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15:07, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

Shadowlands OOC - Dump.

Posted by Eyes in the darkFor group 0
player, 7 posts
Your friend till the end.
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 03:22
  • msg #26

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

The difference between Rigger and Decker with a drone or two is really a matter of how many devices are going. I can remote control a car with like 11 dice still if my napkin math is right.

Could be more if I'm not the primary Decker in the group.
player, 3 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 06:32
  • msg #27

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

I'm still working things out and should have things finalized tomorrow (okay, later today technically).

1) As long as we're sharing the same contract, I say go for 6!
2) Primary would be a nice boat that can fit a few others, but will have a bike as well.
3) A few guns and a grenade or two.  Panther Cannons KICK and Teach is a lightweight.
4) What is this "stealth" thing you speak of, Banshee?
5) As far as contacts go, I'll have a few.  Cop, Mafia and Doc.
player, 4 posts
Punk Rockstar
Elven Razorgirl
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 13:37
  • msg #28

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Just curious if I have ran with anybody here before: Hive, Mustang, Screech, Iron Hide.
player, 9 posts
Your friend till the end.
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 03:19
  • msg #29

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

I don't know what those words mean. But probably. SR5 is a fairly niche game so it's probably the same pool of player most of the time.
player, 5 posts
Punk Rockstar
Elven Razorgirl
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 03:46
  • msg #30

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

They’re the handles of some of my past SR characters. Anyone in those games would remember them. Like you said it is very niche unlike D&D, so I suspect there is at least one amongst the group.
player, 4 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 03:51
  • msg #31

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Wait... that was YOU on Saved by the Bell? (a Screech reference)
player, 7 posts
Punk Rockstar
Elven Razorgirl
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 04:09
  • msg #32

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

LOL :D you got me on that one!
player, 5 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 05:09
  • msg #33

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

I've got pretty much everything mapped out and downloaded chummer5, just need to figure out how it works and get my sheet in.
player, 5 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 07:58
  • msg #34

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

@Darina - If that's what the DM would like. We haven't heard. Probably fine to do it ye olde way if that's what you prefer.
player, 7 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 11:30
  • msg #35

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

@Imperatrix - post 24 above: GM said if your character sheet is ready, upload the cummerbund file and send them a link.
player, 6 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 11:45
  • msg #36

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Ah, missed that!
player, 6 posts
Streaming to the matrix
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 15:26
  • msg #37

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

@Imperatrix - post 24 above: GM said if your character sheet is ready, upload the cummerbund file and send them a link.

Emphasised by me - Autocorrect, or prefer calling it that than Chummer?
player, 8 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 15:46
  • msg #38

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

I'm going to say that was because my character can't use electronics shining through into OOC.

It's certainly not that my pre-caffeinated eyes were too bleary to see the tiny text as my phone auto-corrected it.
Eyes in the dark
GM, 23 posts
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 03:41
  • msg #39

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

What are the connection ratings of the influential people of LA thread? Was thinking about having some of them as contacts.

Rikki Tokotsi: Connection 6, Loyalty cap at 1. She's in a position where someone on your level even having an indirect line to her would be an extremely unusual situation.

The Undertaker: Connection 5, Loyalty cap at 2 for HMMV-free individuals. He works with the living often, but won't put himself or his people in harm's way for outsiders. After all, you're a resource at best and food at worst.


Uhepono: Connection 3, Loyalty cap at 2 for those not in his gang. The Dark Ones are inherently distrustful and Upehono even more so. Even then, his trust is not earned lightly and he would likely kill someone he trusted too much as an act of self-preservation.

La Reina Roja: Connection 3, Loyalty cap at 2 for those not in her gang. Los CanĂ­bales tolerate men as much as they do ghouls: they don't. As such, only women who join the gang (by engaging in ritual cannibalism) can gain their trust fully.

If you want to use any of the gang leaders as Contacts then PM me and we'll work out the details. It's much more likely you'd know a lieutenant/high-ranking member of the gang vs having direct line-of-contact to the big dogs just yet. Still, nothing's impossible so it never hurts to ask.

You don't have to use Chummer, any sheet format you wish to shoot my way is fine. It just saves me the time of plugging it into Chummer myself since that's what I use.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:42, Tue 17 Jan 2023.
Eyes in the dark
GM, 26 posts
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 04:02
  • msg #40

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Also worth noting that it sounds like everyone should have things done by next update, I'll check the deets in my free time as y'all get them to me and then have the IC thread updated with more info and opened for posting once I've confirmed all the math is legit and things like contacts and connections are worked out.
player, 7 posts
Streaming to the matrix
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 12:29
  • msg #41

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Contacts and karma are all I have left to sort.

Thinking KG, lawyer, limo driver, and see what else catches my eye from Run Faster. Due to being Pink Mohawk, I'm wanting to not go for boring corp and political related ones. Whereas things like a TerraFirst! activist might be the kind of person we need at times ;)
player, 8 posts
Punk Rockstar
Elven Razorgirl
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 19:31
  • msg #42

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

I’m ready whenever else is. Is session 0- Guilty By Association the setting for the beginning of the game?
player, 9 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 12:59
  • msg #43

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Sorry my sheet isn't in yet.  We have lost heat and power alternating for the past week.

I should have sent it in on chummer tonight, or tomorrow at the latest.
player, 10 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 06:26
  • msg #44

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Just need to do 2 things:

1 - spend my 6000 nuyen
2 - figure out why it's only letting me take 8 of the 10 spells for my rank A choice - there's a note that says "2 mp" next to the spell count.
player, 9 posts
Streaming to the matrix
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 10:19
  • msg #45

Re: Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Just need to do 2 things:

1 - spend my 6000 nuyen
2 - figure out why it's only letting me take 8 of the 10 spells for my rank A choice - there's a note that says "2 mp" next to the spell count.

Can't help with the latter, but what are your initial thoughts for the former?
Lifestyle, SIN, backup weapon, transport, commlink and trodes.
player, 10 posts
Your friend till the end.
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 13:22
  • msg #46

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Damn I forgot to buy like 8 burner comlinks.
player, 11 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 13:26
  • msg #47

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Side note: I decided to dump Erased.  To high-brow, and if we're in a group UT would mess with some of your concepts... or at least your follower count.
player, 12 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 07:20
  • msg #48

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Finished my sheet and sent in the link - sorry for the delay!

I ended up taking 1 pt of in debt to get some extra stuff, which I spent on:
-A fairly strong stone circle built around her tree
-Squatter living, cost doubled for taking care of that lone tree
-Armored Vest
-Cheap pistol
-You'd think she'd have more, but she doesn't.
player, 13 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 16:59
  • msg #49

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

Anybody heard from the ST during his last log-in two weeks ago?
player, 11 posts
Your friend till the end.
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 17:18
  • msg #50

Shadowlands OOC - Dump

No, he had said up front that this would be slow going.
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