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15:46, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Purge's arrival.

Posted by GMFor group 0
Morai Aliath
player, 7 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 05:06
  • msg #15

The Purge's arrival

"Take turns?" Morai suggests "20 minutes at front then rotate to the back, keeps everyone fresh and not on point or rear too long?
Shill Tyson
player, 8 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 05:34
  • msg #16

The Purge's arrival

He stepped forward, bringing the heavy blaster up to his shoulder, tucking it in tight. He kept his aim low. A blaster, a clumsy and random weapon, but one that he had been using for the past 20 years.

"I've got the lead."

He started to move down the hallway where he thought Sickbay would be located. It was traditionally located in the central part of the ship.
GM, 15 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 13:01
  • msg #17

Re: The Purge's arrival

They arrived at the sickbay, it was locked. There was a message scrawled on the door in blood, some of it was smeared and unreadable.


A Togruta prisoner that also volunteered opened the door before anyone could voice an opinion. A Stormtrooper grabbed him and began feasting on the neck.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:06, Sun 07 Aug 2022.
Ran Sorr
Character, 4 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 13:11
  • msg #18

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran could see multiple people pounce on the Togruta prisoner to feed. She began working to close the door. She spoke softly barely a whisper.

"If they stop eating that fool, start shooting."

After a moment the door began to close. She then blasted the controls so no one could open it.

"Can we agree messages written in blood on doors means never open no matter what?"
Shill Tyson
player, 9 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #19

Re: The Purge's arrival

The heavy blaster opened up into the mass is storm troopers munching on the prisoner. It was a mercy compared to what was happening to him.

"Frell this place. We need to head straight to the hanger bay."

His hand goes to the back of his neck, feeling for the transponder beneath the skin. When he was younger, he would have been able to just pull it out using the force. Now... He could still touch the force but it was a pale shadow of what he had been able to do.
Morai Aliath
player, 8 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 19:04
  • msg #20

Re: The Purge's arrival

"If I get grabbed please just shoot me in the head" she says watching Togruta get ripped apart as and after Shill puts them out of their misery. "And agreed, straight to the shuttlebay, if we need to use the vibroblade to cut the transponder out, hopefully someone has better then basic med skills, or we find a bacta bandage." she adds shouldering the blaster rifle and looking down the corridor.
Shill Tyson
player, 10 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #21

Re: The Purge's arrival

"It would be best if it didn't come to that, the Lambda take two pilots and a someone to act as engineer to be fully effective. But if it comes to it, I'll shoot you in your pretty face."

There was the slightest grin at the end, but Shill felt no amusement.
Jan Arano
Character, 2 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #22

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan was able to access internal communication. She overheard the trio talking.

"If you are planning to take a shuttle out think again. The infection can't spread beyond this ship. My job is to ensure the infection doesn't spread. Most of my men gave their lives to do two things destroy any chance of escaping the ship and destroy the hyperdrive. We couldn't disable anything as we learned early on that zombies are capable of utilizing blasters, operating turrets, and piloting starships. We would have scuttled the entire ship but the scientists were positive they could come up with a cure. They failed, they turned. As far as I know, I am the only survivor. I lack the manpower to scuttle the ship. I tried using blaster-equipped drones to thin the heard. But the zombies overwhelmed them and destroyed them. Now I only have a few left. If you are not willing to help then turn around and leave."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:03, Mon 08 Aug 2022.
Ran Sorr
Character, 5 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #23

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran looked around she shot the camera and the speaker. "Should we believe the voice? I for one don't believe her. I say we go for the shuttles anyway or at the very least check out a security station to verify. We'll need to find someone or something with security clearance first."
Morai Aliath
player, 9 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 00:23
  • msg #24

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Won't hurt to double check, I mean a year off a life sentence is still life" Morai says to Mando eyeing for other comms that may need to be taken out as they moved out.
Kiana Vell
player, 2 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 07:55
  • msg #25

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kiana Vell came to with a start.

The tactical screen in the pilot's briefing room still showed the plans for the day's exercises.  It cast the whole room in a pale green light, including Kiana herself, sprawled on the floor with a throbbing headache.  She was a slim woman with dark hair cut short and features that never seemed to smile.  She wore the green uniform of an Imperial flight officer, with a pair of blue squares on her rank plaque that marked her as a junior lieutenant.  Slowly, she sat up, bringing a hand to her sore head.  It came back slick with blood.

"Shit..." she muttered, dabbing her head a little more; she looked to the side and saw some blood on the pulpit.  The events came back to her in a rush; the sight of Imperial officers eating each other had been rampant in the hallway.  She had shot Commander Benning, but he had kept coming.  In a panic, she had stepped back through the door and locked it, then she must have tripped and hit her head.

How long have I been out?  She stood up and moved to the tactical display where a clock marked that two hours had passed.  For a moment, she just stared at the display, letting the throbbing in her head settle down.  Two hours, when officers had been going mad on the ship?  And nobody had disturbed her here?  That meant things had gotten bad.
Jan Arano
Character, 3 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 19:03
  • msg #26

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan was cycling through the security feed. "Sel! You won't believe this! There is another crew member alive!" She began speaking to Kiana.

