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15:53, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Purge's arrival.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 11 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #1

The Purge's arrival

The Purge dropped out of hyperspace suddenly, the hyperdrive as well as a number of other systems have failed and been failing for a while. It was getting to a catastrophic level. Imperial Engineers thought it could make one last trip before it needed to be taken out of service.

The captain sent a group consisting of an engineer and five Stormtroopers. Within thirty minutes they came under attack. The captain then decided to start sending prisoners to do the job instead of risking his men.
Jan Arano
NPC, 1 post
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 02:27
  • msg #2

The Purge's arrival

As far as Jan knew she was the sole survivor. She had been using Viper probe droid to scout the ship safely and to eliminate as many of the zombies as possible before they were destroyed. She was down to four left on the entire ship. The zombies the moment they discovered the probe droids easily overwhelmed and destroyed them.

Her last destroyed probe droid reported seeing Stormtroopers and an engineer. Her first thought was she pulled up the wrong data. After confirming she had the right data she began accessing other systems. The helmet of her second was on display in her office. "Sel you'll never guess what I just saw. There is a ship docked." She began trying to access the communications systems. She slammed her hands on the console. "Fraging idiots failed to get the communications systems fixed."
Shill Tyson
player, 4 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #3

The Purge's arrival

Shill stood at the window of his cell, looking out. There weren't any shell heads around, they seemed to have disappeared.

"Anyone know what the frell is going on?"

It was slow, but Shill was starting to get a bad feeling about things going on, something that he hadn't felt in a very long time. There was an unconscious fear response and he wanted to flee, he backed away from the window, a fight or flight response starting to build.
Morai Aliath
player, 4 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #4

The Purge's arrival

"Don't know what a frell is but not a clue, she ship sounds bad though, I mean worse then when I got on it, perhaps the reactor is down?" the Twi'lek responds down the cellblock to whoever asked the question "I'd say we either broke down or they wanna kill us slow with a broken ship." She begins to look around the cell for anything she may be able to use as a weapon.
GM, 12 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #5

The Purge's arrival

A squad of Stormtroopers arrived one holding a communicator held it out. A holographic image of the captain appeared.  “As you might have guessed there is a problem with the ship. We have docked with what we thought was an abandoned Star Destroyer. We have no idea what happened over there but something has turned the crew into cannibals. We know it’s not airborne. We sent over an engineer and some Stormtroopers. They were all killed. Imperial High Command has decided to send prisoners instead of wasting Imperial lives. Any survivors who come back uninflected with one or more parts we need to fix this ship will be given a year off their sentence. Anyone who come back with information on what happened on the Star Destroyer will be given two years off. If you bring back survivors you will be given time off their sentence depending on the rank of the survivor, the higher the rank the more time off. Volunteers will be given access to weapons to defend themselves and any survivors. Of course if you survive you will have to sign a NDA before you will be given your reward. Do I have any volunteers?”
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:15, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Ran Sorr
Character, 2 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #6

The Purge's arrival

Ran didn’t believe they would really offer time off her sentence, besides to get out before she was old she would have to bring back every part and seven admirals. “I’ll volunteer.” Star Destroyers had smaller ships on board she planned to steal one and make her escape. Maybe even get the dirt on the Empire’s sick little experiment and give them one hell of a black eye or maybe even get a sample of it so she could weaponize it and use it against the Empire.
Shill Tyson
player, 5 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 02:44
  • msg #7

The Purge's arrival

He could feel a tightness in his chest, a gear response. But there was the thought of the compliment of an Imperial class Star Destroyer, they were supposed to have 8 Lambda class shuttles. Those were light speed capable ships. One of them could get him out of this system. There was a great risk but it would be worth it.

"I volunteer."

