no. He stood there guarding Kya and didn't say a bloody word. Or roared. Silent as a mouse. Now he gets blamed for something he sure in hell never did? Oh how he is tempted to charge them all (well not Kya) and ripped them apart. He doesn't like being insulted and stated he did something he didn't do.

Oh wait. Damn Imperials. Not even in prison can he avoid it. Its all around him! Don't they realize ticking off a big wookiee is -not- a very smart move? He wants to take that smile and shove a fist into it.

Starting to sound like remaining in his cell where it is actually quiet was a better deal. Getting insulted by Imperials was one thing.
GM, 22 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #74

Re: The Purge's arrival

The unlikely band arrives at the communication room encountering only a couple of zombies. One was shot in the head by Kya accidentally, the other one was bashed in the head by Roryll's pipe. The communication room was not locked like the medical room.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 9 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #75

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan came over the intercom again but this time she was speaking at much a lower volume.

"The communications room is full of zombies. I suggest taking up firing positions before you open the door. Watch out for crossfire too. You wouldn't want to shoot each other would you?"
Prisoner, 22 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 18:55
  • msg #76

Re: The Purge's arrival

Making sure Kya is protected, Roryll checks his blaster. He keeps the pipe in one hand, blaster in the other. Making a fashion statement, the stormtrooper armbands look marvelous. Really. No? Though so but his arms are somewhat protected. Roryll expects to get barked and and ordered around-its almost as bad as being a prisoner. And he sure as hell doesn't like it. Just one side commment. Just one. And he looks at the twi'lek expecting it from her.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 25 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #77

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill steps up to the side of the door and looks to Morai and Ran to take the other side. If the Wookie could hold the middle, this could be successful.

He looks at the tie pilot and Kya.

"Could you two watch the back?"
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 11 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 13:03
  • msg #78

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Remember we are here to reestablish communications do not shoot the consoles. So take out their legs first then shoot them in the head. That way when you shoot them and inevitably one of our blaster bolts goes all the way through it won't hit a console."

Ran didn't want to deal with the whiny Imp bitch's retaliation after reporting they shot one of the consoles which turn out to be vital to restoring communications. Once everyone had taken their places. Ran took her position and pressed the button with her blaster rifle. The noise of the door opening got the attention of the zombies. Ran could see just about every zombie turn to face the door to see what it was. The smell coming from that room was off the charts horrible. There was no one distinct smell she could identify. If it weren't for the zombies she would take the time to barf. From her kneeling position, she shot several of the zombies in the knees. Once they were on the ground then she shot them in the head.
Prisoner, 23 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #79

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee sticks to Kya despite what Shrill wants. His eyes narrow on the man but he remains silent. When the door is opened and the fire begins, Roryll fires at one of the undead at his knees and then fires at his head. Rinse and repeat. He grips the pipe in his other hand as well. He turns to look back down the hall, expecting something or someone to try to flank them.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 20 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #80

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai takes Shill's advice and wraps the sling, pulling it tight giving it a snug fit to her shoulder "Like this?" she asks the smuggler and once he approved the move she followed down the hallway, keeping about six inches to a food from the wall in case of something reaching from a vent or doorway.

At the communication room she takes the opposite side of the doorway and gets on one knee to allow room for Ran to shoot over her. "ready" she whispers and when the door opens she unleashes controlled bursts, rounds to the legs, sawing them through or inflicting enough damage to drop the zombies to the ground before another burst into the heads, trying to target any with blasters in their hands before they can turn those blasters on the consoles or the makeshift crew.

The three of them keep up the fire, herself, Morai keeps her shots conservative, trying to keep her mags close to full when Shill reloads or Ran backs out of the way to do the same.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 26 posts
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #81

Re: The Purge's arrival

There was a nod and smile at Morai at the modified grip. It would facilitate better control.

hill maintains small bursts of fire, hitting the shamblers in the legs and following up with blasts to the heads. He stays conservative on his shots, not wating any. He keeps careful track of his ammo and calling out when he has to reload, being sure to space out reloading.

