IC Thread 3

Lightweather Place, former owner and proprietor of Skie's Treasury, facilitates transfer of power to the lich Byron, whose phylactery (shaped like a ribcage) becomes denatured when placed in a sopping giant plain of acid, which resembles peat. The Test of the Smoking Eye is the text that is hastily scribbled on the air by an unknown god, runic Abyssal that summons yuan-ti from the seas of acid and they as water-dwellers have been fiending away at fire weapons in their underground lairs in Shatterhorn, which is near the Demonskar. The feeling you get when the phylactery disappears signals a broach with the man pround himself, friend of Byron and legendary hopeful monitor of the waves lapping up on the shores of the pureblooded, halfblooded, and aboomination yuan-ti, the abominations being smaller but brighter. One man befriended to Byron and Lightweather notes the passage of Carceri to the feeling dipped in the pool by the pround Aldous who greets you after having sealed up his magic boots with a feeling of archery seeming to surround the acid fields. The magic boots materialize from the fields which align through the cylindrical trap as though shot like so many airdarts. There is a pair present for each one of you, and the pround Aldous' voice bends a ribcage like the phylactery with bone crunching sounds aligning in the waterfall through which bursts Mongo's cold steel dagger which acts like a Blink spell, travelling through the now vertical plane of acid and fire and added to it, water which recalls Wogren Moor's fountain.
You are able to pick up the Mark of the Smoking Eye template by allowing in the sights of the fountain which now collapse back in on themselves, the steam bending around the Striders who have returned to normal following the alignment of the sealing of the trap, which now appears as a mannequin suit of armor, and the ritualizing of the phylactery, causing the grass to magically grow longer, piercing through the windows in the tavern. All in all, an elemental conjunction recalling the bashing of skulls by Cauldron's fire giant, whose ray burst through this terrain in ancient times, fracturing the earth and releasing the spellweavers.
A small lizard-like creature writhes in the pocket chiseled by the vaporous beam generating a mirror effect that is called by the locals a glace. To those in the know that is. The concealed one (one of Pelor's destroyers) has influence in this area and his abyssal remarks show up in your dreams that night as a giant sinful lustbag with beholder's glacey gaze, a basilisk rummaging around in this or that chest, which a detect evil spell cast by the Rangers solidifies in the corner, the sealing of the line of sight to the ethereal plane temporarily fudged.
Another dream you undergo makes you visualize a demon barking commands to an underling, with a Craft Staff spell in Abyssal tearing through matter to settle in one luminous photosynthetic drop upon the wands of control water. Flooding of the land under Cauldron recalls this spot that Wogren Moor embodies, having settled upon a man named Zenith Splintershield whose writings to Alek Tercival appear muddled and dangerous. The Striders bring them up in conversation:
"Now that the lich's pact has been sealed, the gods can ignore this area with their wards. The astirax are afraid of water which is what the spellweavers figured out early but they also hated the Sign of the Smoking Eye despite its lucrative power."
"The pround is none other than Khorophon from Bhal'Hmaghn, disguised and then again as that rogue Vhalantru. He seeks to bring power into the city, forcing the residents' tax worries into a revolution that would cripple the elven kingdoms' monopoly over the forests scattered cold and warm."
"Did you figure with your new boots (which have small divets on them the color of prairie), would lend itself to pastoral nomads in the Shadow's campaign of old-growth forest and woses in abundance? Settlers in Cauldron actually favor Izrador, having seen what the gods' power drained from their life's blood."
OOC: Sorry it took me so long, hope you guys are all still game.