"This is Jan Arano chief of security on this desolate hell hole. Please tell me you weren't bitten or scratched."
GM, 16 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 19:08
  • msg #27

Re: The Purge's arrival

The prisoners arrived at security station. The top right corner of the screen was covered in blood. Before one of the prisoners could do anything the screen changed to show several Lambda shuttles had been blown up from the inside. The room was also had numerous zombies in it. Way to many to take out on their own.
Kiana Vell
player, 4 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #28

Re: The Purge's arrival

As the speaker crackled to life, Kiana jumped.  She stared at the speaker for a moment, surprised at herself for being so jumpy, then stepped over to press the button.

"Kiana Vell, Junior Lieutenant.  TIE Pilot.  I haven't been bitten, what... is the situation?" she asked.  What the hell is going on?
Shill Tyson
player, 12 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #29

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill stands next to the wall, hunched over a bit to present a smaller target, the heavy repeating blaster rifle held tight to his shoulder. He could feel the fear and panic among those that still lived on the ship. From the others... just hunger. He was never that sensitive to the emotions around him and much of the abilities he had had become suppressed over the years, except when he was playing sabacc, but this was invasive. He could feel his own fear building and building.

He stopped, closing his eyes and remembering the words of Master Eerious, calm and peace... he closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, in through his nose and out of his mouth. It was calming, it put the fear to the back of the mind and did not let it over take him.

"We should keep going. I don't trust anything an Imperial has to say. We need to check the hanger bay, if we can get out, we should."

His voice is actually completely calm.
Morai Aliath
player, 12 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 15:15
  • msg #30

Re: The Purge's arrival

Feeling a sense dread at the potential of staying on this tub she tries to get the camera to pan around "Agreed, we need to check it out ourselves even if all we get is some ties, we won't be able to leave the system but we can at least get away from the flesh eating monsters maybe fine a planet nearby" she says to the others
Kya Jax
player, 1 post
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #31

Re: The Purge's arrival


Figuring she had little real choice in the matter Kya volunteered to accompany the other prisoners onto the other ship to investigate. She felt the others were likely all of like-mind; go onto the Imperial capital ship and find a way off, a shuttle or something. Unlike the others, her sentence was only for ten years, even though most people knew the empire could keep you a prisoner for as long as they liked... Procedures mattered little these days. Also unlike the others, she wasn’t a warrior, or combatant...

She was small and insignificant enough that the others mostly ignored her as they made their way to the airlock and then the other ship. She picked up one of the E-11 blasters, wishing there was something smaller. The thing was heavy... As the others discussed the situation among themselves it took her a few minutes to figure out how to insert the energy cell into the weapon and to identify where the safety was... God, I hope I don’t shoot anyone in the back accidentally... She thought to herself...

As they made their way towards the med-back she moved her free hand to the back of her neck. She felt the hypo-insertion point where the tracking device had been implanted; it was close to her neural interface, the one no one here knew about. If she could find a proper connection point she might be able to short out the tracker, and whatever else they injected her with... Despite a walking order having been determined by the Twilek, she found herself falling behind and having to briskly move back into position and she would certainly not volunteer to go up front...

Following the incident at the med-bay they ventured to one of the vessels many security stations... She ignored the monitor screens and made her way to the interface port and she started to dig around for a droid interface cable... She heard the Twilek, whose name eluded her at the moment suggest finding a nearby planet and she frowned... “Speaking of planets, any idea where we are?” She asked as she continued to rummage through the contents of the security desk...
player, 2 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 14:46
  • msg #32

Re: The Purge's arrival

A roar comes at one of the stormtroopers as the wookiee growls and barks as he apparently wanted to go on this 'suicide mission'. He didn't care what he was sentenced for other then ripping stormtrooprs apart. Of course in defense that is. His old captain. Damn him. The wookiee got the whole crap load of blame for it because what he did-so did Roryll. Apparently. Compare to Kya, he towers over her. Hell towers over everyone least here. at 8'-0" tall. The wookiee doesn't have a weapon. He'd like one but honestly...he -is- a weapon. As he goes to the med bay and wherever the group is, Roryll looks around for any weapons. Of course the stormtrooper armor definatly won't fit! A occasional roar and bark comes from him, as he seems to be agrivated with this mess. Upon hearing the speaker come to life and someone at the end, he seems to focus on it.
Ran Sorr
Character, 6 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 16:29
  • msg #33

Re: The Purge's arrival

The prisoners made their way to the shuttle bay with only a single incident. They avoided opening every door that had messages written in blood. The door to the shuttle bay had blood smeared all over it. They could clearly see the beginning of a message. 'DO' the rest was unfinished. There was a Stormtrooper zombie stumbling in the opposite direction.

Ran noticed a ventilation shaft. "Let me check out the situation before we open the door. Keep your eyes peeled for more." She shot the zombie and then shot the vent open. She tossed her blaster inside and then climbed in.