He keeps it up until he feels a deep hunger coming from their left, he glances over but doesn't see anything. He needed to trust his instincts, trust his feelings.

"Shifting to the hallway."

He turns just as four of the creatures come out of another door. Shill opens up into the faces of those who poured out. It was one, long, extended burst that dropped all four.
Prisoner, 24 posts
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #82

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee already has been shooting and waiting to see if they are getting surrounded or are looking good. Shoot the legs out. Then the head. Same routine. He remains close to Kya in case she needs help. Of course his shots come close to the others but they don't hit his supposed 'allies'. Roryll aims his gun at the back of the twi'leks skull. but lowers it and fires at the legs of a zombie. It falls down and then gets a facial blast.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 10 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #83

Re: The Purge's arrival

It was surreal, walking through familiar halls that looked so different.  There were blast marks, bloodstains, and bodies strewn about everywhere.  Kiana hadn't been on the Vector for long, but it had been long enough to know how wrong and different everything was.

It was even more surreal walking the Vector's halls with a bunch of Rebel prisoners.  Why were they loose?  They were giving her orders, but Kiana only responded with sullen looks and stayed near the back of the group.  She wanted to keep her eyes on everyone, to make sure nobody was about to shoot her in the back.  It was strange, however, that everybody seemed to accept her.  She felt her rage bubbling just below the surface; these were the same people who had killed her brother, and now they were working with her.  It was tempting to just open fire.

Still, Kiana was not suicidal.  She knew, rationally, that she needed their help.  As the doors opened to the communications room, she held her blaster pistol ready, watching for any zombies coming from behind them.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 10 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #84

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan watched as the last of the communications room zombies were killed. She then noticed the zombified XO of the Venator turned the corner and came shambling/running towards them.

“There is the XO kill him. You will need his code cylinder to do the job.”
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 11 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 13:34
  • msg #86

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran turned to see the XO coming. She pulled out her blaster pistol and shot at him. With the way he stumbled due to a severely fucked up right leg his head kept bobbing around, the three shots missed every time. “Fucking bastard.” She shot him in his good leg and sent him to the floor. She then shot him several more times in the head. She dug around the pockets in the officer uniform and found the code cylinder. She had big explosive plans for this this thing if she ever got off this death trap. She went to the Imperial in their midst. “Your clearly a pilot, so what do we need to do with this cylinder to get the communications back up and running. The Imp behind the speakers said we needed you so you must know how to get the comma up and running.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:34, Sat 27 Aug 2022.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 28 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 17:39
  • msg #87

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill held the heavy blaster at the ready, stepping back and putting his back to the wall, covering both directions at once. He goes down to one knee and just rests for a few moments. He could feel the bacta bandage working, deadening the pain and regenerating the tissue underneath.

He glanced at the side of the rifle, checking the charge left on the weapon.  It was still good for now.

"I'll cover the hallway, but you had better get that communications running fast."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 22 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #88

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Moving to clear the room" Morai says as she moved through the communications room ensuring each zombie is dead before returning to the others "Rooms clear, anyone know how to slice into this damned thing?" she asks them before looking at Kya "You got some slicing skills?"
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 9 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #89

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya had remained quiet in the background, not being much of a combatant type, and she nodded when told to watch the back with the pilot... She offered the Imperial a nod and smile before she knelt on one knee to make an even smaller target than she already was and she remained watchful that no zombie came up behind them...

Kya had no problem with specific Imperials. Sure they were generally evil oppressors and tyrant-like scumbags, but she saw many imperials as herself, opportunistic. They'd signed up with the winning side hoping to make a future for themselves. Good for them...

"Slice... Did someone say slice?" She said turning her head quickly before she moved into the comms room and gave the bodies and parts thereof a disgusted look before she made her way to the console. She pulled the cable she'd been working on and she moved a hand to the back of her head, lifting her long dark hair before she slipped the input jack into the neural terminal found at the back of her brain stem and she quickly slipped the other end of the cable into the scomp link...

