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15:40, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Purge's arrival.

Posted by GMFor group 0
Kya Jax
player, 4 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 12:16
  • msg #40

Re: The Purge's arrival

When it was offered Kya took the blaster pistol and she dropped the E-11 and she simply nodded in thanks as she fastened the belt about her thin waist. She did peer back when the male suggested they might creep up behind them, then she hurried to catch up and place herself closer to the middle of the group as she took up the cable she’s lifted from the security station. One end had a standard scomp-link and she started to fiddle with the other as she moved.

When the intercom spoke up, she looked about at the others, thinking they were in a rather precarious position. Her free hand moved to the back of her neck to the injection point as she considered their options, as few as they were... Before she can speak her peace though she found herself lifted form the ground... She immediately started to pound at the stinky fur... “Hey. Put me down, you oversized bathroom rug!” she called as she pounded her small fists and kicked with her knees.

“And stop breaking stuff...!” She added as she was hopefully returned to her feet.
Shill Tyson
player, 18 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 12:48
  • msg #41

Re: The Purge's arrival

He looks at the others closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.

"I am going to go and meet with this Imperial, I do not believe we have any choice. They have control of at least some of the operational systems. But I am not going to go back aboard the prison ship. A specialist is supposed to come an interview me in a week, if I am there when they arrive, I will be executed. I have nothing to lose."

His face was completely calm, almost serene.

"I am going to head up there now, I would greatly appreciate some company."

He looks at some conduits, reaching up to pull out a large pipe that has broken loose, offering it to the wookie.
player, 11 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 12:51
  • msg #42

Re: The Purge's arrival

Like she was a doll, the wookiee gently placed her down. He tilts his head, doing as she asked. Probably the nicest thing anyone said to him this entire 'mission' for crying out load even though it was rude. What is wrong with these people for crying out loud? If he was hunting, he wouldn't have wasted his time. Mouthing off to a Wookiee-even a one handed one at the time-isn't the smartest move. His eyes narrow on the twi'lek and he turns back to Kya. Breaking stuff? He didn't break anything-if he did that bloody imperial wouldn't be ordering them around. When he gets a chance-Jan will find out why he was under lock and chain as well as several other restraints. It seems like everyone is against him. Bloody hell. Oddly, his massive paw goes to rest on Kya's shoulder before moving back to his side. The wookiee looks around for any weapon and when offered the pipe, he takes it. When Shill speaks, the wookiee watches him and nods. Hell if he starts barking everyone will hear him.


The wookiee grips the pipe one handed, and seems ready to bash in heads.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:56, Tue 16 Aug 2022.
Morai Aliath
player, 15 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 17:55
  • msg #43

Re: The Purge's arrival

"I'll go with you" she says bringing her rifle back to her shoulder and prepares to follow the  smuggler, "Do you want point or want me to?" she adds as she gets besides him.
player, 13 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #44

Re: The Purge's arrival

Despite having a bit of a argument with the hot headed twi'lek that is just asking to have her head exploded courtesy of Roryll, the wookiee follows as well. He glances at Kya to see if she is following but if she doesn't he'll remain with her. Sticking together is a good thing. But sticking with a big wookiee?
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 7 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #45

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran followed after the others. She wasn't interested in being left alone. As she walked she kept an eye out for anything that she could turn into an IED. She was also keeping an eye for the armory.

Upon arrival at the designated spot she saw the two dozen zombies. She shot at one in the chest. All it did was piss off the zombie. She shot it several more times in the chest. She finally shot it in the face.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 19 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #46

Re: The Purge's arrival

He looks at Morai for a moment before giving her a nod. He gestures to just behind him on his left.

"Stay right with me, you cover everything coming from the front to the left, I'll cover to the right. When we come to a split in the corridor, you cover to the left, I'll stay right."

He starts down the corridor, when they encounter the walking corpses, he brings the heavy blaster up, firing off a long burst right at head level for the group of them. It didn't take long for him to learn from the experience of others.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 16 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 00:51
  • msg #47

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai moves along with Shill, keeping to her side as he does his and when the Mando moves forward and opens fire she takes as much cover as she can in the open hallways and fires her rifle in triple bursts blasting a few limbs off and putting a few through chests, none of which do much good so she readjusts her aim and takes a pair in the head, some deflecting off helms but eventually bursting them open and putting them down for good.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 6 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 09:40
  • msg #48

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan Arano:
"The situation is fubared. Scientists have created a virus or whatever that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. The zombies are capable of firing blasters and a lot more. Before anything could escape I had the hyperdrive destroyed along with all shuttles and Ties. External communication is down. Internal communication works...for now. We have been boarded by prisoners, how or why they are here is still being determined. Stay put for the moment while I deal with our visitors."

Kiana stared at the comm for a long moment.  The words that were coming out of it were crazy.  A virus that turned people into zombies?  The hyperdrive and all spacecraft destroyed?  External communication down?  She felt a rising well of panic the situation was described to her; she put a hand out against the Flight Officer's pulpit to steady herself, taking a few deep breaths.

