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12:46, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

IC Thread 3.

Posted by wlake.gmtnFor group 0
player, 59 posts
Mongo only pawn in Game
Of Life
Fri 12 Jul 2024
at 17:13
  • msg #133

IC Thread 3

Mongo wades in, ignoring the slowing of his reflexes. As the Striders have done, he too takes hold of his weapon and starts absorbing some of the power streaming by, confident in the quality of his workmanship to absorb power. Any lasting effect on his movement, he dismissed with a moment of concentration, until footwear appears and he slips them on. He tells Jack "if your bow is your primary weapon, have you ever used or crafted blunt or slashing arrows?"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:16, Fri 12 July 2024.
player, 98 posts
Mon 15 Jul 2024
at 12:19
  • msg #134

IC Thread 3

Aranea dons the provided magic boots and strides to place her amulet into the font of power hoping that it will work as a medium to spread the new enchantment along the enchantment of the amulet to empower her natural attacks.

She wished that their missions allowed more time to study these kinds of magics… enchanting silks and venoms might go a long way in her future though these specific enchantments maybe… not so much. Replacing her amulet she tests her theories by trying to scrape into a nearby tree’s bark with her nails.
Jack Springhill
player, 154 posts
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Mon 15 Jul 2024
at 19:25
  • msg #135

IC Thread 3

"Ha! I should indeed get some blunt arrows, that is a great idea, those too can be dipped before we leave the area."

"The shoes at least seem to be a good fit, I suppose we will discover their use."
GM, 175 posts
Wed 17 Jul 2024
at 18:53
  • msg #136

IC Thread 3

Stonebiter arrows +1 (adamantite, 30, 6gp per for 180gp total, 90 if sold ) This projectile, which glows with a faint blue light (as many magic items do when in proximity to the Shadow), are ridged using mithril on adamantite, both of which are mined in Wogren Moor with a magical technique which is similar to prounding, i.e. the prounders are in close association with the miners of the quarries. They can be fired like grappling hooks and seeing as Wogren Moor has peat bogs that tower over the outpost like colossi (they are sometimes used as Power Nexus, like a candle with the bog dwelling on the top of the towers. To locate the pround, [this combat versus those of the Tithe seemingly automatically won, but you never know if the wepaons you found and made could be cursed or blessed]). You would need flying equipment to harness the towers and the peat might act as an Oil of Mending. These remind you of the trap you have, which can be sold for 1800 gp (price 3600gp).

Snakeskin boots +1, knee-high. These boots are immune to change from without, and spin with a perfidy similar to Rorschach's mask from Watchmen, green and blue patterns swirling together and are thus known as Springy Earth Boots. You get the impression someone left them here when trvaelling by bone strider, which creates a tear in the magical fiber, changing the nature of magical combat. The shops set up in Highwall sell these and so you suspect those making the Tithe are attempting to hide from the gods by travelling through crowded spaces. But now again it's just the bulwark of the luminescent stone from which you were able to dip the Highwall arrows.

The Smoking Eye Template is as Jack mentioned,

At all times, you gain the following attributes:

-- +1 to all saving throws. Occipitus is subtly watching out for you.

-- +1 to all attack rolls.

-- +1 caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities.

-- Evil spells affect you as if you were evil, not good. Thus, an Unholy Blight won't hurt you.

-- Lie in State: If you die, after 1 minute your body disappears and reappears dead but intact in the Skull's eye socket in Occipitus.

-- Appearance: Your right eye is replaced with a magical flame that gives no heat and does not burn the surrounding flesh. When your eye is open, it gives illumination as a candle. Your vision is unaffected -- you can see through the eye normally. The eye also gives off wisps of bitter smoke, which will make you easier to track by scent.

Peat in the eye gives birth to new landscapes, part of a healing process in which blighted landscapes are restored. So like Madeye Moony you can comically detatch the eye from its socket. If the eye is present, then you are in a state of transformation. You could view that the pround has a similar affixation to his eye based on glimpsing him in the portal. Add that to dolphin glass and you have a boulot of items to trade to the next city you visit in your attempts to purge high magic from the lands and maintain your own prerogatives (according to the GM, your alignment is highly volatile). The Striders will join you in a mercantile quest to enrich the blighted lands and compete with shadowselves. You might convince the Striders, whose brief possession has ended, to bard horses which could bear saddlebags and thus keep warm when the undead come out at night.
Jack Springhill
player, 160 posts
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Thu 18 Jul 2024
at 18:40
  • msg #137

