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17:10, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

Character Creation.

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Game Master
GM, 2 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 14:34
  • msg #1

Character Creation

Character creation is largely as written in the core rules, with the following changes:
-Roll 4d6 six times, remove the lowest die for each roll. Distribute the resulting scores freely among the abilities.
-To make it easier to get going (that is, to not get slaughtered immediately), characters start with 4000 experience. With that, most characters, aside from Magic-Users (and their subclasses), Rangers, Paladins and combination classes start at level 3. Racial experience bonuses apply, so humans have 4400 xp, while half-humans have 4200 xp.
-HP is maxed at the beginning (a 3rd level Fighter with a Constitution modifier of +2 would have 30HP).

-Available races are the four base ones, as well as Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Ogre and Half-Orc.
-Available character classes are:
-The combination classes Fighter/Magic-User and Fighter/Thief are available as well.
-Every class is available to every race.
-Fighters get Weapon Specialization (as per the "Rangers and Paladins" supplement), so they have to pick a weapon with which they are especially proficient with.

-In addition to the EXP bonus, Humans get +1 on two abilities on character creation.

-The first option of the "Saving Throws Options" supplement is used. That means, every character has three saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex and Will) instead of the five of the core rules. They are modified by ability scores and race as written in the supplement. Combination classes still use the best saving throws of the original two classes.
-Gnomes get a +3 bonus on both Fortitude and Reflex saves.
-Half-elves get a +1 bonus on both Will and Reflex saves. Half-orcs get a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves.
-Subtract (or add, if it's negative) racial and ability saving throw bonuses from your saving throws. Makes it easier to keep track of them.

-Casters know a number of level 0 spells equal to 1d4 plus the relevant ability bonus (Wisdom for Clerics, Intelligence for Magic-Users). They pick freely among the spells available to them.
-Magic-Users get bonus spells as per the "Magic-User Options" supplement, so they can receive 1-2 additional level 1 spells, depending on their Intelligence.
-As mentioned in the additional rules, Magic-Users get a new spell when leveling up, so Magic-Users (and their subclasses) at level 2 have two level 1 spells (plus additional ones from their Intelligence bonus) in addition to Read Magic.

-Thieves get a hit dice of 1d6.
-Ability scores can give a bonus or penalty to relevant abilities for Thieves, Rangers and Bards.
-Non-human Thieves, Rangers and Bards get a racial adjustment for their abilities. However, if their innate abilities are better than their thief ones (even with racial adjustments), those innate abilities are used instead.

-Clerics, Magic-Users, Thieves and Bards start with the equipment necessary for their skills (holy symbol, spell book, thieves' tools and a musical instrument respectively) for free.

-Languages that can be learned with an Intelligence bonus at character creation are: Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Ogrish, Gnoll and Sylvan.
-All fully non-human player characters know their own language in addition to Common (Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling, Gnomish for Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and Gnomes respectively).
-Half-Elves, Half-Ogres and Half-Orcs only know Common by default (like Humans), as they might not have learned the language from their non-human parent (that they may not even know).

-When buying equipment, note the equipment restrictions in the "Additional Rules" thread, as they are somewhat different from the core rules.
-The additional weapons in the "Necromancer" supplement are available to all characters.

-All rolls (for ability scores, starting money, level 0 spells, as well as HP gain on level ups) are done openly with RPoL's Die Roller.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:02, Thu 05 Jan 2023.
Game Master
GM, 3 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 14:41
  • msg #2

Character Creation

Character Sheet
Note: Entries that aren't used by your character can be removed.


Level: #
Experience Points: [Current]/[Needed for next level]

Languages: Common
Strength: [Score] ([Bonus/Penalty])
Dexterity: [Score] ([Bonus/Penalty])
Constitution: [Score] ([Bonus/Penalty])
Intelligence: [Score] ([Bonus/Penalty])
Wisdom: [Score] ([Bonus/Penalty])
Charisma: [Score] ([Bonus/Penalty])
Hit Points: [Current]/[Maximum]
Initiative: #
Movement Rate: #
Attack Bonus: #
Armor Class: #
Fortitude: #
Reflex: #
Will: #
Weapon   Attack Bonus   Damage   Range   Ammunition

Weapon Specialization:

0 Level Spells available: #/#

Open Locks: ##%
Remove Traps: ##%
Pick Pockets: ##%
Move Silently: ##%
Climb Walls: ##%
Hide: ##%
Listen: ##%
Tracking: ##%
Decipher: ##%
Lore: ##%
Tumble: ##%

Platinum: #
Gold: #
Electrum: #
Silver: #
Copper: #
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:01, Mon 19 Dec 2022.
Game Master
GM, 4 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 14:44
  • msg #3

Character Creation


Name: Elvy Example
Race: Elf
Class: Magic-User/Thief

Level: 2
Experience Points: 5,000/7,000

Languages: Common, Elvish, Halfling, Goblin
Strength: 10 (0)
Dexterity: 14 (+1)
Constitution: 8  (-1)
Intelligence: 16 (+2)
Wisdom: 11 (0)
Charisma: 12 (0)
Hit Points: 6/6
Initiative: +1
Movement Rate: 30'
Attack Bonus: +1
Armor Class: 14
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 10
Will: 10
Weapon   Atk Bonus   Damage   Range   Ammunition

Dagger      +1                    1d4
Sling          +2                    1d4    30/60/90     20
0: Flare, Mage Hand, Open/Close
1: Read Magic, Charm Person, Magic Missile

0 Level Spells available: 3/4
Prepared: Read Magic, Magic Missile
Open Locks: 25%
Remove Traps: 25%
Pick Pockets: 45%
Move Silently: 45%
Climb Walls: 80%
Hide: 35%
Listen: 35%
20 Bullets
Leather Armor
Belt Pouch
Clothing, common outfit
3 Flasks of Oil
10 Sheets of Paper
Rations, Dry, one week
Thieves' picks and tools
Platinum: 0
Gold: 24
Electrum: 0
Silver: 9
Copper: 0
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:24, Thu 15 Dec 2022.
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