"Child's play... What am I looking for, excalty?" She asked as her eyes started to blink rather quickly...
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 23 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 23:21
  • msg #90

Re: The Purge's arrival

"That's for the Imp to tell us" she says heading back to the doorway and taking up covering arc over the opposite side of corridor. "I got this side covered if you wanna keep that side covered" she tells Shill
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 12 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #91

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran took a seat inside the communication room. She began trying to figure out where the Imp behind the speaker was. She picked up several transmissions from inside the ship. She began playing them. All of them were the moaning and groaning of zombies. "All these channels and nothing good is ever on. Same old crap. The speaker Imp must not be broadcasting."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 29 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 03:02
  • msg #92

Re: The Purge's arrival

There was a nod and a slight smile as he acknowledged Morai and turned to focus on his section of hallway.

He speaks to the Twi'Lek in a low voice.

"Why are you fighting against the Empire? Do you really think there is a chance of actually hurting it? They are far more ruthless than you ever could be."

It isn't said with any recrimination, there seems to be a genuine sadness to his question.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 24 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 03:53
  • msg #93

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Ryloth has always been a target for slavers" she says "the republic tried as best they could to stem that, the Empire turns a blind eye at best to actively encourages it at worst. It may not seem like it but we damage them little by little, a freighter here, a light cruiser there and people will notice. A surveillance ship gets lost and people can move a bit freer. I mean before I got shot down with my crew we took out a squadron of TIE's and an IGV-55 and damaged a Victory 2, that may not seem like a lot against the whole navy, but for those people in those sectors, they see that they are not hopeless in their battle for freedom, but that their enemy can be hurt, and if it can hurt, it can be defeated." There was genuine emotion in her voice, anger at her people's plight but going into hopeful determination
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 13 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 12:53
  • msg #94

Re: The Purge's arrival

“I don’t care if I hurt the Empire I and the rest of the Nite Owls just want to make it known if you rule Mandalore and you are not a Mandalorian, that Mandalorians will make sure you die for that. Doesn’t matter how many times we have to do it. I didn’t join Death Watch to overthrow that pacifist bitch Satine only to side with her against Maul when he decided to take over Mandalore to let a puppet ruler takeover for the Emperor. Mandalore will be ruled by Mandalorians, anyone else will die. No PILOT! Get your ass moving. I ain’t standing around here protecting you for my health. Do what we rescued for or I put a hole through your skull.”
This message was last edited by the player at 12:58, Fri 02 Sept 2022.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 30 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 21:22
  • msg #95

Re: The Purge's arrival

There was a sad shake of his head.

"The Empire has over 25,000 Star Destroyers and hundreds of thousands of smaller ships. You damaged one older Star Destroyer.  The newer, Imperial II class Star Destroyers have 6 times the firepower. The Empire is over whelming. They kill anyone that stands up to them... including innocents. When you stand up to them, they will kill anyone you have ever known."

He continues to shake his head.

"The brutality of the empire is beyond comprehension to a sane person."

There is a slight quaver to his voice.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 14 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 23:46
  • msg #96

Re: The Purge's arrival

"I have killed..." She stopped to think. "Shit, never learned how many. I really wish I knew how many, at least a close estimate. They didn't kill me. They stuck me on that barge going to who knows where. They did some torturing and interrogating. I gave them some info on some people I despise, who betrayed Mandalore not long before the Empire came around. They can kill my clan if they want, stupid bitches sided with Maul, in fact they were the assholes I turned in. Just thinking about them getting snatched up by the Imps is orgasmic. I never destroyed a Star Destroyer, that's definitely on my bucket list though...if I ever escape."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 25 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #97

