Status Update
So far we have:
MadAlpaca: Mirik, Lizardfolk, College of Lore. On Bagpipes, Drum, Dulcimer, and Handrum.
Jhaelan: Kharrum, Dwarf, College of Elegance. On Longhorn, Lute, and Harmonica.
Mandacaru: Crackle, Goblin, ?. On Drums?
thattripletguy: ? on Drums possibly.
Aguy777: Undecided (Has not posted since 2/16) Reaching out to them today to see if I need to find a replacement.
Lord Psynister: Fritz, Kenku, College of Creation. On Birdpipes, Lute, and Longhorn and using Mimicry.
Have you decided on having a shared mentor? Knowing how you know each other/first got together will help me tailor the intro to the game and future events.
Everything looks good so far though. On schedule to wrap up Session 0 by 2/25. Thank you everyone for your efforts so far.