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15:36, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

You Know, We're Living in a Society - Rules & Such.

Posted by Eyes in the darkFor group public
Eyes in the dark
GM, 9 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 08:00
  • msg #1

You Know, We're Living in a Society - Rules & Such

What would we be without rules? Dead, probably. I mean, if it were just unhinged, 24/7 anarchy then some asshole would have probably 86'd one of my ancestors by now. Anyways, this is where I'll be dumping a combination of general rules for my PbP games and then House Rules for this specific game.
Eyes in the dark
GM, 10 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 08:08
  • msg #2

You Know, We're Living in a Society ->Rules<- & Such


  • Don't be a dick out of character. Tensions fly, shit hits the fan and sometimes it genuinely is someone else that gets your character maimed/killed/swallowed by an eldritch horror, etc. Still, it's ultimately a game and there's no reason to be an asshat to other players or me because things aren't working out.
  • Don't metagame. Yes, this is Pink Mohawk Shadowrun but that just means you can use monofilament lined spikes jammed into your cyberskull as both a dope-ass metal mohawk AND a melee weapon, it doesn't mean you should be allowed to use out-of-character knowledge to influence encounters/actions.
  • I will be posting every Monday, some time between 2 and 6 PM Pacific standard time. I might post more often, but the standard I'm setting for myself is once on that day. If that's too slow for you please, don't apply. You'll just ruin it for yourself and provide an extra hurdle for the rest of us when you leave.
  • To show you read all of the rules, ... just kidding, I always hated those clauses in these things.

This message was last updated by the GM at 08:09, Mon 09 Jan 2023.
Eyes in the dark
GM, 11 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 08:25
  • msg #3

You Know, We're Living in a Society -Rules- ->& Such<-

--House Rules--
  • Working for the Man: 1 karma can be exchanged for 2,000 nuyen. This decision must be made at the time the reward is given.
  • Working for the People: 2,000 nuyen can be exchanged for 1 karma. This decision must be made at the time the reward is given.
  • Contact Simplification: When a contact is chosen, the player may choose a skill group or three individual skills in which that contact is proficient as well as four knowledge skills (of any type) in which the contact is proficient.
    If a contact has to make a test that falls within their proficiencies, they role (Connection × 4). For all other tests, they roll (Connection × 2).
    Loyalty operates as a dice pool bonus to the player’s negotiation test when working with a contact or for other uses as described in the core rulebook on pages 386 through 390.
  • Rule of Cool: If you have an idea but it sounds batshit, go for it. So long as the whole team won't die because you decided to try and use a building to slow your descent while intentionally driving off of a highway into a high-rise. Actually, if the circumstances are right I might allow that too. See? Just ask and the worst I'll say is "please don't roll for that, I don't want you all to die."
  • They Didn't Need it Anymore: You can buy used Cyberware during character creation.
  • Is the Circus in Town: I reserve the right to label characters a Freak (Run Faster, page 123) if you legitimately become one. Even Pink Mohawk has it's limits, if you turn yourself into some gene freak with hybrid metacritter bits you're going to get shot at a lot more often.
  • Wiggle Those Fingers, Magic Man: Initiations and Submersion can be done with starting karma.
  • He has the Codes: Spoof commands require no test and generate no OS. You can use Spoof on any persona that has at least 1 mark on the target device, not just the owner. Matrix Perception can be used on a device or file to find out the last persona or agent that used them.

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:13, Mon 09 Jan 2023.
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