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Yes, but each ship has a crew in the hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands, old or new each ship is a resource that is lost, weakening the whole. Even star destroyers can be damaged, they lack the numbers to be everywhere in sufficient numbers and its something a clever force can strike and fade. I've seen reports of attacks on those imperial classes, two squadrons of new X-Wings nearly crippled it, it lost its shield generators, it's hyperdrive was wrecked, hanger demolished and its complement of fighters was lost. It might not be destroyed but that ship will take months to years to be rebuilt, hundreds of dead crew need replacing, thousands more needing medical help and retraining, the people around learn they can be hurt and they can be beaten, those who the Empire enslaves can see the glimmer of freedom for themselves and we can rise up and defeat them." She says looking back to the smuggler "They can't kill everyone in the galaxy no matter what they think."
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 1 post
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 09:23
  • msg #98

Re: The Purge's arrival

There is a nasty smell of raw sewage wafting in, and a slight squelching sound in the distance.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 26 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #99

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai almost retches with the smell spewing from the corridor "Oh nine hells I think one of them fell into the sewage recycler" she says preparing to fire down the corridor the second the shambler appears.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 15 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #100

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran was about to reply when the stench came wafting in like the Imperial army ready to conquer a planet. "By the gods!" She spoke in Mando'a her native tongue. She started to heave. "I'd kill for an air filtration unit like in my old helmet."

She moved away from the smell and took several deep breaths. She then took one large breath and held it. She then moved closer to investigate. The stench stung her eyes. She found a grate where the smell seemed to be the strongest. started poking at the grate with her blaster rifle. She would literally kill every one of her fellow prisoners if it meant obtaining a way to eliminate that smell. At this moment she was considering blowing up the entire ship to eliminate the smell plus it would cross an item off her bucket list, two birds one gigantic explosion.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 31 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #101

Re: The Purge's arrival

His head cocked to the side as if he were hearing something... his attention focuses on something distant.

"Wait! it isn't one of them."

He couldn't explain to them how he knew, but he did. He couldn't feel the hunger that he could off of the zombies, he could feel a whole host of emotions. For the first time in a long time, he was opening himself up to the flow of the force. And he could hear something... a musical tone.
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 2 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #102

Re: The Purge's arrival

Down the corridor, a figure turned the corner. They were humanoid, and wearing a sealed suit still smeared with something disgusting, and holding a toolbox and a welder. A human voice comes out from the suit "HEY! Any maintenance crew left here?".
This message was last edited by the player at 22:34, Sat 03 Sept 2022.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 27 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #103

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Stop where you are, NOW" Morai yells, coming out of cover and taking a couple reluctant steps towards the reeking man coming towards them "Disrobe and leave that...suit there" she adds keeping her blaster trained squarely on the figures head.
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 3 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 12:19
  • msg #104

Re: The Purge's arrival

"OK! I'm stopping! I'm stopping! Don't suppose you could help me out of the suit...better yet, we could go to one of the showers and wash this thing down. This ship's sanitation is screwed!"
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 28 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 15:32
  • msg #105

Re: The Purge's arrival

"You seem capable of taking it off on your own, cause the whole ship is screwed and will probably be scuttled" She tells the man, stopping a few metres ahead of him, gun raised still at his head "And If we have to continue to smell that you're staying here"
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 16 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #106

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran had an idea. No clue if it would work. "What exactly do you use to sanitize? Could it 'sanitize'....I don't know a person? The kind of sanitation that destroys all the fleshy stuff."

The ship was suddenly rocked by what felt like an explosion. Alarms started going off everywhere.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 12 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #107

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan quickly muted the alarm sounds. "Give me a moment." She didn't bother to cut the comms. "What the ever-loving fuck did those zombie bastards do?" The sounds of furious typing could be heard. "Thank god. They just blew up one of the armories. "Luckily there were very few bombs kept in there or you might have found yourselves amongst a pretty big gathering of zombies. Slicer use access code 5 Beta Charlie 2 Delta Gamma 7 Foxtrot, you should be able to fix any problems or at least find out what's broken that needs to be repaired. If the gods are willing whatever is broken is fixable by one of you."
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 4 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 10:36
  • msg #108

Re: The Purge's arrival

"We just use a disinfectant and deodorant spray under pressure! If the incinerator was working, we probably wouldn't have such a trash problem!"

