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15:34, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Purge's arrival.

Posted by GMFor group 0
Jan Arano
Imperial, 8 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #65

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Now that you have rescued the survivor, I need you to get external communications open so that I can talk to whoever is on the ship you came from assuming there is anyone left on board of Imperial authority." The emergency lights lit the way to an elevator. "Straight shot to the elevator only four zombies in your way this time. Once at the elevator go to the fourth floor. Do not go to the third floor, outside the elevator on that floor is a hallway filled wall to wall with zombies. You wouldn't last two minutes before you are over..." There was the sound of something falling and then a blaster bolt. She cut comms at that point. She was lucky only one zombie could find its way through the vents to her at a time. She was also lucky they were not stealthy at all or they might actually have stood a chance at getting her.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 9 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 00:53
  • msg #66

Re: The Purge's arrival

From her position of cover, Kiana watched the Mandalorian toss the corpse aside and reveal herself in the doorway.  She had to fight down the urge to reply with an insult, and instead took a deep breath before rising to her feet.  She stepped out from behind the panel, sidelit in green from the briefing screen beside her.  She was slim, dressed in a green officer's uniform with a pair of blue rank pips that marked her as a lieutenant.  Her dark hair was cut short, and her eyes kept darting about as if scanning for danger.

"It seems like we're going to be working together for a time," she said as she reached the doorway, looking up at the Mandalorian.  Kiana was not a tall woman.  She had holstered her blaster pistol, but her hand rested near the grip.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 19 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #67

Re: The Purge's arrival

Coming back to the room, with cobbled storm trooper armour on her arms and shins "Best keep that in hand Imp, if we were going to kill you, we'd have just opened up when we opened the door, besides there are more of these things all over this star destroyer and I don't want to get bit cause you can't keep your weapon ready." she tells the officer before looking to the others "Should we look for explosives on the zombies?"
Prisoner, 18 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 01:14
  • msg #68

Re: The Purge's arrival

Watching Kiana, the wookiee doesn't say a word. Apparently he already got on everyones bad side for some unknown reason. He has to work with them, even if he doesn't like it. Standing in front of Kya, Roryll grips his pipe. Glancing around, he seems intent on looking for more zombies. Or any other weapon. The TIE pilot doesn't worry him as of yet. Even with the blaster pistol. He's gotten it a lot worse in the prison and in other situations but for some reason it didn't kill him.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 23 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #69

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill steps over to an emergency locker, popping it open and pulling out a bacta bandage, lifting up his shirt to apply it to the left side of his chest to cover the blaster burn.

"We made a lot of noise, we should really keep moving."

He pulls the shirt back down and load the third of 4 magazines into the heavy blaster.

"I hope you are good with that blaster Tie pilot."
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 10 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #70

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran reminded them they need to go to communications and get it up and running. She followed the light path like last time. Along the way she found where they stored nothing but standard issue Stormtrooper armor. She hotwired the room open and began putting on a brand new set. She was not about to wear one worn by a zombie. She did have some standards after all.
Prisoner, 19 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 15:26
  • msg #71

Re: The Purge's arrival

Grabbing a blaster if he can find one on the way there, he makes sure its functional (not firing it of course). Pipe in one hand, blaster in the other, the wookiee remains silent and watches the area remaining close to Kya in case something creeps up on them. Roryll watches and waits, patiently despite being bugged previously. If the twi'lek talks, the wookiee makes no sign he even hears her and probably does. Heck everyone in the ship can hear her talking. Once Ran is done, Roryll decides to grab some of the arm bracers and rip them open to make them large enough for the wookiee. Perhaps strap some together. Basically armored armband all makeshift. If he has the time, if not-he can ignore it.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 24 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 04:39
  • msg #72

Re: The Purge's arrival

He looks at the storm troopers armor. A trooper in a fully sealed suit could survive in a vacuum for up to 20 minutes. It might give them an edge. But he looks over at the rest... Morai and the Wookie couldn't seal up in the armor and would have to be left behind. He couldn't do that.

He steps over to Morai, she was the only one who really stepped up in the fight. She was a crack shot, but a decent shot who actually fought was more use than someone who held back.

"The A280C is a heavy weapon, if you loop the sling around your arm, it will give you better control when firing on burst or full auto."