"Who... authorized the destruction of our ships?" she asked hesitantly.  The way this woman spoke, it sounded as if it had been her idea.

Jan Arano:
"The prisoners I told you about are coming your way. They will kill the zombies and free you. So just hold tight for the moment and be prepared to defend yourself in case their stupidity outweighs their willingness to survive. I am not to confident on that at the moment but beggars can't be choosers."

Her heart quickened, and she felt for the blaster pistol at her waist.  "How many prisoners?" she asked.  She could fight off two or three maybe, if they were hostile.  More than that would be a challenge.  She stepped around behind the pulpit, taking cover behind it.  Her blaster would remain at her side, for now.  Her heart was racing as she listened to the sounds of combat outside.
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 6 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 14:40
  • msg #49

Re: The Purge's arrival

When her feet were finally placed back on the ground she gave the wookie a nasty look, suggesting she wasn’t a fan of just being manhandled like that... She quickly adjusted her clothes before she looked at the others. “Yeah, I’m not staying here alone” she said as she pulled out the cable she’d been working on, adjusting the input to the scomp-link as she started to follow along with the others.

She’d been just about finished fixing the cable when she suddenly heard shots being fired around her. She quickly shoved herself against a wall, hopefully out of sight as she looked around, trying to figuring out what all the fuss was about, then she saw the zombies as she quickly drew her own pistol. She didn’t fire, preferring to keep the weapon as a last resort should the warrior-types not be able to handle the walking dead... Not like she could get much a shot off anyway; probably accidently hit one of her companions instead anyway...
Prisoner, 15 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 14:45
  • msg #50

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ironically, the wookiee acts like a big shield holding his pipe. If they want to get to Kya they will have to go threw him. And he's a lot of meat. He watches the others fire at the zombies but doesn't move from Kya. Seems out of everyone she isn't ordering him around so probably on his good side. Well for now. Hell right about now all you can see is Roryll since she's small behind him and against the wall.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 6 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #51

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Kiana I am the head of security for this ship. I am as far as I can tell the highest ranking officer aboard. My duty to the Empire and to humanity demanded I ensure the zombies can not get off the ship. Since they retain some to all of their knowledge I was forced to have the shuttles, Ties, and hyperdrive destroyed. The ship itself would have been destroyed but the incompetent scientists assured me they could find a cure or a vaccine, they are all now among the walking dead. As for the number of prisoners I'll be honest, it's more than you can take on by yourself but you really got no choice at this point. You either starve to death in there or you risk it with the prisoners. I suggest not pissing off the Wookie, he's already agitated. Also not sure if it is a guy or a girl, hard to tell with those giant fur bags. They have almost killed all of the zombies." She paused for a moment. The sound of pounding could be heard in the background. "Can you kill a zombie? They are already technically dead if you believe those idiot scientists. If it does count as killing, then I am in for one hell of a court marshall." She looked at the zombified remains of the captain of the Venator.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 7 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 20:21
  • msg #52

Re: The Purge's arrival

As Jan spoke her piece over the comm, Kiana felt her blood run cold.  Every way off the ship had been scuttled, and any way for the ship itself to get anywhere was also disabled.  There was a band of prisoners in the hallway including a wookie, and other than that the ship was full of undead monsters.  Kiana was a fighter, but her weapon of choice was a TIE Fighter.  Physically, she was no match for most of the prisoners unless they were starved and weak, and her marksmanship was merely average.

"Understood," she said, keeping her voice steady.  "What is our strategy?  Does this vaccine exist?"  How do we get off this ship?
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 20 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #53

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill maintains a perfect calm as they are charged by a small horde of zombies.  His focus is precise. Any of the shambles that brings up a weapon to bear on them gets a burst of fire from the tribarrelled repeating blaster. He is almost methodical in how he fires... aims... fires until the weapon is empty.

Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 17 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #54

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Covering" she replies as she slows down her rate of fire to conserve the charge she has left in the rifle to allow the smuggler to reload the large cumbersome weapon, trying to focus on head shots but there was a reason she was a pilot not a operations specialist, missing almost as much as she hits but before Shill can finish she runs out as well, "Dammit I'm out" she says reaching back and dragging one of the crappy EC-17's and opens up, winging a few of the zombies and even managing to drop one before the cell goes into overload, then she toss the thing at the zombies where it exploded like a small grenade taking the legs out from a technician who crashes down to the floor but continues to crawl "shit shit shit" she says dragging out the other pistol.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 7 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #55

Re: The Purge's arrival

“If there is a vaccine or a cure, no one knows the scientists never reported success before they became zombies or were completely consumed. So I wouldn’t count on it. Right now the strategy is stop the infection from leaving the ship by any means necessary. Until every last zombie is killed there is no escape for anyone. I am currently trapped by…” She stopped to count. “Two dozen zombies? Give or take. Luckily I have enough food to last a while. I was using blaster equipped droids to kill zombies but the probes were no match for the zombies. Down to a handful at best. Once I get you free, we need to focus on making contact with the ship the prisoners came from. If there are a lot of prisoners or Stormtroopers on that ship it can help or it can hurt. Either way it is currently our best and only hope to deal with the threat.”
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 7 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 13:19
  • msg #56

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya remained behind as much over as she could, and that cover now included the wookie. She looked about, seeing the others were still very much in the firing line. She might have gotten a shot off, had she be able to see anything.