He reaches to one shoulder and says "OK, I will take this off...but it's going to take a minute."
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 10 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 11:51
  • msg #109

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya was doing her own exploration of the computer’s databanks as she waited for further instructions. The system itself was quite extensive, and filled with all manner of goodies... She could locate her own personal files and erase herself from the system altogether. Wouldn’t do anything to help her in her current predicament, but assuming she survives...

“Good lord... Which one of you guys did that?” She said making a very disapproving face at the smell... “Ooh... Sithspawn... That is some nasty stuff” She muttered, but she otherwise ignored the goings-on behind her and she focused on the data-stream... Until she heard the Imperial’s voice returning finally... She didn’t have to use her hands to input the codes, she closed her eyes and they started to input themselves... 5 Beta Charlie 2 Delta Gamma 7 Foxtrot... She muttered as she started to then quickly perform a diagnostic.

She wasn’t an engineer or technician, but she was intelligent, so she started to use the computer systems to reroute power where needed to further secure the secure areas and shut down those with damage. It was like playing some high-tech version of wake-a-mole... Kind of... “Some of these are going to need a more... Hands on approach” she spoke through the comms...
Jan Arano
Imperial, 13 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 12:10
  • msg #110

Re: The Purge's arrival

"I figured as much." She zoomed in on the results on Kya's screen. "Good news/bad news situation. Good news: The damage isn't extensive. Probably easily fixed. Bad news: That area has a heavy zombie population. That's where the test subjects were kept. Watch out for the Ewok zombies Those things are massively creepy. They can fit in places others can't. So check everywhere. Unless you want one of those little ankle biters getting you."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 32 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #111

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill kept a watch down the other hallway, making sure nothing came up behind them while distracted by the shit covered mechanic. For a moment, he was ready to just shoot the mechanic, he was an Imp after all, but he lets out a deep breath and lets the anger go.

"I'll hose him down, you two cover the hallway."

He wanted to hate the Imps, he really did. But hate would hurt him much more than it would the Imps.

He steps over to the shit covered mechanic.

"Where is the closest station?"
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 5 posts
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #112

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Two corridors down there's a clean-up station. Something took the head off the technician stationed there."

The mechanic gets his helm off, gags slightly at how badly sewage-stained his suit is, and introduces himself. "I'm Jaxom, and this ship is not in the best shape right now."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 29 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #113

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai heads back to the doorway and keeps watch as the smuggler heads off with the wretched smelling Imp. "Just hurry up, we need to get out of here at some point and hopefully off of this decrepit tub."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 33 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #114

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill moves ahead of the mechanic, covering them. Twice they encountered zombies and Shill shot them in the head.

"This is it?

He motions towards a door before opening it and making sure the room is clear.
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 11 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #115

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Ankle biters? Ewoks?" She muttered in reply with a tilt of her head. She'd never heard the word ewok before. A quick check of the database brought a picture of one... "Aw... So cute and cuddly" she said, though her voice was on the lower end of the volume spectrum...

Just then she heard a new voice suggesting the ship wasn't in great shape and she chuckled in amusement of the understatement of the cycle. "Okay, so let's be more specific" she spoke into the comms to the person at the other end of the airwaves.  "You need us to go where exactly? The armory?" She asked, looking back to the others, though she noticed there seemed to be a few less of them in the immediate vacinity.

