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, welcome to [Fate Accelerated] Neon Knights

19:59, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Game Rules.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 02:04
  • msg #1

Game Rules

For those who are interested, the full rulebook (in its current rough draft format) is available here -

If you don't want the full rulebook, here's the core mechanical bits that you need to know:

1. You have six stats, all rated between +0 and +3 at the start of the game.  When it's dice time, you choose the one that is most relevant to what you are doing and add that to a 4dF roll.  Compare the result to the target number or opposed roll, and then see the table below for the outcome.

 Create AdvantageOvercomeAttackDefend
FailYou don’t create the Aspect OR you create it but an opponent gets the free invoke OR an opponent creates a boost against you insteadYou fail to overcome the obstacle OR you succeed but with a serious costYou fail to harm your targetAttacker’s action succeeds
TieYou get a boost instead of a full AspectYou overcome the obstacle but with a minor costYou don’t harm your target but you do get a boostAttacker gets a boost
SucceedCreate an Aspect and get one free invokeYou overcome the obstacle with no costDeal damage equal to the amount by which you won the rollAttacker’s action fails
Succeed with style (i.e. by 3 or more)Create an Aspect and get two free invokesYou overcome the obstacle and get a boostAs above, with the option to reduce damage by 1 and get a boost insteadAttacker’s action fails AND you get a boost

2. Any time an Aspect seems like it could be helpful on a roll, spend 1 fate point to invoke it.  This gives you your choice of a reroll or a +2 bonus.  You may choose to do this after rolling the dice.  You can only invoke an Aspect once per roll, but you may invoke multiple Aspects on the same roll if you have the points for it.  And the Aspects can come from anywhere - your stats, your opponent's stats, the environment, etc.

3. When you take damage, you can apply it to Stress or Consequences.  Stress takes up one or more of the Stress boxes on your character sheet, has no other mechanical effect, and clears pretty quickly.  Consequences absorb more damage and create Aspects that can be used against you, and can last for a long time, depending on the severity.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:13, Sun 05 Nov 2023.
GM, 5 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 00:16
  • msg #2

Game Rules

This game is rated General; we might bump it up to Mature depending on how things go, but definitely not Adult.  Cursing, violence, and off-screen sex are all acceptable.  Explicit discussion of sex, or anything else that is covered by the Adult policies, is not acceptable here.  If you're not sure, check the site rules or ask me privately.

Please use colored text for dialogue.  Any color is fine, except orange, which is reserved for OOC comments in the IC threads.  If you do have any OOC comments, such as dice rolls or rule questions, please do put those in orange.  And please do include all relevant die rolls somewhere in the post that goes with them.

There is no mandatory posting rate; I understand all too well how real life can interfere with that at times.  However, if you know that you won't be able to post for a while, please let me know.  If we're in combat or other time-sensitive action and we haven't heard from you in a while, I will either skip your turn or do something else that seems appropriate in context but without completely taking over your character.

If you are thinking of dropping out of the game for any reason, PLEASE let me know, either publicly or privately.  It's not going to hurt my feelings, and even if it is something personal, I would rather you just tell me than that I spend a few weeks wondering if you're going to come back or not before I adjust the game as needed.

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for rules changes, or want to dispute a call that I made, feel free to discuss it in the OOC thread.  Any changes will be archived in this thread.
GM, 63 posts
Thu 18 May 2023
at 23:18
  • msg #3

Game Rules

The six stats, and what they are used for:

Courage - use this when you act in a way that draws attention (and possibly danger) to you, such as when you charge headlong into a group of enemies, or when you defy a king in his own court.

Empathy - use this when you act on your understanding and care for other people, such as when you shield a friend from attacks, or when you try to find common ground with someone who opposes you.

Guile - use this when you act with stealth or subterfuge, such as when you prepare an ambush, or when you distract some guards while your friends sneak past.

Prudence - use this when you act with caution, such as when you choose your words very carefully in a tense situation, or only make tentative attacks from behind your shield.

Wisdom - use this when you act on your knowledge of the world, such as when you recognize that an opposing general is using the same strategy as one of their feared predecessors, or when you talk with a scholar about their area of expertise.

Vigor - use this when you act on the force of your body or your mind, such as when you dominate an opponent with raw strength or speed, or when you steel your mind against magical attacks.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:14, Sun 05 Nov 2023.
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