For those who are interested, the full rulebook (in its current rough draft format) is available here -
If you don't want the full rulebook, here's the core mechanical bits that you need to know:
1. You have six stats, all rated between +0 and +3 at the start of the game. When it's dice time, you choose the one that is most relevant to what you are doing and add that to a 4dF roll. Compare the result to the target number or opposed roll, and then see the table below for the outcome.
| Create Advantage | Overcome | Attack | Defend |
Fail | You don’t create the Aspect OR you create it but an opponent gets the free invoke OR an opponent creates a boost against you instead | You fail to overcome the obstacle OR you succeed but with a serious cost | You fail to harm your target | Attacker’s action succeeds |
Tie | You get a boost instead of a full Aspect | You overcome the obstacle but with a minor cost | You don’t harm your target but you do get a boost | Attacker gets a boost |
Succeed | Create an Aspect and get one free invoke | You overcome the obstacle with no cost | Deal damage equal to the amount by which you won the roll | Attacker’s action fails |
Succeed with style (i.e. by 3 or more) | Create an Aspect and get two free invokes | You overcome the obstacle and get a boost | As above, with the option to reduce damage by 1 and get a boost instead | Attacker’s action fails AND you get a boost |
2. Any time an Aspect seems like it could be helpful on a roll, spend 1 fate point to invoke it. This gives you your choice of a reroll or a +2 bonus. You may choose to do this after rolling the dice. You can only invoke an Aspect once per roll, but you may invoke multiple Aspects on the same roll if you have the points for it. And the Aspects can come from anywhere - your stats, your opponent's stats, the environment, etc.
3. When you take damage, you can apply it to Stress or Consequences. Stress takes up one or more of the Stress boxes on your character sheet, has no other mechanical effect, and clears pretty quickly. Consequences absorb more damage and create Aspects that can be used against you, and can last for a long time, depending on the severity.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:13, Sun 05 Nov 2023.