This will be a 4ed Earthdawn system using the Grayhawk world. New platyers to the system are welcome and encouraged!
This particular campaign will emphasize travel and exploration since the players may be new to Grayhawk and unfamiliar to it's regions, gods, politics and influence, it will be a fun learning experience for the group. I like to play a sand box style game where there is an agenda for each chapter, however I allow players a lot of latitude in where and how they will get there.
I will be checking the boards several times a day, posting on Monday's and Fridays and any other day as able. I work 10 hour days, Tuesday to Friday. I own 2.5 acres small farm I run on top of my usual day job, so have to take care of our farm animals and all the other work that goes with the family, farm and animals. I will usually be offline on Sundays but may try to check threads at night and post.
I ask players to post 3-4 times a week. More is better, however, if the group is RPing, try to let others input before shotgunning several posts so others can interact during the conversation.
When posting, please:
- Color dialogue and leave narrative as is. Example:
Monkey looked at him, pulling a knife, and said, "I'm taking
over. And if you want to fight about it we can."
Any color for dialogue is fine except for orange and
= OOC comments and die roll results should be shaded in orange
Monkey stabs him! To hit 12
- As far as content, I ask that players please try to add some character
to their posts. You do not have to write a novel. A few lines are
fine. And while sometimes "Monkey stabs him!" is all there is to say, if
all your posts are "I roll to hit", then the game gets very draggy.
I do reward roleplay, even if it's just an attempt. This will include
XP, bonuses to rolls/lowering DNs, or providing opportunities. So
don't worry if you're not good at it. Just give it your best shot.
Players should use the RPoL die roller for this game. Under "Game System/Special Dice" option please select "Earth Dawn (3 ED)". Please do not use the 1/2 ED option.
Absences and Combat
If you know you are going to be offline for a while, please do try to give me a heads up.
Of course Real Life trumps gaming. If you do have to be offline for a while do to work or emergency, please let me know when you can. I'm usually pretty forgiving.
- Delays in posting can hold up a game, particularly in combat situations. The way I handle this is as follows:
- First, I will ask for all players to post their actions and any necessary rolls for that round at one time. I will resolve them in order of initiative.
- Second, if someone has not posted by the time I check the board, I will NPC their character for that round. I will assume they are defending or taking the action that makes the most sense at the moment.
- I will not hold a game for a long time waiting on one player to post.
- I may ask another player to make rolls for an NPC'd character at my discretion.
New Characters and Dead Characters
I don't intend to intentionally kill any character, however I like to let the dice roll where they will. Players may die. A PC may generate a new PC if they wish. My philosophy is that Legend Points belong to the player, not the character. So a new character will be generated with the same amount of LP as the prior PC had. I'd prefer the character not have their "Twin" show up with the exact same stats and gear, however I understand coming up with a whole new character can be time consuming, so don't object to the same Discipline and Race with the same stats, new name and different history.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:34, Mon 10 July 2023.