IC Thread 3
Arenea and Eleni succeed to mount the building, while the others fail. Those who fail, your hands skid a little bit on the rope, which is crafted of the finest hemp, and 50 feet now dangle limply from a vantage point angled from the hook ranging this way and that as the rope's anchor. The priest seems to be your friend, he keeps mouthing good-feeling preludes toward you as you occasionally turn around to see if he's actually the one shoring in your reality with mantras from all radial perspectives. The temple is situated almost like an island, a beacon from the storm that sits at odd angles from the crashing waves that the Sea of Pelluria and the Caen River divvy up the spoils of with your tourist-like selves. The magic feels unraw because you're so new to the city, but there is reputedly a Power Nexus (which range from power levels 1 through 10) and this one is a level 7. Later on you can level up to 7 in a Heroic Path and the 7th spot will offer criticals in a range exceeding the standard 20, making it 18-20. This location is sacrilized by the gods, and you might be able to use Zeus' limp power to prematurely cease the fire elementals, whose gift to Apollo is their service, their sun-like shape now in your rear-view mirror.
The lady on the roof says, "My name is Jil and the prophecies spoke of you," to Lady Maevre. "The fire elementals may pay heed to Apollo, but their arrows will be of service in the allegiance to Zeus. Summon him and he'll erupt from the center lake, causing a natural disaster which will be digressed into yet more taxation, fixing these houses up. But it can be done using just magic, usually. Go, and wile your way into a fury before the gods, or we don't help you." As she says this, two elves catch their hands upon the gutters, hoisting themselves onto the roof. They had good climb checks, with a difficult DC given there is water now treating the city like Zanarkand.
Those who fail the check end up on their rear ends, with no other difficulties non-trivial. The facade gleams against those of you whose sight is low-light, for it is dark as night. But the light from the Temple is enough to illuminate your path. Ten rioters smash its windows and say to you, "You're not going to make it inside this temple, scum!" and they appear to lift the rubble that now constitutes the Areopagus from cairn-like piles. Those who climb up are able to create a link between the words offered in prayer here to the serpentine tongues of those now jumping toward the temple from the flat rooves. They say to Lady Maevre, "Some other time the Last Laugh will meet you at the temple. For now we retreat from this rioting."
Concentration was succeed by all and warrants a moment of pure bliss that lets you communicate with Zeus temporarily, with the spell command. You feel that the word will splash its way into the lake, offering the chance to literally use a word to vanquish the priest and use summon nature's ally to bring the priest down from his elemental prison to secure the safety of his soul in the form of a phrase. Together you're able to hear that a channeler is requiring a scroll of glib tongues and that you can secure it either at Skie's Treasury or from the Church of Wee Jas, both in the northwest part of town. Then you can align the spiders of the church with the priest's babble, creating something of a tower at the top of which is a gem-encrusted staff created with Craft Magic Item. The top of the staff, the top of the tower, the minarets awaiting your presence in which fire is the password for ascension back into the library where you will re-group. In addition to the riots you are able to channel anger into the staff, unleashing it to demolish a wall and let the water stream down in avidness, surrounding the temple with water in a fashion unbeknownst to the eagles of Zeus now floating around the city. Using the staff, you can unload the shocking grasp to retain it as a future prophecy in "ungating" the Nereid prophets, who are taking the form of serpents.