Re: General OOC

It occurs to me that we've been going nonstop this whole time, all in one "session." Since that does affect some things in the Fate system, let's call this a session break. If either of you have fewer than 3 fate points, you refresh back up to 3 now. And I don't think that either of you have any "once per session" abilities but if you do then those are now reset.
Also, thinking about this idea that you had a plan and it went poorly, I think I want to give that some mechanical weight. Think about how your character would be affected by this and then give yourself a temporary Aspect related to that - Plagued by Self-Doubt is the first idea that comes to mind for me, but maybe you have something different that fits. The important thing is that it's predominantly negative. This Aspect will stick with you until you've put some good effort into making up for your mistakes, at which point it will be replaced by a more positive temporary Aspect that lasts until... I'm not sure yet, we'll see what makes sense at that time. How does this sound to you guys?