If there was something that dangerous over there would they dare to arm them? They would need to in order to give a chance of success
Morai Aliath
player, 5 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #8

The Purge's arrival

Not finding anything of use as a weapon when bucketheads come in and offer weapons in exchange to helping figure out what's wrong with the ship. With any luck she gets away with her life, at worst she kills a few bucketheads and the ship stays scuttled, "I'll go, but what weapons do we get?"
GM, 13 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 09:20
  • msg #9

The Purge's arrival

The captain waited for a bit to see if any others would volunteer. “No more volunteers. Disappointing. As for your weapons you will be using standard Imperial Stormtrooper weaponry. We have set up an air lock to act as a buffer to make sure no infected get on the Purge. We have disabled the ability to open the air lock to get on the Purge. Only way on to the Purge if someone already on the Purge lets you on. I would not recommend eating or drinking anything over there that isn’t perfectly sealed, whatever it is while not airborne now may have been at one time contaminating anything opened. I shouldn’t have to say this but there are some really dumb criminals, don’t lick any surfaces.” He pointed to a prisoner who was currently licking and grinding against the wall of his cell. The captain then shook his head. “If you follow the Stormtroopers they will escort you. Try anything and you will be executed.” The locks on their cells disengaged.
Shill Tyson
player, 6 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 15:04
  • msg #10

The Purge's arrival

He had no intention of returning to this ship in any way, a chance, any chance was better than returning to this hell.

"Fine, lead the way."

He looked at the Twi'Lek and Mandalorian as they walked. Mandalorian had a fearsome reputation, she should be able to handle herself. The Twi'Lek was a pilot and the Lambda class shuttles really did take two to fly. This should work out... maybe... if they could survive.

"Shill Tyson."
GM, 14 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 20:20
  • msg #11

The Purge's arrival

The Stormtroopers escorted them to the airlock where the chief medical officer was waiting. "I will be implanting each of you with a tracking device. That way you can be better guided through the ship."

Each prisoner was injected with a tracking device at the base of the skull. They were then given a C1 personal comlink. A Stormtrooper then showed them codes for the airlock on both sides. "Memorize it. If you forget it, you will be trapped on that ship. As for your weapons. There are plenty on the other side of the airlock. He gave them each some ammunition. I recommend looting corpses for anything useful whenever you can. You might also want to consider putting on some Stormtrooper armor if you can find any that fits."

A Stormtrooper opened the airlock for them. Once they were all in he closed the airlock.
Ran Sorr
Character, 3 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #12

The Purge's arrival

Ran unlocked the airlock to the Star Destroyer. She picked up an E-22 reciprocating double-barreled blaster rifle and a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.

She noticed some DH-17 blaster pistols and E-11 blaster rifles on the ground. She studied some of the dead corpses. She didn't find any thermal detonators or other explosives. She wouldn't dare sully her body with that cheap Stormtrooper garbage armor.

"I assume you all also plan to find a ship and escape?"
Morai Aliath
player, 6 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #13

The Purge's arrival

Morai exits the cell arms held at 90 degrees to her body then again at the elbows showing her hands were empty, all it would take is one jumpy trooper to put a bolt in her back. "Morai Aliath" she responds before being led to the airlock, keeping her hands up the whole time in case.

"Couldn't even leave some pieces of armour could they, gotta scrounge it off the infected, not that it will fit anyway" she says as she looks at the assembled motley collection of gear available and tries to decide what to grab. Spying an A280C that was under a pile of E-11's, then a pair of EC-17's, not the best pistols but better than nothing and a small vibroblade in case it gets real close and ugly.

With the talk of escape she looks at the mando and says "Obviously but they may have implanted a detonator in the tracker, if we can hit up the med bay and see if a droid can extract it then all the better"
Shill Tyson
player, 7 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 04:28
  • msg #14

The Purge's arrival

Shill steps forward, locating a couple of dead officers, he takes a couple of RK-3 blaster pistols, including the holsters and spare ammunition. There were a lot of dead troopers around and a good selection of weapons. Shill picks up a TL-50 repeating blaster.

"The Lambda class shuttle is the only thing that we are likely to find that is light speed capable. Anything else isn't going to get us far enough from this place. A Lambda shuttle really needs two pilots."

He straps on the holsters, making it easy for him to draw both of the pistols if needed. He ejects the pair of magazines for the heavy blaster and inserts new ones, it was at less than half a charge. He straps a bandoleer across his chest, he brought the rifle up and aimed down the corridor but paused for a moment to stoop and pick up a stun batton, hooking it onto the bandoleer.

"It would be worth going to sick bay, at least examine the implants to see if there is anything dangerous. Who wants point?"
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