He cackles before the astirax start to swarm like blades and energy seems to surge through his body.
Jack - 28
Mongo 24 - Natural 20 on Initiative, I couldn't find where you had posted initiative, so I'm going with "4+I" which I assume means you have a plus 4, landing on 24.
Nisha - 19
Morhg - 13
Cahur - 16
Lionel - 13
The room has one door that materialized as he taunted you, meaning you're in the outside space with the fountain followed by an inside space with a statue of a kuo-toa. The inside space is about 60' by 60', with a height of 100'. The enclosure with the fountain seems al most infinite.
The floor of the chamber is a mosaic with frescoes of dolphins suggesting a doubt and a half of a source of essentia, the physical manifestation of which might be aligned with the astirax spinning around floating like there is a source and destination to the very room. The floor is covered with porcelin shards and there are stone double doors. Jack's eye seems to pop out and may even be fueled by essentia.
(Aside from the modified stat block I posted some of earlier, the monster is like this:
"What's with the scars and tattooes?" the astirax chimes in before taking flight and perching in the northwest corner of the room. He has a version of Jack's Journal from which he begins to read aloud:
"The former ruler of this layer (the water plane) a fallen planetar named Adimarchus, found it amusing to keep me around as his prisoner. He found me a kindred spirit, I suppose -- where else are you going to find an angel around here? Adimarchus also thought it would be amusing to torture me repeatedly and put these blasphemous sigils on my chest." He indicates the chest in the other corner, floating, emitting light.
Monk 3/assassin 3/wizard 2: If you defeat him by closing the chest with a totem, you gain a bonus 500 experience, in addition to the 1400 and 2100. He attempts to swim up to the corner to access the chest before combat meaning you can stop him if you catch him flat-footed (22 to slice him up), as the air and water planes converge in a giant river where floats a demodad army aligned with the kuo-toa. You can almost feel the experience from the wraps of his resurrection. If you defeat him at night (using magical light to sift through the magic ether), then Nyx manifests for a short time to grant a wish.
His words count as a bluff check opposed to your own sense motive or similar skill to keep the chest locked with essentia, which is akin to shadowmelds (the chest emits a wave and worm-like shadow cresting as waves of water, which may interact with his armor (which is like your own, as we recall). His caster level is 8 and he has many appendages to reach into the chest and you sense he gains a discrete boost (gradated, like Pathfinder) to his mysteries and he will cast Necromancy to bring you back from the dead, downgrading you into astirax form. If he slams you, you're in trouble as it blasts you into the kuo-toa sphere which surrounds this room like a waterfall full of fish (images dancing like dolphins).
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:24, Wed 27 Nov 2024.