She wasn't sure the armory was a good idea. The group she was with was a little on the... crazy and chaotic side.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 30 posts
Sat 10 Sep 2022
at 02:11
  • msg #116

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai looks around confused "Whats an Ewok?" she asks no one in particular as she waits for Shill and the new Imp to return and hopefully they don't have to worry about him shooting them in the back, luckily he looked like a non-com which should mitigate having him but could make him a liability, she may have to talk to Shill about this.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 14 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2022
at 00:00
  • msg #117

Re: The Purge's arrival

"An Ewok is like a Wookie but only comes up to your waist, they are also more childlike and not nearly as strong. As for what you need to do next, you definitely need to stop and get some more ammo and probably explosives where you are going you will be going through ammo like it was candy. The floor you are about to go to housed all the test subjects and where the outbreak first spread. Most test subjects were locked up when the outbreak happened but they have since gotten free, an unfortunate side effect that we did not foresee. Once you are armed up you will need to take an elevator. I will stop it part of the way down. You will need to force open the door. YOu will be protected but not completely safe, you will need to lay on your stomachs and fire at the zombies. Of course, some zombies might fall down the elevator shaft but that can be fixed a little later."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 34 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 03:50
  • msg #118

Re: The Purge's arrival

After he cleared the room, Shill stepped back to let the mechanic clean himself. His head again cocked to the side as if he were hearing something.

"Do you hear that? It sounds like music?"
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 6 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 19:45
  • msg #119

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Nope, all I hear is the sound of a ship creaking at the welding joints." Jaxom is out of the suit and wearing a very shabby grey vest and pants of an Imperial spacehand. He holds a toolbox, and is sorting through the tools.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 31 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #120

Re: The Purge's arrival

Backing away from the opening where the others are but keeping her weapon pointed that way, she moves down the corridor to where Shill and the Imp went "Hey how's it going down there? We need to exfil this area soon and hit up and armoury" she yells down the hall to them.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 35 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 23:37
  • msg #121

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill stood in the doorway as the mechanic got out of the heavy suit, he kept looking about. When the man was done, she gestures his head back towards the others.

"On our way back."

He moves back, coming to the hallway where the others are, he holds up a hand towards Morai and is moving quickly in the direction of the others, but he stops dead in his tracks and looks at a door.  The rifle is dropped and hangs from the sling at his side.  He moves into the storage room without bothering to clear it. He moves to a storage cabinet and starts to rifle through it, tossing things aside with abandon.  After a few seconds he stops, reaching out gently to pick up a small, clear crystal. He holds it delicately between his finger and thumb. In almost slow motion, he puts it into his palm.  The crystal sits there for a few moments before it starts to glow blue. He brings it up to his chest and holds it there without saying anything.

This meant that he was still worthy. That he still could be...
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 12 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 13:45
  • msg #122

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya glanced back one more time then she nodded, closing her eyes and making a mental note of the layout before she reached for the scomp link connector and she unplugged it with a pained groan... She shook her head before she turned and she moved to be near the Twi'Lek, more for her own protection than anything else. As she moved she disconnected the cable at the back of her neck and coiled the wire, holding it in one hand as she drew her blaster with the other...

She stopped and she watched as the male prisoner came close, pausing to start pilfering through a cabinet. She looked at the Twi'Lek and simply shrugged... "So, like we need to get into the armory and grab some explosives and stuff..." she suggested. "The armory is that way" she said pointing her blaster... "One left, then one right to the armory... The turbolift is located two rights passed from the armory" she suggested.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:05, Mon 19 Sept 2022.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 17 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 12:52
  • msg #123

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran was ecstatic at the thought of blowing some shit up. "Time for my specialty. I'll make the zombies wish they stayed dead. I'll take point."

Ran took the lead to the armory. She kept herself only a couple of meters ahead at all times. She found only one zombie along the way. She blew a hole in its head the moment it turned to come for her. She liked blowing their faces off. She waited for the others to show up at the armory before she began hot wiring it open.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 36 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 16:41
  • msg #124

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill followed the others, his right hand clenched in a fist, a blue glow escaping between his fingers. There is a soft smile on his face and he looks younger by a decade or more.  Only after they approach the armory does Shill slip the crystal into a pocket and bring the blaster rifle back up.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 32 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #125

Re: The Purge's arrival

As they approach the armoury Morai moves closer to Shill and whispers "Hey, head in the game, look at the shiny rock after we get off this polluted heap of scrap" before moving back and taking up position opposite the door and goes to a knee "ready when you are"
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 37 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2022
at 03:58
  • msg #126

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill smiled warmly at Morai.

