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15:27, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Purge's arrival.

Posted by GMFor group 0
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 12 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #91

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran took a seat inside the communication room. She began trying to figure out where the Imp behind the speaker was. She picked up several transmissions from inside the ship. She began playing them. All of them were the moaning and groaning of zombies. "All these channels and nothing good is ever on. Same old crap. The speaker Imp must not be broadcasting."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 29 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 03:02
  • msg #92

Re: The Purge's arrival

There was a nod and a slight smile as he acknowledged Morai and turned to focus on his section of hallway.

He speaks to the Twi'Lek in a low voice.

"Why are you fighting against the Empire? Do you really think there is a chance of actually hurting it? They are far more ruthless than you ever could be."

It isn't said with any recrimination, there seems to be a genuine sadness to his question.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 24 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 03:53
  • msg #93

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Ryloth has always been a target for slavers" she says "the republic tried as best they could to stem that, the Empire turns a blind eye at best to actively encourages it at worst. It may not seem like it but we damage them little by little, a freighter here, a light cruiser there and people will notice. A surveillance ship gets lost and people can move a bit freer. I mean before I got shot down with my crew we took out a squadron of TIE's and an IGV-55 and damaged a Victory 2, that may not seem like a lot against the whole navy, but for those people in those sectors, they see that they are not hopeless in their battle for freedom, but that their enemy can be hurt, and if it can hurt, it can be defeated." There was genuine emotion in her voice, anger at her people's plight but going into hopeful determination
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 13 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 12:53
  • msg #94

Re: The Purge's arrival

“I don’t care if I hurt the Empire I and the rest of the Nite Owls just want to make it known if you rule Mandalore and you are not a Mandalorian, that Mandalorians will make sure you die for that. Doesn’t matter how many times we have to do it. I didn’t join Death Watch to overthrow that pacifist bitch Satine only to side with her against Maul when he decided to take over Mandalore to let a puppet ruler takeover for the Emperor. Mandalore will be ruled by Mandalorians, anyone else will die. No PILOT! Get your ass moving. I ain’t standing around here protecting you for my health. Do what we rescued for or I put a hole through your skull.”
This message was last edited by the player at 12:58, Fri 02 Sept 2022.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 30 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 21:22
  • msg #95

Re: The Purge's arrival

There was a sad shake of his head.

"The Empire has over 25,000 Star Destroyers and hundreds of thousands of smaller ships. You damaged one older Star Destroyer.  The newer, Imperial II class Star Destroyers have 6 times the firepower. The Empire is over whelming. They kill anyone that stands up to them... including innocents. When you stand up to them, they will kill anyone you have ever known."

He continues to shake his head.

"The brutality of the empire is beyond comprehension to a sane person."

There is a slight quaver to his voice.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 14 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 23:46
  • msg #96

Re: The Purge's arrival

"I have killed..." She stopped to think. "Shit, never learned how many. I really wish I knew how many, at least a close estimate. They didn't kill me. They stuck me on that barge going to who knows where. They did some torturing and interrogating. I gave them some info on some people I despise, who betrayed Mandalore not long before the Empire came around. They can kill my clan if they want, stupid bitches sided with Maul, in fact they were the assholes I turned in. Just thinking about them getting snatched up by the Imps is orgasmic. I never destroyed a Star Destroyer, that's definitely on my bucket list though...if I ever escape."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 25 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #97

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Yes, but each ship has a crew in the hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands, old or new each ship is a resource that is lost, weakening the whole. Even star destroyers can be damaged, they lack the numbers to be everywhere in sufficient numbers and its something a clever force can strike and fade. I've seen reports of attacks on those imperial classes, two squadrons of new X-Wings nearly crippled it, it lost its shield generators, it's hyperdrive was wrecked, hanger demolished and its complement of fighters was lost. It might not be destroyed but that ship will take months to years to be rebuilt, hundreds of dead crew need replacing, thousands more needing medical help and retraining, the people around learn they can be hurt and they can be beaten, those who the Empire enslaves can see the glimmer of freedom for themselves and we can rise up and defeat them." She says looking back to the smuggler "They can't kill everyone in the galaxy no matter what they think."
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 1 post
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 09:23
  • msg #98

Re: The Purge's arrival

There is a nasty smell of raw sewage wafting in, and a slight squelching sound in the distance.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 26 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #99

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai almost retches with the smell spewing from the corridor "Oh nine hells I think one of them fell into the sewage recycler" she says preparing to fire down the corridor the second the shambler appears.
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 15 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #100

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran was about to reply when the stench came wafting in like the Imperial army ready to conquer a planet. "By the gods!" She spoke in Mando'a her native tongue. She started to heave. "I'd kill for an air filtration unit like in my old helmet."

She moved away from the smell and took several deep breaths. She then took one large breath and held it. She then moved closer to investigate. The stench stung her eyes. She found a grate where the smell seemed to be the strongest. started poking at the grate with her blaster rifle. She would literally kill every one of her fellow prisoners if it meant obtaining a way to eliminate that smell. At this moment she was considering blowing up the entire ship to eliminate the smell plus it would cross an item off her bucket list, two birds one gigantic explosion.
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 31 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #101

Re: The Purge's arrival

His head cocked to the side as if he were hearing something... his attention focuses on something distant.

"Wait! it isn't one of them."