IC Thread 3

Jack casts detect magic and makes a spellcraft check on the boots...
Today: Jack Springhill rolled 26 using 1d20+11.  spellcraft.
GM, 178 posts
Thu 25 Jul 2024
at 00:03
  • msg #138

IC Thread 3

The dagger and the boots suggest a certain affinity, with an inscription that becomes clear when you wave your hand over them. The dagger, fresh in Mongo's hand, emits a cerulean glow matching the reflections on his green and mossy beard and the mood of the scene suggests a salamander's scuttling that perhaps has future significance in a riddle or two, written in Abyssal, which is the tongue Izrador and the gods wage war over. Almost to the point, Izrador is a traditionalist and the gods try to force through their program with more overt effects, like auras that shine from the horizon. In this case the room takes on the salamander's glow as though a warm fire sits on the horizon. The elements are out of favor in this region, suggesting the magical presence you feel, Jack, makes your hair stand on end and your alls boots feel light as a feather, improving coup de grace, assuming your characters partake of such torrid techniques. Coups de grace ignore magic items based on where the attacker strikes and the gods current magical fields (their Black-and-White grasp over the world implies the pround is but a decoy).

The arrows are freshly feathered and fly true like birds. The act without quivers as though Abyssfiends whose language you're speaking (which gods enabled it?, but it only happened for a second) had joined battle with their ancient ancestors. The tracks of the Striders can be tracked, they quickly stormed out on some other business. But you hear them speaking Abyssal and you might learn a thing or two about the outer planes if you hunt them down. What is their relationship to the pround, can you trust anyone? Or maybe skeletons in the closet will re-unify when the sun goes down.
player, 66 posts
Mongo only pawn in Game
Of Life
Fri 26 Jul 2024
at 02:32
  • msg #139

IC Thread 3

Mongo moves into a meditative state, concentrating on making sense of his surroundings. As he studies the landscape, he uncorks an empty waterskin and fills it from the waterfall. The water might come in handy later. He tries the mental exercise of Adaptive Style to see if it would acclimate himself to this strange world's rules.

19:28, Today: Mongo rolled 14 using 1d20+13.  Concentration . – 14
Jack Springhill
player, 164 posts
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Fri 26 Jul 2024
at 02:46
  • msg #140

IC Thread 3

"It seems that many unexpected things have happened in destroying the phylactery, and the price appears to be this change to my eye, I guess that means a living being cannot destroy such evil without paying a price." 
Jack feels something strange with the eye but he cannot put his full awareness onto the whole change, perhaps it was a dream within a dream or an inception and he would come to understand more later on...

Jack with his boots arrows and other weapons now more ready than ever, seeing nothing else to be gained here, suggests

"Should we go and take the wagon of tithes back to Cauldron?"

Privately he wonders as the world becomes more confusing, not less as he adventurers in it, though his knowledge of planes tells him there are places where he would lose his sanity in the voids of nothingness....

He considers wearing an eye patch until he knows more, though waiting for the reactions of others may give him the knowledge he craves.....
player, 4 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2024
at 15:11
  • msg #141

IC Thread 3

"I'll talk to them. Cover me, just in case." Lionel says to his companions and walks outside the cover that a big rock provided to his group.

He calmly walks to the two men, with his hands open, in sign of peace. "Greetings, strangers. My name is Lionel." He says, noticing one of them is writing in a book. Lionel is a tanned man with brown eyes and blonde hair. His body is covered in an armor of a golden color and it seems to have some silver wings protecting his shoulders.
Jack Springhill
player, 177 posts
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Tue 27 Aug 2024
at 16:52
  • msg #142

IC Thread 3

Jack looks up from his journal as the man steps forward, the two most noticeable things are that one of Jacks eyes burns like an red hot ember, with smoke rising from the socket where the one eye would be, the second is despite the man's silver hair, he is still a young adult...

"Greetings Lionel, I am Jack and this is Mongo, we have just finished our business in  High wall."

Are you guys going to pick a picture to place by your posts?
This message was last edited by the player at 16:53, Tue 27 Aug 2024.
player, 70 posts
Mongo only pawn in Game
Of Life
Wed 28 Aug 2024
at 00:10
  • msg #143

IC Thread 3

After donning his boots and retrieving his dagger from the waterfall, the plate-armored Goliath turns to appraise the newcomers. He asks Jack "writing has appeared on my dagger. I do not recognize it, and I suspect it has something to do with the changes wrought within it. You know what it says?" he asks as he tries to take the measure of the new strangers.
Jack Springhill
player, 178 posts
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Wed 28 Aug 2024
at 01:05
  • msg #144

IC Thread 3

Jack takes the dagger from Mongo to look at the script that is now apparent on the blade...
"Interesting, was this dagger magical before the pround, is it possible that the water revealed this rather than causing it?"