" It isn't a rock, it is a test."

He turns towards a closed door and plants his left foot and spins, his right foot coming around at a blinding speed. A moment before he hits the door, it opens, his foot comes into contact not with hard metal, but the face of a zombie. coming into contact with a zombie head, shattering it and sending the loned creature flying back.

"My head is in the game."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 33 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 04:54
  • msg #127

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai makes a face before getting up and clearing the armoury and once its clear she starts looking at the weapons cache for spare tibanna gas cartridges, thermal detonators, fragmentation grenades and satchels and carriers for them. As well she looks for suitable armour that she can use, whether it was stormtrooper, Imperial army or navy boarding troops.

She finds a reflective black torso piece that's compatible enough, the stormtrooper forearm and shin guards. "Okay, lets gear up with as much as we can carry and we can scuttle this thing" she tells everyone before heading over to Shill where she whispers "and maybe take the prison ship as our own and get out of here."
GM, 27 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #128

Re: The Purge's arrival

After everyone loaded up on ammo, explosives, and whatever else they wanted they made their way to the elevator safely. Once everyone was in the elevator Jan sent the elevator straight to the floor they needed to go to. As promised the elevator stopped short. The Wookie Roryll forced open the doors. An alarm started going off just outside the elevator to draw the zombies to them. The prisoners took turns firing, when they needed to reload they switched places.
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 13 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 12:14
  • msg #129

Re: The Purge's arrival

The Mandalorian seemed a little ‘excitable’ at the mention of explosives and Kya wasn’t certain that was a good thing. Overly energetic people had a tendency of doing really stupid things, which often led to collateral damage. She let the woman take point, as she had suggested and waited for her to get a good distance ahead before she fell in with the others.

She watched curiously as the male and Twi’Lek made a few exchanges, the man sounded rather cryptic in nature, like he was high on spice or something. Goodness, she thought to herself, maybe coming out here with these people wasn’t such a great idea after all...

Inside the armory she grabbed a few extra E-cells and she found a couple medpacks. She filled a bag with that, along with a few handheld electronic devices and a headset style commlink, which she quickly donned and set to whatever frequency they were using before she quickly moved to follow the others, slinging the bag over her shoulder... She noticed the Twi’Lek moving to whisper to the human male... Curious, she thought, that two strangers were exchanging secrets like two estranged lovers having an affair.

She said nothing however, simply falling in step behind the others and then taking her turn to fire a few chaotic shots at the zombies once they’d reached the lift...
Jan Arano
Imperial, 15 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 16:08
  • msg #130

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan came over the elevator emergency speakers. "Whatever you do, do not throw any explosives down the elevator shaft. Do not worry about any zombies that fall down the elevator shaft. But don't let an excessive amount fall down either."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 38 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #131

Re: The Purge's arrival

He gave a nod to Morai and went to work, collecting up what he needed. He took up a number of power cells for both of his weapons as well as quickly taking a few weapons apart to take out specific components. From an Ewebb blaster cannon, he pulls out a small, focusing lens with a broad smile. He also takes a barrel assembly and a few hand tools. He empties out a sling bag that is designed to carry explosives and throws the components he collected into it.

He puts on a comm device and motions for everyone to take one.

"Everyone grab a respirator, the danger with explosives is we could lose air. You want to be able to survive long enough to get someplace safe."

He picks up a respirator for himself, hanging it around his neck.

