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02:25, 21st January 2025 (GMT+0)

Character Sheet Thread.

Posted by The One Above AllFor group 0
The One Above All
GM, 1 post
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #1

Character Sheet Thread

Post it here.
Witch Hazel
player, 1 post
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 01:44
  • msg #2

Character Sheet Thread

Witch Hazel (Diana Silvermoon)


Attributes [34]
Str -1
Sta 0
Fgt -1
Dex 0
Agl 2
Int 5
Awa 12
Pre 0

Defenses [8]
Parry */2/8
Dodge */2/8
Tou */+8/+12
Fort 6/6
Wil 2/14

Skills [17]
Expertise (Underworld) 6 (+11)
Insight 3 (+15)
Investigation 5 (+10)
Perception 3 (+15)
Technology 15 (+20)
Treatment 1 (+6)
Vehicles 1 (+1)

Advantages [8]
Eidetic Memory
Improved Initiative 2
Luck 2
Equipment 1 (Computer, Comlink, Cell Phone, GPS, Multitool)

Powers [83]
Quickness (Mental Only) 8  [4]
Implanted Force Projection Matrix:  Enhanced Parry 3, Protection 8, Flight 1, Move Object 1 (Precise, Perception, Subtle, Damaging) [19] (60'/round, 100 lbs)
Broom: Flight 8, Aquatic, Continuous, 1 Alternate Effect, Removable -5 [21] (2 mi/round)
-- Alternate Effect: Get 'em, Larry!  (Damage 10, Area (Burst), Selective, Distracting, Precise
Witch Hat: Senses 2 (Darkvision), Immunity 3 (All Suffocation, Radiation), Protection 4, Enhanced Dodge 6, Enhanced Parry 6, Easily Removable -8 [13]
Walpurgisnacht (41 Pt Main, 4 Alt Effects, Easily Removable Wand -18) [27]
-- Ghost Gas Bomb (Affliction 10 (Fort-based, Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated), Ranged, Area (Burst), Cumulative, Reversible)
-- Pumpkin Drone (Ranged Damage 10, Secondary Effect, Accurate 5, Homing, Precise, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 2)
-- Bat Spy (Remote Sensing 10 (Sight and Hearing), No Conduit, Subtle)
-- Halloween Army (Move Object 10, Close, Precise, Area (Burst), Selective, Quickness 8 (Physical Only)) (25 t)
-- Halloween Dance (Add Area (Burst) 2 and Selective to Enhanced Dodge 10 (Affects Others)  and Evasion 2 (Affects Others); linked to Environment (Visibilty 2) 2)

Motivation:  Responsibility
Reputation:  As an obsessed, themed supervillain, in fact.  But one of the colorful ones.
Quirk:  Halloween-themed gadgetry

Background: Once, Silvermoon Manufacturing was the creator of high-quality children's toys, filling a small but specialized niche from one single factory in the midwest.  Selene Silvermoon was the strong-willed, brilliant mind that kept the toys well-designed and original, but a series of financial reverses and accidents, some of which were later revealed to be industrial sabotage, enabled rival toy giants to buy out Silvermoon Manufacturing and shut it down entirely.

It was shortly thereafter that Witch Hazel appeared, a cackling witch, riding a broom and accompanied by an army of goblins and ghosts, and began systematically attacking the toy companies, destroying facilities and attacking the top executives.  Luckily, no one died before the Tornado Triplets were able to capture Witch Hazel, and discovered, to their shock, that it *wasn't Selene Silvermoon* as they'd expected, but instead Selene's teenage daughter, Diana!  Diana was already a brilliant inventor with a mind even sharper and faster than her mother's, and she'd constructed sophisticated weapons for her revenge, inspired by her own love of the halloween season!

Witch Hazel continued a villainous career for several years, falling in with assorted other enemies of the Tornado Triplets, learning trade secrets, making mistakes, getting caught.  She did some freelance work with the alien Varothrax to have certain technology implanted in her to aid in future escapes, but she was also becoming less stable, and losing track of what her original goals were.

The death of Selene Silvermoon from a heart attack struck her hard.  She fell apart, found therapy and took medication, and was shocked to receive encouragement from Trinity Tornado.  She's trying to find her way back, but she has to pay her debt to society...
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