World/Game Discussion
...oh, and on the archaic familiar, it comes naturally to me as someone who grew up with a Romance language, but I'll keep a lid on it as best I can because it's odd to feel the "translation glitch" of being the only one: if we were playing in French, or more so modern Spanish, it would be extremely funny to 'vous'/'vos' (you-formal) dogs, servants and children, like addressing your horse/valet/son with 'sir' in English, so I feel the oddness sometimes.
Just assume that in Yorkshire or three-and-a-bit centuries ago, Fix's use of 'tu' (you-familiar) in casual or friendly contexts would be "translated" to 'thee'. I warn you that I might break it out if there's a significant shift of address (for instance, in the Tintin comics, Captain Haddock is always formal with Tintin, like they're not close friends, except when he really thinks Tintin is in trouble and breaks out with an unconscious 'tu' - there just isn't an equivalent in English except outright declarations of love, which...rarely fit in the platonic context) or Fix is insulting someone by using 'tu' to someone whose status should get them 'vos'-ed, though.
If you'd like a quick guide, though, Early Modern English uses 'thou' for when you are the subject, 'thee' to describe you as an object under discussion. So..." Thou [referring to you] shalt eat the broccoli, for it is good for thee [creature/body]. Eat thy [your] broccoli, for forsooth thou'rt [you're, state ongoing] lacking in folic acid." Kind of verbing versus nouning. Is that clearer?
I feel like I had something else to say, but I need to actually go work...
lunchtime edit: Horses! Fix isn't weirdly keen to play stablehand, it's more that since a knight without a horse is just a very heavy pedestrian he's not going to trust Cabrahígo to unknown ministration, and if he's seeing after his animal, he might as well see to the others (and should be easily trusted to do that, since he has no more reason to mess with the beasts their gear at all).
This message was last edited by the player at 12:34, Mon 27 May.