He couldn't explain to them how he knew, but he did. He couldn't feel the hunger that he could off of the zombies, he could feel a whole host of emotions. For the first time in a long time, he was opening himself up to the flow of the force. And he could hear something... a musical tone.
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 2 posts
Sat 3 Sep 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #102

Re: The Purge's arrival

Down the corridor, a figure turned the corner. They were humanoid, and wearing a sealed suit still smeared with something disgusting, and holding a toolbox and a welder. A human voice comes out from the suit "HEY! Any maintenance crew left here?".
This message was last edited by the player at 22:34, Sat 03 Sept 2022.
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 27 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #103

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Stop where you are, NOW" Morai yells, coming out of cover and taking a couple reluctant steps towards the reeking man coming towards them "Disrobe and leave that...suit there" she adds keeping her blaster trained squarely on the figures head.
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 3 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 12:19
  • msg #104

Re: The Purge's arrival

"OK! I'm stopping! I'm stopping! Don't suppose you could help me out of the suit...better yet, we could go to one of the showers and wash this thing down. This ship's sanitation is screwed!"
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 28 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 15:32
  • msg #105

Re: The Purge's arrival

"You seem capable of taking it off on your own, cause the whole ship is screwed and will probably be scuttled" She tells the man, stopping a few metres ahead of him, gun raised still at his head "And If we have to continue to smell that you're staying here"
Ran Sorr
Prisoner, 16 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #106

Re: The Purge's arrival

Ran had an idea. No clue if it would work. "What exactly do you use to sanitize? Could it 'sanitize'....I don't know a person? The kind of sanitation that destroys all the fleshy stuff."

The ship was suddenly rocked by what felt like an explosion. Alarms started going off everywhere.
Jan Arano
Imperial, 12 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #107

Re: The Purge's arrival

Jan quickly muted the alarm sounds. "Give me a moment." She didn't bother to cut the comms. "What the ever-loving fuck did those zombie bastards do?" The sounds of furious typing could be heard. "Thank god. They just blew up one of the armories. "Luckily there were very few bombs kept in there or you might have found yourselves amongst a pretty big gathering of zombies. Slicer use access code 5 Beta Charlie 2 Delta Gamma 7 Foxtrot, you should be able to fix any problems or at least find out what's broken that needs to be repaired. If the gods are willing whatever is broken is fixable by one of you."
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 4 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 10:36
  • msg #108

Re: The Purge's arrival

"We just use a disinfectant and deodorant spray under pressure! If the incinerator was working, we probably wouldn't have such a trash problem!"

He reaches to one shoulder and says "OK, I will take this off...but it's going to take a minute."
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 10 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 11:51
  • msg #109

Re: The Purge's arrival

Kya was doing her own exploration of the computer’s databanks as she waited for further instructions. The system itself was quite extensive, and filled with all manner of goodies... She could locate her own personal files and erase herself from the system altogether. Wouldn’t do anything to help her in her current predicament, but assuming she survives...

“Good lord... Which one of you guys did that?” She said making a very disapproving face at the smell... “Ooh... Sithspawn... That is some nasty stuff” She muttered, but she otherwise ignored the goings-on behind her and she focused on the data-stream... Until she heard the Imperial’s voice returning finally... She didn’t have to use her hands to input the codes, she closed her eyes and they started to input themselves... 5 Beta Charlie 2 Delta Gamma 7 Foxtrot... She muttered as she started to then quickly perform a diagnostic.

She wasn’t an engineer or technician, but she was intelligent, so she started to use the computer systems to reroute power where needed to further secure the secure areas and shut down those with damage. It was like playing some high-tech version of wake-a-mole... Kind of... “Some of these are going to need a more... Hands on approach” she spoke through the comms...
Jan Arano
Imperial, 13 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 12:10
  • msg #110

Re: The Purge's arrival

"I figured as much." She zoomed in on the results on Kya's screen. "Good news/bad news situation. Good news: The damage isn't extensive. Probably easily fixed. Bad news: That area has a heavy zombie population. That's where the test subjects were kept. Watch out for the Ewok zombies Those things are massively creepy. They can fit in places others can't. So check everywhere. Unless you want one of those little ankle biters getting you."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 32 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #111

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill kept a watch down the other hallway, making sure nothing came up behind them while distracted by the shit covered mechanic. For a moment, he was ready to just shoot the mechanic, he was an Imp after all, but he lets out a deep breath and lets the anger go.

"I'll hose him down, you two cover the hallway."

He wanted to hate the Imps, he really did. But hate would hurt him much more than it would the Imps.

He steps over to the shit covered mechanic.

"Where is the closest station?"
Jaxom Springer
Imperial, 5 posts
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #112

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Two corridors down there's a clean-up station. Something took the head off the technician stationed there."

The mechanic gets his helm off, gags slightly at how badly sewage-stained his suit is, and introduces himself. "I'm Jaxom, and this ship is not in the best shape right now."
Morai Aliath
Prisoner, 29 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #113

Re: The Purge's arrival

Morai heads back to the doorway and keeps watch as the smuggler heads off with the wretched smelling Imp. "Just hurry up, we need to get out of here at some point and hopefully off of this decrepit tub."
Shill Tyson
Prisoner, 33 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #114

Re: The Purge's arrival

Shill moves ahead of the mechanic, covering them. Twice they encountered zombies and Shill shot them in the head.

"This is it?

He motions towards a door before opening it and making sure the room is clear.
Kya Jax
Prisoner, 11 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #115

Re: The Purge's arrival

"Ankle biters? Ewoks?" She muttered in reply with a tilt of her head. She'd never heard the word ewok before. A quick check of the database brought a picture of one... "Aw... So cute and cuddly" she said, though her voice was on the lower end of the volume spectrum...

Just then she heard a new voice suggesting the ship wasn't in great shape and she chuckled in amusement of the understatement of the cycle. "Okay, so let's be more specific" she spoke into the comms to the person at the other end of the airwaves.  "You need us to go where exactly? The armory?" She asked, looking back to the others, though she noticed there seemed to be a few less of them in the immediate vacinity.

She wasn't sure the armory was a good idea. The group she was with was a little on the... crazy and chaotic side.
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