DM, please let me know what check I might need for this...
player, 71 posts
Mongo only pawn in Game
Of Life
Wed 28 Aug 2024
at 02:34
  • msg #145

IC Thread 3

"Masterwork, yes. Magical, no. I made it myself, fashioned from Cold Iron. If it now holds magic, it must be a powerful dweomer indeed. "
Jack Springhill
player, 179 posts
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Thu 29 Aug 2024
at 01:01
  • msg #146

IC Thread 3

Jack looks over the script and as he does so he calls upon his arcane attunement to cast detect magic....

Going to go ahead and make some rolls, Decipher script 19; Spellcraft 24

"Let me do a proper inspection and casts some magic on this thing....."

Looks over at Lionel.....
"Are you a local?  Mongo and I are not from these parts, so we are always trying to figure things out."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:05, Thu 29 Aug 2024.
GM, 188 posts
Thu 29 Aug 2024
at 11:16
  • msg #147

IC Thread 3

The dagger gives you a potent sense of the divine and arcane, reduced as they are here. You might need to bend it over malleably at a city forge to truly understand it. Most of the artifacts have been scattered to the winds. Ultimately you'll be wanting to become your own style of demigod, for even at higher levels the gods could crush you. Their role in the world is of ultimate power, and you never know if the mortals you encounter are actually avatars of the gods. Ox-eyed Hera and Grey-eyed Athene are common in Wogren Moor, a land dominated by Erenlanders. Here are the breeding pits where Typhon ascended to godhood, elucidating the story of the waterfall dagger. It was his at one time, and the new arrivals seem to have the option of selecting daggers as well, with mirror images of the dagger multiplying from Jack's investiture of magic. Something to sell to Skie's Treasury perhaps. The peaty substance that you can smell given off from them blurs Jack's vision for a moment, with tiny hay-like veins giving you momentary flashes of a crippled and destitute world.
player, 5 posts
Fri 30 Aug 2024
at 00:40
  • msg #148

IC Thread 3

Lionel keps silence about their business in Highwall. He doesn't know what was that business, but it was just that, their business.

"Me and two friends are travelling together. Perhaps we can join you, for safety. We are stranger to not only this land but also this universe." He whistles, signaling Cahur and Nisha to come with him.

As the new daggers appear, Lionel seems to be drawn by one, reaching for a golden one with the form of an eagle.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Fri 30 Aug 2024.
Jack Springhill
player, 181 posts
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Fri 30 Aug 2024
at 10:43
  • msg #149

IC Thread 3

"I too am not from this plane and much of it perplexes me, it seems nearer the domains of the gods so their activities are nearer and not so far removed, and things are mercurial capable of rapid changes, deja Vu is often the gods resetting something, I have not the full words to explain it. Perhaps they stop time and make adjustments and set creation in motion again, I do not know..... I appeared in Cauldron the city in the bowl of a volcano, in the middle of a battle, obtained a task and set to travel through some waste land, then via ferry man to here, I had destroyed a lich and brought his phylactery to the pround for destruction, Mongo appeared on the ferryman's boat, from my point of view.   It is also the case that companions can appear mid battle and seem to wink out of existence with no warning.  I have been journaling of my experiences, should you want to read it."

Jack also pulls forth his own version of the "waterfall dagger of divine and arcane"....
player, 4 posts
Fri 30 Aug 2024
at 23:18
  • msg #150

IC Thread 3

Nisha rolls her eyes. "We are not dogs, Lionel." She walks to his side. "I am Nisha of Nix." She speaks, revealing an armor as black as the night that covers her body. Her helmet is more crown than a protection. The gems in it shine like stars. But nothing compares to her cloak. When it opens to reveal little more than her body, it seems as if the fabric is composed by the void of the universe.

