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16:06, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Character Creation

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Because yes, giant robots
are cool.
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 21:15
  • msg #1

Character Creation

Character creation can be done with Comp/Con (link: , then you can copy the data into the character sheet.

Remember: LL0 characters start with the following:
- A background
- Four +2 Pilot Triggers
- One +2 Mech Skill or two +1 Mech Skills
- Three Rank One Talents
- A license for all GMS equipment and gear
- Licenses for two mech Frames: the Everest and the Cholomungma.

If you want to have custom triggers or backgrounds, or want to play as something more unusual like a NHP, PM me.

Gear is picked as described in the rulebook: one suit of Armour, two Weapons, and up to three other pieces of gear.

If in doubt, PM me, and I'll help how I can.
GM, 6 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #2

Character Creation

GMS Cholomungma

|HP: 10 |Evasion: 8 |Armour: 0 |E-Defense: 10 |Speed: 4 |Size: 1 |Heat Cap: 6 |Repair Cap: 4 |Sensors: 15 Tech Attack: +1 |Save Target: 11 |


Brilliance: 1/scene, the Cholomungma may take any Quick Tech action as a free action, and then may either Bolster or Lock On as a free action.

Data Siphon: Whenever the Cholomungma makes a tech attack against a hostile character, it may also automatically Scan them.

Replaceable Parts: While resting, the Cholomungma can be repaired at a rate of 1 Repair per 1 structure damage, instead of 2 Repairs.

System Points: 7


|Main/Aux Mount |Flex Mount |

CORE System

Advanced Intrusion Package

Passive: Gain the following options for Invade.
 - Balance Control Lockout: Pull your target 2 spaces in any direction and knock them Prone. If they are already Prone, they become Immobilized until the end of their next turn. You may only Immobilize each character this way 1/scene.

- System Crusher: Your target takes an additional 2 heat, for a total of 4. If this invade causes the to exceed their Heat Cap, they take 4 burn as well. This can only be used 1/scene on each character.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Wide-Area Code Pulse
- Full Action. Choose any number of hostile characters within Sensors and make a special Invade tech attack against them, ignoring Invisibility and line of sight. On hit, apply the effects of Invade as normal, choosing options for each target. On miss, the target becomes Impaired until the end of their next turn.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:32, Tue 03 Oct 2023.
GM, 519 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 11 Nov 2024
at 01:18
  • msg #3

Character Creation

Adding these here as well for ease of reference.

- Alt frame data download is towards the bottom, below the paid download section.
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