The ventilation shaft led to a vent overlooking the shuttle bay. She kicked out the vent. It brought the zombies right to her they began firing. Ran scrambled out of the way fast. She made her way back to the others. "Shit that was close. Zombies still know how to fire blasters. There isn't a single usable vessel in there and even if there was there are way too many for us to deal with."
Jan Arano
Character, 4 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 16:53
  • msg #34

Re: The Purge's arrival

"The situation is fubared. Scientists have created a virus or whatever that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. The zombies are capable of firing blasters and a lot more. Before anything could escape I had the hyperdrive destroyed along with all shuttles and Ties. External communication is down. Internal communication works...for now. We have been boarded by prisoners, how or why they are here is still being determined. Stay put for the moment while I deal with our visitors."

Jan addressed the prisoners over the intercom. "Can't believe a video feed? Had to see for yourself. There is no way off this ship except the ship you came in on. If you want a chance to survive you will have to do what I say. If not turn around and leave. Otherwise, I can just open the doors and activate the alarms to bring the zombies to you. No more screwing around. So will you help, leave, or die? Your choice. You have a minute to decide. If you don't choose, then you chose death." Jan began counting to sixty.
Shill Tyson
player, 16 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #35

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill glances back at the woman who seemed to be falling behind and struggling with the E-11, there was a shake of his head.  He unstrapped one of the blaster pistols he had picked up, holding it out to her, holster and all.

"Don't fall behind. There are a lot of them on this ship, they are likely to come up behind us."

They would need to go with the Imperial for now, they really had no choice. There wasn't time for a discussion. He held up his hand and gave a nod to the nearest camera.

"Fine bitch, we will go with you."

Looking at the others, he shrugged.

"No choice."
player, 7 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 17:45
  • msg #36

Re: The Purge's arrival

Oh the angry slowly brewing forth from Roryll seems to 'ooze' out of him. Who the hell was she to yell at them? If the wookiee got his claws on her she wish the zombies got to her first. And to think she needs them but insults them at every turn? Anything is better then dealing with that blasted Jan. Least Roryll had someone to fight even if it ment death. But least he wouldn't be in prison! From now on-Roryll goes to take any intercoms and slam them down and throw them. Yeah he's mad. And people wonder why he hates Imperials. Always order people around. Take over worlds and force people to do their bidding.

That's why Roryll never got married (Joke!)

Seeing Kya lagging behind he does what he knows best-He picks her up with one arm and throws her over his shoulder. Seriously. All fireman-like. If he can see the intercom and get to it he throws it against the wall trying to shatter it.

Another roar and bark again comes from the Wookiee.

Now Shill is ordering them around? Well not really ordering. Commanding? Naw. Something about him bugs Roryll. Not like the Imperials though, not like he wants to utterly rip into them....
Morai Aliath
player, 14 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #37

Re: The Purge's arrival

"If you got all these controls why not vent the hanger? Even if there's nothing left for us to boost, you get rid of a lot of the damn biters" Morai asks the disembodied voice of the Imp as the Wookie who's carrying the small human woman like a sack of tubers over his shoulder.

Whenever the Wookies yells she will glare it it and the last time she stands her ground in front of it and says in a harsh whisper "Hey, shut it, you yelling will draw those damned things to us, and you don't even have a blaster, one bite and you could become one so either pick up a gun as some point and be a little quieter, I've heard quieter Trandoshans."
Jan Arano
Character, 5 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #38

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan rolled her eyes at the Twi'lek's suggestion. "Good grief. Sel these prisoners are dumb."

She addressed the prisoners again. "I told you my job is to ensure the infection doesn't spread. They are the undead, they don't breathe. They retain some to all of their knowledge. If I vent them to space and they somehow manage to get aboard another ship they will spread the infection."

She turned on a series of emergency lights. "Follow the lights. It will take you to where you need to go first. It will take longer than normal but I am directing you around the heaviest infected areas. Two corridors from where you are is a dozen zombies. They are outside a room with a survivor. If you try anything with her,..." There was a very loud thud followed by a single shot from a blaster. "I suggest you remember my previous threat."

She began communicating with Kiana. "The prisoners I told you about are coming your way. They will kill the zombies and free you. So just hold tight for the moment and be prepared to defend yourself in case their stupidity outweighs their willingness to survive. I am not to confident on that at the moment but beggars can't be choosers."
player, 10 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #39

Re: The Purge's arrival

The twi'lek gets ignored by the wookiee. He's dealt with Imprerials for a long time and now he has to deal with a hot headed twi'lek? The wookiee grunts, hearing the comment of Trandoshans and that makes him more angry then he was. He flexes his one hand, the other probably holding Kya (if allowed), the claws digging into his palm. And now he's getting complained at from the mandolorian? Heck everyone is as good as dead or rather undead. And now they are getting ordered around by the Imprerial? First Jan now Shill and that bloody twi'lek acting like she's the boss. No one is his boss.

Its take a lot for the wookiee to keep his anger down but he's obviously not happy. Imps insults. Jans insult. Now the twi'lek and he was supposed to work for them to solve a imperial mess?

Roryll waits, not taking the lead. Heck he doesn't trust anyone-specially Morai and Jan. And he's oddly quiet. Could be a good thing. Or a bad one.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:55, Tue 16 Aug 2022.
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