Also one is high in the air. I'll go ahead and use Nar's template to give you a quick visual reference:
So, you can imagine that this is the bridge seen from above; you're coming from the bottom of the table, and heading towards the top. Each square is a 5ft square, as per usual mapping.
The letters indicate where the enemies are; "B" is the woman with the bastard sword, "G" is the goblin gunslinger, "O" is the orc leader, "Z" is the ghost (keep in mind that the ghost is hovering high into the air, which obviously will be taken into account when determining whether she'd be inside a certain area of effect or not), A1F is the first alchemist, the one with fire hair, and A2G is the second alchemist, the one with glasses. Note also that this last one is moving; each turn she's taking two move actions, heading toward an edge of the bridge, then back to the opposite side, then back again, as determined by a normal 30 ft move speed. This means that you can time your attack such that she could be at any point of that line; let me know if you have a preference.
Speaking of formation, how will you be moving in? Are you going to stand in a neat column, one behind the other? Are you all going to come out side by side in a line? A V formation, and if so who'd be on front and who on the wings? A more loose group, and if so, roughly which distance would you keep from one another: a tight cluster (max 10 ft away from each other), or a scattered group (more than 30 ft from each other)? That will help in case, say, any of the enemy casters had abilities that can strike at a distance.
Completely unrelated trivia: Long Range for magic is 400 ft + 40ft x CL. At CL 20, that's 1200 ft. Interesting factoid, isn't it? ^_^
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:00, Tue 11 Feb.