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01:58, 18th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Rules and CG Stuff and Gameplay.

Posted by VociferationFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
Hoo! I say!
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 21:24
  • msg #1

Rules and CG Stuff and Gameplay

Stats aren't a must, but if you want to use them to keep track of your character's physical ability, personality and such you are more than welcome to. The most important thing is to have fun.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stats
The stats and overall system are loosely based on the DnD Ideas but are my convoluted system more than anything.
Everything is on a scale of 1 to 30 and the average stat is around 15, so say you have your typical farmer, his strength stat is going to be 15 because he lives a life of constant labour but he doesn't have a particularly large amount of strength. But this system also heavily relies on logic rather than dice, like a telegraph operator, he has one strong finger but the rest of his overall strength score is 10 due to lack of constant body movement. The same goes for all the other stats, so just put what makes the most sense for your character's job, background, health, race, etc... And feel free to ask questions and I'll help you.
I'm going to avoid dice rolling but if you want to you are welcome to, but for the most part decisions and reactions will be based on logic, such as a dockworker is highly unlikely to have fear of rats. The most I'll use dice for is combat unless you or I have a set idea that will help with the plot, or maybe you just really want your character to be bedridden for a while. Anyway, in the combat and overall scenarios of rolling just use 1d30.
Be respectful and no metagaming
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:31, Wed 20 Dec 2023.
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