Then she notices the weapons that have appeared. Her fingers caress a black one, and then she takes it by the hilt.
Jack Springhill
player, 183 posts
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Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 02:23
  • msg #151

IC Thread 3

“ Nisha of Nix, I am Jack Springhill, professional dabbler, jack of all trades.”
GM, 189 posts
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 15:04
  • msg #152

IC Thread 3

Jack's Journal pulsates with a soft warm glow, indicating the vastness of the wisdoms within. On a different day you might speculate that inscribed in enough, it might even grant its bearer the status of Hierophant, with a solid boost to Wisdom (Wisdom has a higher threshold in the primarily Midnight world as it takes ingenuity to scrape a living off the rocks until the big boys show up, although the new guys seem like fallen gods, something that is true of the other heroes though they just didn't perceive it sooner). The tome has a scritch-scratch of Jack's handwriting (assuming Common until you say otherwise, Jack) and it almost feels like the waterfall, which disappears after everyone draws a dagger, consecrates this meeting of gods torn asunder and forced to start over as regards the Sundering. The curved blades allow you to feel the Pround and the Lich, suggesting that they might be the same deity stranded here, but as a Fell ever tormented by astirax clouds until he is restored to his phylactery by the Shadow. Nisha and Lionel can feel their hair standing on end and perhaps know more than Jack about the history of the gods (Knowledge, dungeoneering for Jack (14) and for Mongo (23, Knowledge: Martial Lore, and 21, Lionel, Knowledge: Psionics seeing as the Pround is hoarding peat in dungeons, alongside people to be saved). The party as a whole comes to the consensus that the history of peat suggests the Pround reads at the library with a psionic eye, and people have located bodies nearby his towers that suggest a fetid connection to super-trained zombies with Fellcaller aptitudes, with blades that spin like Jack's guisarme, used as drones to harvest grain for kind payments). [Until I have the sheets for the other two new players, I assume they don't catch a look at Jack's Journal].

You become aware of someone knocking at the door to the tavern and a rather placid zombie walks in with a blade. "The daggers, you know the Striders? They told me to come by to gather information about my former boss, the Pround." He pauses, then continues. "His tribe kicks about the Archipelago of the Eywulf, with stormy rocks lashing against the shore. If you can bottle the waters up, we can access one of the god's channels to the Lost by siphoning the liquid into their bloodstream." He flashes his dagger. "Or maybe, you're an enemy." His form suggest DR of 5 from pulsating armor, just the same color as Jack's Journal. "I know you snuck in here, you three, so you either join me and the Proun' or we start to flood the place again."

OOC: He bears a scroll of Synchronicity. If you get it, you might notice the Energy Resistance that his armor gives off, something that with the water of the Eyewulf, might both temper Lionel's armor and retain Jack's ability to cast a Touch attack with the energies of the Journal referenced to Korophon, the Eye. Several of the Skeleton's eyes shift into a whirlwind of potent magical fields, and he attempts to skewer his pop-out eye with his own dagger. His AC is likely high, with adamantite, which seems like the portcullis you recall.
Jack Springhill
player, 184 posts
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Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 18:45
  • msg #153

IC Thread 3

"Take ease animated intelligence, there is no need for conflict at this time, perhaps you should consider taking our side rather than whatever side you are on."

Jack has a spell at the ready to travel through his weapon that will likely cause the undead to flee, at least temporarily...
Readies Chill Touch to arcane channel, should the undead attack....

player, 72 posts
Mongo only pawn in Game
Of Life
Sun 1 Sep 2024
at 09:08
  • msg #154

IC Thread 3

In reply to wlake.gmtn (msg # 152):

Mongo scoffs. "Think what you wish, oh rotted one. Your shell, though impressive, is as brittle as glass to my touch, should I wish it. What need have you of our daggers?" he asks.
player, 5 posts
Mon 2 Sep 2024
at 02:00
  • msg #155

IC Thread 3

A man 2 meter tall approaches covered in armor with . "Let's say I am your enemy, little one. What are you doing to do about it?" This place brings some memories to Cahur. It is special for him and he knows it. "In other time, he would have crushed the zombie, but this Jack person seems to want to parley. There is no harm in it. He can always crush the zombie later.
player, 6 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2024
at 07:56
  • msg #156

IC Thread 3

"The striders?" Lionel shrugs. "Why don't you tell us more about your old and current bosses, undead? And why should we want to help them, of course."

04:38, Today: Lionel rolled 28 using 1d20+14.  Knowledge Psionics

Jack Springhill
player, 186 posts
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Tue 3 Sep 2024
at 14:17
  • msg #157

IC Thread 3

"I have already paid a price to destroy one like yourself, and the price seems to be higher than I am willing to repeatedly pay."

Jack points to his smoking eye, acquired only it seems moments ago,
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