He gives a smile and nod before starting down the lighted path.
Prisoner, 21 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 17:29
  • msg #73

Re: The Purge's arrival

Silently, the wookiee follows. Wait. Did he say -we- made a lot of noise?

Hell no. He stood there guarding Kya and didn't say a bloody word. Or roared. Silent as a mouse. Now he gets blamed for something he sure in hell never did? Oh how he is tempted to charge them all (well not Kya) and ripped them apart. He doesn't like being insulted and stated he did something he didn't do.

Oh wait. Damn Imperials. Not even in prison can he avoid it. Its all around him! Don't they realize ticking off a big wookiee is -not- a very smart move? He wants to take that smile and shove a fist into it.

Starting to sound like remaining in his cell where it is actually quiet was a better deal. Getting insulted by Imperials was one thing.
GM, 22 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #74

Re: The Purge's arrival

The unlikely band arrives at the communication room encountering only a couple of zombies. One was shot in the head by Kya accidentally, the other one was bashed in the head by Roryll's pipe. The communication room was not locked like the medical room.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 9 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #75

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan came over the intercom again but this time she was speaking at much a lower volume.

"The communications room is full of zombies. I suggest taking up firing positions before you open the door. Watch out for crossfire too. You wouldn't want to shoot each other would you?"
Prisoner, 22 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 18:55
  • msg #76

Re: The Purge's arrival

Making sure Kya is protected, Roryll checks his blaster. He keeps the pipe in one hand, blaster in the other. Making a fashion statement, the stormtrooper armbands look marvelous. Really. No? Though so but his arms are somewhat protected. Roryll expects to get barked and and ordered around-its almost as bad as being a prisoner. And he sure as hell doesn't like it. Just one side commment. Just one. And he looks at the twi'lek expecting it from her.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 25 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #77

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill steps up to the side of the door and looks to Morai and Ran to take the other side. If the Wookie could hold the middle, this could be successful.

He looks at the tie pilot and Kya.

"Could you two watch the back?"
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 11 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 13:03
  • msg #78

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Remember we are here to reestablish communications do not shoot the consoles. So take out their legs first then shoot them in the head. That way when you shoot them and inevitably one of our blaster bolts goes all the way through it won't hit a console."

Ran didn't want to deal with the whiny Imp bitch's retaliation after reporting they shot one of the consoles which turn out to be vital to restoring communications. Once everyone had taken their places. Ran took her position and pressed the button with her blaster rifle. The noise of the door opening got the attention of the zombies. Ran could see just about every zombie turn to face the door to see what it was. The smell coming from that room was off the charts horrible. There was no one distinct smell she could identify. If it weren't for the zombies she would take the time to barf. From her kneeling position, she shot several of the zombies in the knees. Once they were on the ground then she shot them in the head.
Prisoner, 23 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #79

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee sticks to Kya despite what Shrill wants. His eyes narrow on the man but he remains silent. When the door is opened and the fire begins, Roryll fires at one of the undead at his knees and then fires at his head. Rinse and repeat. He grips the pipe in his other hand as well. He turns to look back down the hall, expecting something or someone to try to flank them.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 20 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #80

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai takes Shill's advice and wraps the sling, pulling it tight giving it a snug fit to her shoulder "Like this?" she asks the smuggler and once he approved the move she followed down the hallway, keeping about six inches to a food from the wall in case of something reaching from a vent or doorway.

At the communication room she takes the opposite side of the doorway and gets on one knee to allow room for Ran to shoot over her. "ready" she whispers and when the door opens she unleashes controlled bursts, rounds to the legs, sawing them through or inflicting enough damage to drop the zombies to the ground before another burst into the heads, trying to target any with blasters in their hands before they can turn those blasters on the consoles or the makeshift crew.

The three of them keep up the fire, herself, Morai keeps her shots conservative, trying to keep her mags close to full when Shill reloads or Ran backs out of the way to do the same.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 26 posts
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #81

Re: The Purge's arrival

There was a nod and smile at Morai at the modified grip. It would facilitate better control.

hill maintains small bursts of fire, hitting the shamblers in the legs and following up with blasts to the heads. He stays conservative on his shots, not wating any. He keeps careful track of his ammo and calling out when he has to reload, being sure to space out reloading.

He keeps it up until he feels a deep hunger coming from their left, he glances over but doesn't see anything. He needed to trust his instincts, trust his feelings.

