The Purge's arrival
Shill steps forward, locating a couple of dead officers, he takes a couple of RK-3 blaster pistols, including the holsters and spare ammunition. There were a lot of dead troopers around and a good selection of weapons. Shill picks up a TL-50 repeating blaster.
"The Lambda class shuttle is the only thing that we are likely to find that is light speed capable. Anything else isn't going to get us far enough from this place. A Lambda shuttle really needs two pilots."
He straps on the holsters, making it easy for him to draw both of the pistols if needed. He ejects the pair of magazines for the heavy blaster and inserts new ones, it was at less than half a charge. He straps a bandoleer across his chest, he brought the rifle up and aimed down the corridor but paused for a moment to stoop and pick up a stun batton, hooking it onto the bandoleer.
"It would be worth going to sick bay, at least examine the implants to see if there is anything dangerous. Who wants point?"