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, welcome to Basic Fantasy: Keep on the Borderlands

15:00, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

Game Information.

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Game Master
GM, 1 post
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 14:33
  • msg #1

Game Information

Game Information

This game makes uses the Basic Fantasy system. Aside from the core rules, the supplements "Half Humans", "Gnomes", "Bardic Characters", "Druid", "Illusionist", Necromancer", "Rangers and Paladin", "0 Level Spells", "Saving Throw Options", "Thief Options" and "Magic-User Options" are also in use. Nearly all are freely available here: "Saving Throw Options" can be found in the Showcase:

Being an old-school adventure and system, player character death is not just a very real possibility, but pretty likely. I'm not the most hardcore when it comes to that (I rather avoid "save or die" situations and PCs don't die immediately when their HP drops just below 0), but when the rules/dice say the character is dead, then they're dead.


As this is my first attempt at GM-ing, I don't demand a lot from the players. There are, however, some basic rules:
-Don't be a jerk and respect your fellow players.
-If you are going to be absent for more than a week, please notify us beforehand. Prolonged, unexplained absences can cause you to be removed from the game.
-I reserve the right to remove players, if they're disruptive to the game, mostly by violating the first two rules.
-The GM has the final decision over everything.
-Relax and have fun!

Ideally, everyone should post at least two-three times a week.

Posting Format

Use a color (except orange) for your character's speech. Always use that color when that character speaks.
Out of character comments and dice rolls are written in orange color. The former should be preceded by "OOC:"


Judge Beltom faces the pale vampire and raises his whip. "Perish beast, this land is no place for you!" he shouts as he lunges at the undead.

Today: Judge Beltom rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Atk Vampire1.
Today: Judge Beltom rolled 4 using 1d3+2.  Damage.

OOC: This seems kinda familiar...


"Climbing a cliff like this is a piece of cake," Brogo said with a grin, as he begins to scale the mountainside.

Today: Brogo rolled 93 using 1d100.  Climb Walls.

OOC: Well, this will result in some broken bones.

Supplement Overview
A summary of the rules from the various supplements (as well as some optional ones from the core rules) that are in effect:

Core Rules
Death and Dying: Negative Hit Points
"Safe or Die" Poison
Awarding Experience Points for Treasure Gained
Prepating Spells from Memory

Half-Elf Race
Half-Ogre Race
Half-Orc Race

Gnome Race

Bardic Characters
The BFRPG Bard Song Mechanic
Bard Core Class
Bard Adjustments for Ability/Armor/Race

Druid (Cleric subclass)
Druid Spells
Animal Affinity

Illusionist (Magic-User subclass)
Illusionist Spells

Necromancer (Magic-User subclass)
New Equipment
Necromancer Spells

Rangers and Paladin
Ranger (Fighter subclass)
Paladin (Fighter subclass)
Weapon Specialization

0 Level Spells
0 Level Spells (learning, using, the spells themselves...)

Saving Throw Options
First Option: Fortitude, Reflex & Will Saves

Thief Options
Effects of Armor
Ability Bonus or Penalty Adjustments
Racial Adjustments

Magic-User Options
Bonus Spells
Slot Demotion
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:20, Sun 15 Jan 2023.
Game Master
GM, 7 posts
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #2

Game Information

Setting Information:

There's not much defined, certainly not a full-fleshed setting, just enough to have something to base the game on.

It's set in the Anselian Empire, which is more-or-less based on the HRE (or The Dark Eye's Middenrealm, which itself is based on the HRE). As such, it's a rather loose cluster of various realms, which are pretty autonomous. The Borderlands themselves are set at the eastern edge of Sanghia, a rather small kingdom that itself is the easternmost part of the empire and, while not the most irrelevant part of it, doesn't get too much attention.

The local religion is based around a pantheon of twelve deities, each having a month assigned to them (equivalent of RL months, from January to December):

1. Tarantuhr - the god-father
2. Jurys - goddess of war and justice
3. Markir - goddess of life and death
4. Yris - goddess of knowledge
5. Hadur - god of magic
6. Saria - goddess of nature and the hunt
7. Styras - god of weather
8. Pherie - goddess of trickery, luck and freedom
9. Getim - god of agriculture
10. Varis - god of day and night and time in general
11. Lyria - goddess of love, beauty and art
12. Garall - god of wealth and trade

A month consists of 30 days. A week of 10 days (which are simply numbered, from Oneday to Tenday).

Map of the Keep:

1 - Main Gate
2 - Flanking Towers
3 - Entry Yard
4 - Common Stable
5 - Common Warehouse
6 - Bailiff's Tower
7 - Private Apartments
  7a - Jewel Merchant
  7b - Priest
8 - Smithy
9 - Provisioner
10 - Trader
11 - Loan Bank
12 - Watch Tower
13 - Fountain Square
14 - Tired Heart Traveler's Inn
15 - The Green Unicorn Tavern
16 - Guild House
17 - Chapel
18 - Inner Gatehouse
19 - Small Tower
20 - Guard Tower
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:05, Sun 15 Jan 2023.
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