Shill follows the others out, his rifle held in a low guard position. When he fires, he brings it up and fires a single shot directly into the head.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 18 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 16:53
  • msg #132

Re: The Purge's arrival

Once the Wookie had the doors open Ran took up a standard sniping position and began firing. It reminded her of target practice but was more disgusting, way more fun, and challenging since the targets moved more randomly. She kept any zombie in her cone of fire from going down the shaft. After completely draining her battery she rolled to the side to let someone else take her position while she reloaded.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 34 posts
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #133

Re: The Purge's arrival

Taking the comms and respirator Morai heads out with the others, when the door opens she's already fully prone and she took intermitant sniping while the zombies were further out or full auto when they got thicker or closer; she almost grabbed one of the fragmentation grenades before the Imp came over the speakers she calmly put it away.
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 7 posts
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 13:06
  • msg #134

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jaxom grabs a respirator, checks to make sure it's a good one, and then looks at weapons. Finally - a chance to get something better than the crappy crew-issue sidearm! He picks up a blaster rifle and a couple of spare packs.

He mutters "These guys are quick at breaking in... how did they get caught in the first place?"
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 39 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 21:45
  • msg #135

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill answered the mechanic's question as he stood back ready to take over shooting as needed.

He gestured towards the Twi'Lek.

"Ship shot down."

There was a gesture towards the Mandalorian.

"A full legion of clam heads."

A gesture towards the slicer with a shake of his head.

"Never said."

"Me, my ship was set upon by a pair of Star Destroyer and we were hit by ion cannons... 4 times. Knocked us out."

He spins around a moment before 3 storm trooper zombies come around behind them, Blaster Rifles raised.  He thrusts his palm towards them fingers splayed. The zombie troopers are thrown back into the wall. He brings the rifle up and puts a burst into the head of each.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 19 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 23:52
  • msg #136

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran waited for the Wookie to need to reload. The moment she laid down she saw a zombie who looked familiar. "Hey I know that asshole. He was in charge of the legion that arrested me. He was a prick." She took very careful aim and shot in very quick succession several shots that severed his head from his body. "That head is mine. I owe him some payback. My jaw still clicks when I eat from the beating he gave me during my 'interrogation'." As she shot the zombies she imagined all the fun ways she could pay him back. Thermal detonator zombie bowling. Speed bag. Paperweight. Use him to turn that bitch behind the speakers into a zombie. Use him to poison the water supply of Imperial worlds. Then a zombie Wookie came by, it stepped on her head destroying it. She spoke some very offensive things about zombies in Mando'a. She then shot the zombie Wookie in the chest several times. She shot off its arms and legs. She then blew its face out the backside of its skull.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 35 posts
Sat 24 Sep 2022
at 21:24
  • msg #137

Re: The Purge's arrival

"After destroying a capital ship, damaging another and several of those eyeballs you call fighters" Morai adds while reloading her rifle "Now shut up and kill those corpse-walkers again before we join them" she adds as she slots the next tibanna cartridge and popping a pair of bucket-heads in the legs to drop them short of the lift then popping them in the head "The faster we finish this the faster we can get to safety."
Jan Arano
Imperial, 16 posts
Thu 29 Sep 2022
at 16:47
  • msg #138

Re: The Purge's arrival

Eventually, the stream of zombies died down. Jan lowered the elevator the rest of the way. The emergency light lit the way to the section needing repairs. "I can't access cameras down there. Top secret labs. Only a very select few in the non-scientific staff had access to it. There is no telling what state the floor is in. I can tell you that there are no hull breaches in that area but that's about it. So watch your backs."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 36 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 01:54
  • msg #139

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai is the first to exit the lift, gun raised and does a quick look around the landing "Looks clear" she says looking around at the devastation their barrage caused "well sort of. And luckily we got that Imp bitch off our back for a little"
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 9 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #140

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jaxom speaks up.
"What are you actually trying to grab from this ship? Let's get what's needed, and get out of here. I wouldn't want to screw around on the top secret lab level - if there's one thing worse than people infected with this zombie thing, it's people infected with this and whatever other crap they were working on down here."
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