Chapter V: Citadel Station
Moments later the shuttle collides with the grassy, rugged ground. It gives a shudder as the middle section of the shuttle buckles, before with an ear splitting crack it breaks in half entirely. The front section, in which the Zabrak, Bane and Fennec are seated skids across the ground before being hurtled over the side of a cliff, tumbling down and crashing into the forest below, searing through several trees before it comes to rest lopsided against a towering keshtor tree. Atop the cliff the rear section in which Xizran is seated bounces across the ground, spinning over and over as the bodies of the Rodian and hawk-nosed man are hurled out, before it finally comes to a halt, slamming into a large, jutting rock. Xizran's harness snaps with the impact and he is sent flying forward. His head hits something hard and he remembers no more.
OOC: End of Chapter V...