"Shifting to the hallway."

He turns just as four of the creatures come out of another door. Shill opens up into the faces of those who poured out. It was one, long, extended burst that dropped all four.
Prisoner, 24 posts
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #82

Re: The Purge's arrival

The wookiee already has been shooting and waiting to see if they are getting surrounded or are looking good. Shoot the legs out. Then the head. Same routine. He remains close to Kya in case she needs help. Of course his shots come close to the others but they don't hit his supposed 'allies'. Roryll aims his gun at the back of the twi'leks skull. but lowers it and fires at the legs of a zombie. It falls down and then gets a facial blast.
Kiana Vell
Imperial, 10 posts
TIE Pilot
Who needs shields?
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #83

Re: The Purge's arrival

It was surreal, walking through familiar halls that looked so different.  There were blast marks, bloodstains, and bodies strewn about everywhere.  Kiana hadn't been on the Vector for long, but it had been long enough to know how wrong and different everything was.

It was even more surreal walking the Vector's halls with a bunch of Rebel prisoners.  Why were they loose?  They were giving her orders, but Kiana only responded with sullen looks and stayed near the back of the group.  She wanted to keep her eyes on everyone, to make sure nobody was about to shoot her in the back.  It was strange, however, that everybody seemed to accept her.  She felt her rage bubbling just below the surface; these were the same people who had killed her brother, and now they were working with her.  It was tempting to just open fire.

Still, Kiana was not suicidal.  She knew, rationally, that she needed their help.  As the doors opened to the communications room, she held her blaster pistol ready, watching for any zombies coming from behind them.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 10 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #84

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan watched as the last of the communications room zombies were killed. She then noticed the zombified XO of the Venator turned the corner and came shambling/running towards them.

“There is the XO kill him. You will need his code cylinder to do the job.”
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 11 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 13:34
  • msg #86

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran turned to see the XO coming. She pulled out her blaster pistol and shot at him. With the way he stumbled due to a severely fucked up right leg his head kept bobbing around, the three shots missed every time. “Fucking bastard.” She shot him in his good leg and sent him to the floor. She then shot him several more times in the head. She dug around the pockets in the officer uniform and found the code cylinder. She had big explosive plans for this this thing if she ever got off this death trap. She went to the Imperial in their midst. “Your clearly a pilot, so what do we need to do with this cylinder to get the communications back up and running. The Imp behind the speakers said we needed you so you must know how to get the comma up and running.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:34, Sat 27 Aug 2022.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 28 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 17:39
  • msg #87

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill held the heavy blaster at the ready, stepping back and putting his back to the wall, covering both directions at once. He goes down to one knee and just rests for a few moments. He could feel the bacta bandage working, deadening the pain and regenerating the tissue underneath.

He glanced at the side of the rifle, checking the charge left on the weapon.  It was still good for now.

"I'll cover the hallway, but you had better get that communications running fast."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 22 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #88

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Moving to clear the room" Morai says as she moved through the communications room ensuring each zombie is dead before returning to the others "Rooms clear, anyone know how to slice into this damned thing?" she asks them before looking at Kya "You got some slicing skills?"
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 9 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #89

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya had remained quiet in the background, not being much of a combatant type, and she nodded when told to watch the back with the pilot... She offered the Imperial a nod and smile before she knelt on one knee to make an even smaller target than she already was and she remained watchful that no zombie came up behind them...

Kya had no problem with specific Imperials. Sure they were generally evil oppressors and tyrant-like scumbags, but she saw many imperials as herself, opportunistic. They'd signed up with the winning side hoping to make a future for themselves. Good for them...

"Slice... Did someone say slice?" She said turning her head quickly before she moved into the comms room and gave the bodies and parts thereof a disgusted look before she made her way to the console. She pulled the cable she'd been working on and she moved a hand to the back of her head, lifting her long dark hair before she slipped the input jack into the neural terminal found at the back of her brain stem and she quickly slipped the other end of the cable into the scomp link...

"Child's play... What am I looking for, excalty?" She asked as her eyes started to blink rather quickly...
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 23 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 23:21
  • msg #90

Re: The Purge's arrival

"That's for the Imp to tell us" she says heading back to the doorway and taking up covering arc over the opposite side of corridor. "I got this side covered if you wanna keep that side covered" she tells Shill
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