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, welcome to Lustmord -- Call of Cthulhu in 1928 Berlin: The Wicked City

02:05, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)


Posted by der WachterFor group 0
der Wachter
GM, 3 posts
45 years of RPGs
Ich bin dein Freund.
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 02:37
  • msg #1


Why Mature?
This will be a Mature-rated game due to the subject matter which deals with murder of a prostitute in 1928 Berlin. I expect that some of the characters, at least, will portray prostitutes. I don’t intend to have graphic representation of sexual activity and graphic violence, drug use, etc. All of these subjects will be dealt with however, so the Mature rating seems appropriate.

Rpol’s Mature game policies
Mature games are games which have (as some minor portion of them) mature themes, strong language, drug use, and/or extensive violence.  Mature games use the Mature Content flag to warn potential readers that some of the game material may be considered offensive.  Despite this flag, Mature Games must remain suitable to all ages.

The difference between a Mature game and an Adult game is the descriptive level and the amount of mature content in the game.  Games which focus exclusively on mature content for their plot or which describe such content in graphic detail are required to display the Adult rating.

This game, your posts and mine, will not contain graphic sex or graphic and gratuitous violence.

Games are not allowed to exist on Rpol -- at all -- which graphically describe:
• non-consensual sex, sexual assault, or rape;
• the taking of life for sexual arousal;
• incest;
• bestiality;
• necrophilia;
• sexual acts involving children under the age of 18, or
• the sexual exploitation of minors.
The Artistic Merit clause does not apply to this content ever.  While a character's story or history can involve these themes, and games can refer to them as plot points, they are not permitted, under any circumstances, to be graphically role-played or detailed on the site.

Games set in a fantasy realm or historical era where the Restricted Content items (above) would be considered normal or acceptable may contain them, but in no circumstances will the graphic description of Prohibited Content be allowed.

Because sexual assault has been a historical consequence of violence, this section attempts to clarify what can often be a matter of contention.  Games that exist for the sole purpose of the depiction of sexual assault are strictly prohibited.  The Artistic Merit clause applies to this within reason, such that it permits (within limited scope) scenes which are not the purpose of the game, which are not graphic, and which do not glamorize what is a tragic and brutal act.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 03:00, Wed 02 Nov 2022.
der Wachter
GM, 4 posts
45 years of RPGs
Ich bin dein Freund.
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 02:38
  • msg #2


I am quite tolerant of language in character, all the way up to f-bombs and such, although I prefer such terms to be infrequent and used to express exceptional emotion. Derogatory terms are a different matter, and I will not allow racist epithets at all. Religious, gender, and ethnic slurs may seem to be in character, but such will be heavily policed.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 02:57, Wed 02 Nov 2022.
der Wachter
GM, 5 posts
45 years of RPGs
Ich bin dein Freund.
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 02:40
  • msg #3


Posting Rate and Absences.
I would like each player to check in on the game at least five times a week and to post as appropriate. I will usually look in several times a day. I don’t like holding up the story waiting for a player to post. When it seems necessary, I will post on behalf of characters, especially when there is ongoing action, combat or social. I don’t hold with Initiative in general and especially in PbP. Describe your character’s intent and I will sort out timing.

There will be an Absence Log thread in addition to the Out-of-Character thread. A player who expects to be unable to check in for several days is asked to advise us of that fact. I will post for the character in the interim, if necessary. Failure to post to the Absence Log as appropriate may be cause for removal. Absence without notice for two weeks or more may result in removal as well.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 02:57, Wed 02 Nov 2022.
der Wachter
GM, 6 posts
45 years of RPGs
Ich bin dein Freund.
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #4


Player Quarrels.
It should go without saying that any disagreement between players should be brought to my attention privately and resolved privately, not by OoC squabbles and never in in-character threads. There, I said it.

Rules Issues.
I am particularly intolerant of rules lawyers. This story will be run using Call of Cthulhu, 7th edition-ish, including the Investigator’s Handbook. You won’t need a copy of the books. I’m not using every rule and option as published. I also have some structures of my own devising. If you ever feel that I’m misinterpreting a rule or otherwise acting to your detriment, you’re welcome to bring it up to me in private. We’ll discuss it and I’ll make a decision and that will be final. You’ll get a square deal from me and most of the breaks.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 02:57, Wed 02 Nov 2022.
der Wachter
GM, 7 posts
45 years of RPGs
Ich bin dein Freund.
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #5


Creativity. “Yes, and..” is my guiding principle. I like players who can imagine the setting and use it. When I describe a parlor with a fireplace and comfy furniture, you can assume pillows to throw at an opponent or a fireplace poker to swing at them. This setting isn’t all that different from today in terms of physical environment. Envision it; use it.
And don’t be afraid to swing for the bleachers. You may strike out but you may hit a home run. Make character choices that are fun.

I really want to spend most of our time inhabiting the characters and experiencing the story through them. I try to keep dice rolls to a minimum and won’t submit us to their tyranny. On the other hand, we roll dice for the randomness they bring and the challenges they present that we will work through.

Active voice, third person, present tense is how I roll. If you prefer past tense, that’s okay. Please post your character speech in a consistent color, with or without quotes.

Character Demise. This is Call of Cthulhu. Player characters can die or go insane. I generally try to structure the story so those outcomes occur at the end of the story. But accidents happen. If your character becomes unplayable, there will be alternatives to let you continue in the game. Don’t let fear dictate what your character does.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 02:58, Wed 02 Nov 2022.
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