There had to be a more efficient way to kill these things than blasters, which only seemed to piss them off in some instances. How did they remain animated even after death was the question, and were they capable of coherent talk? Doubtful she figured...
Prisoner, 16 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 17:46
  • msg #57

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee could help. But he doesn't. He remains where Kya is, watching and waiting. If they want to rush in and take on zombies, draining their weapons and making them dinner-good for them. Of course he has no weapons anyways besides the pipe. Roryll just watches and waits. Ideas are starting to creep into his head....
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 21 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #58

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Mandalorian, step up to the firing line!"

Shill keeps firing in short bursts, keeping the shots at head level. He drops down to a knee and charges the weapon for a second before releasing a conclusive blast, throwing the remaining zombies back. It would have likely killedd living opponents, but there was no telling what it would do to these creatures.

After the blast he stays in the position he was in, down on one knee, hunching toward a little bit.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 8 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #59

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill's concussive blast only knocked the zombies over. After the zombies got back up they were finished with headshots from Ran and the others.

"Taking positions around the door where the Imp can see you don't want the thing to think it can get away with shooting the person who opens the door."

She then had a brilliant idea. She grabbed one of the zombie corpses, it had a hole where the nose would be. Making sure she was standing off to the side, with her free hand she opened the door. Once the door was open she started shaking it and making zombie noises.
Prisoner, 17 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 13:55
  • msg #60

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee has several ideas but who would really listen to a wookiee anyways? Freeze them? Fire comes into mind. They seem hungry for flesh. Well not his flesh if he can help it. So instead of barking and getting the twi'lek irritated with his ideas he is silent. Why not? Let them die. Who cares right? Roryll remains close to Kya getting ready to beat the heck out of a zombie or zombies if they get too close. Blasters don't seem to work unless getting shot in the head. He steps forwards between anyone and Kyra. Big wookiee.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 22 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 23:37
  • msg #61

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill stayed in place as the others moved forward to finish off the zombie. As they finished them he stayed in the same position. Only after the last of them were down does he slump forward, the barrel of the heavy blaster coming to rest on the ground. He uses it to push himself up slowly. He stands there, a nasty blaster burn running along the left side of his chest. He takes a few deep breaths before moving forward to join the others.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
The words run through his mind.
"Pain is in the mind, it can be ignored."

Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 18 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #62

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai waits until the last zombie seems to stay down then cautiously moves forward "Cover me" she says to Shill as she goes forward, looping the rifle around her back and draws the vibroknife and the crappy pistol, kicks an extremity while pointing the pistol at it then shoves the vibroblade through eyes into the brain, 'better to be sure then be dead' she thinks before moving to the next. Once done, she takes cover at the door's side and waits for the Imp to leave the cell while trying to keep track of anything useful on the bodies, perhaps some vambraces or greaves. "Come on out Imp, the coast is clear for now"
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 8 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 08:49
  • msg #63

Re: The Purge's arrival

Crouched low in the pulpit, Kiana heard the fighting in the hall outside.  There were lots of blaster shots, plenty of shouting, and some sounds that were thoroughly unpleasant.  She was not accustomed to being afraid, but she had never come face to face with Rebels outside of the cockpit.  In a TIE Fighter, it was simple; shoot them before they shoot you.  Here, outgunned, outnumbered, and out-wookied, she was out of her depth.

The door slid open and there was... a zombie?  Had they learned to open doors?  Kiana ducked down, listening for a moment, clutching her blaster to her chest.  She was out of sight, but she could still hear it - there was something off about its moans, but she couldn't quite place it.

As the twi'lek called out to her, she grimaced.  "Clear?  Take a look at that door," she said.  The zombie Ran was shaking was definitely in the way.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 9 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 12:49
  • msg #64

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran was disappointed in the Imp's reaction, she was expecting a shriek or for the Imp to shoot the zombie. She dropped the zombie and stepped into the doorway. "Ugh! Why do you Imps always have to disappoint?" She motioned for the Imp to come out. "Your lucky the controls for this door had to be hotwired to get it open. If the zombies can operate blasters they surely can press buttons to open doors." She looked at both sides of the doors control panel. She noticed neither side was damaged, the hallway side is damaged now but it wasn't earlier. "There was nothing wrong with the controls why did I have to hotwire it to open it? Interesting." She tried another door it wouldn't open. The one with the zombies behind it from earlier opened up right away. "Seems like the inverse of what you would want to happen."
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