Re: The Purge's arrival

"Yes, but each ship has a crew in the hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands, old or new each ship is a resource that is lost, weakening the whole. Even star destroyers can be damaged, they lack the numbers to be everywhere in sufficient numbers and its something a clever force can strike and fade. I've seen reports of attacks on those imperial classes, two squadrons of new X-Wings nearly crippled it, it lost its shield generators, it's hyperdrive was wrecked, hanger demolished and its complement of fighters was lost. It might not be destroyed but that ship will take months to years to be rebuilt, hundreds of dead crew need replacing, thousands more needing medical help and retraining, the people around learn they can be hurt and they can be beaten, those who the Empire enslaves can see the glimmer of freedom for themselves and we can rise up and defeat them." She says looking back to the smuggler "They can't kill everyone in the galaxy no matter what they think."