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16:20, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Posted by GMFor group 0
Werner Steinn
player, 583 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 15 Jan 2025
at 05:21
  • msg #393

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"That's some apocalyptic sounding stuff to be talking about."  Werner commented, "Not sure Havelburg can handle a second one of those.  I don't suppose Doctor Virga expanded on any of those topics?  Rebirth, amalgamations...choirs and gods?"  He shook his head, "Not sure what to make of all that, but I can make a few guesses.  All of them bad, especially when you throw NHPs into the mix."

"How long ago was he here?  Can we catch up to him before he leaves the port?"  That would be too good to be true, but it doesn't hurt to ask.  Catching their target here would make everyone's life easy.  "Do you know where he went after leaving your shop?"
GM, 572 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 15 Jan 2025
at 12:09
  • msg #394

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Mort shakes his head. "I can't say he added a whole lot else. Something about a side project he was working on, I think, but he didn't go into detail. Like I said, he left soon after he came here. That was, ehh... maybe a month ago now? As for where he went, I've got no idea. could be anywhere by now, I suppose."
Erin Fastness
player, 77 posts
Callsign: Smoke Check
Wed 15 Jan 2025
at 23:49
  • msg #395

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Erin grimaced. They looked at Werner then Maya. “I don’t know who this guy is but this is sounding like some HORUS helter-skelter cult bullshit. Asking about all this and then running into the dust? Dude has some issues to work out,” they said as they made for the door to look out and make sure the thug wasn’t coming back with friends.

“These Sydicate guys look like more local trouble than Union business. Do you think they have something to do with this guy running to the dust? This place doesn’t seem like it judges on sketch,” with a quick smile to the shop owner, “no offense.”
GM, 573 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 16 Jan 2025
at 17:31
  • msg #396

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"None taken," Mort replies. He scratches his beard for a bit, then continues. "Syndicate members usually are pretty obvious when they go after someone - with a guy as memorable as Virga, I figure if the Syndicate tried to put out a hit on him, word would go out fast."
Werner Steinn
player, 584 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 17 Jan 2025
at 21:45
  • msg #397

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"I imagine we could talk with the Syndicate.  They'd be inclined to help us, I think, after our business with the Dustbranded.  We even got an invite from one of their people, Moore, to visit them in the 'Velvet House.'"  Werner said.  "Sounds like a bordello to me."  He shrugged, "But I'm not inclined to do business with the local crime syndicate.  And don't want them thinking they have us in their debt either.  We have enough intel to strike at Doctor Virga's fortress."

"Although if we spread the word that Virga was allowing the Syndicate to take the rap for what he's doing, they might mobilize their own attack against him.  I don't think even Magenta Red wants Union to think she's kidnapping NHPs."  He thought a moment, "Eh, they'd probably get in our way more than they would help."

"Do you know what kind of supplies he was putting in while in port?"  Werner asked Mort, "If Virga has people out there with him, he'd need regular food and water and other essentials.  Of course, with this obsession he seems to have with NHPs, he probably doesn't have any human friends or associates."  Werner grumbled, "I'm starting to think we're going to be facing subalterns and NHP-driven mechs.  Probably in various states of cascade.  Certainly not in their right minds."
GM, 574 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 19 Jan 2025
at 04:06
  • msg #398

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"Now that you mention it," Mort ponders, "I do think he brought a handful of folks with him - I remember some of the techies talking about being hired onto a project he was doing. What that project was, I couldn't tell you though - they were talking a mile a minute from being so excited. Supply wise," Mort continues, "it was lots of mechanical parts, codebases, raw materials even. Oddly enough, not a whole lot of food, as far as I know. He may have some kind of hydroponics setup that lets him grow his own like some of the other folks here," Mort adds, gesturing in the direction of some other stalls in the 'Market. "But I'm just guessin' when it comes to that."
Werner Steinn
player, 586 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 20 Jan 2025
at 10:22
  • msg #399

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"So he does have some hired help."  Werner says, "Some eggheads get giddy as school girls when they hear about a fancy enough project."  One thick, gloved hand from his hardsuit went to his beard, "I should know.  So Doctor Virga needs help, and rounded up scientists locally.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're disposable; might explain the lack of supplies that way too."

"Mechanical parts, codebases, raw materials..."  He nodded, "We can track all that.  Can you point us towards a few of the merchants here that Virga made deals with?  If they had to deliver the goods, they might be able to show us a better way to approach his place.  Without getting shot at too much anyway."  Werner turned to Maya and Erin, then continued, "What do you think?  We might be able to get past his first layer of defenses at least."
Erin Fastness
player, 79 posts
Callsign: Smoke Check
Mon 20 Jan 2025
at 18:57
  • msg #400

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Erin grinned. “Exactly the situation that our new sat coverage can help with! Just need to know where to point the eye in the sky and we can scope out what is being used for what purpose. Any recon is better than no recon. Plus, if he is just now bringing on help, he might need it to finish whatever timeline he is on. I think you’re right to think help is expendable. Depending on those supplies, he might be barricading himself in and preparing for our eventual assault if he knows Union is involved actively now,” they said and idly scratched behind their ear.

“My guess is that he has something those Northstar boys want, knows where he is but can’t get to him in their current condition. Bet they show up as soon as we minimize the threat. This whole thing smacks of a set up to me,” They finished and looked to the other two pilots.
GM, 575 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 12:03
  • msg #401

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"You might have some trouble tracking the deliveries exactly," Mort comments. "Most of the commerce here ain't exactly above-board, y'know? I can get in touch with the folks delivering though." Mort fishes an old dataslate from under his desk, then types in a series of commands, sending messages to friendly merchants. A few minutes pass, then a handful of pings are heard from the dataslate as responses are delivered. "Looks like it was less of a delivery and more of a dead drop. The supplies were dropped at a spot about half a klick from the base, where payment was waiting. Virga must be paranoid as all hell if he won't even let deliveries in directly." A couple moments, a couple more inputs. "They say there weren't many static defense emplacements. One of them says that when they approached from the east there seemed to be some kind of... 'animal-adjacent thing.' Big, whatever it was. Maybe avoid going in from that direction."
Maya Vost
player, 470 posts
HP: 18/18 Heat: 0/8
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Tue 21 Jan 2025
at 21:49
  • msg #402

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

“Animal-adjacent…?” Maya sounded out, rich with incredulity. “Like … not an animal, you mean, ‘cause that’s a really fucking ominous way of putting things if they just didn’t get a proper look?” She cocked her head the vendor’s way. “You heard about anything like this before, Mort, or is this something new? Last thing we need is to find our mutual friend’s been screwing about with more than just machines.”

“That’s what bugs me about all this you know. All this talk, all these people who know something about this Virga guy, and we still don’t have a clue what we’re walking into.” Her hand flicked Werner’s way. “We can guess he’s got subalterns or some thoroughly fucked frames – not a bad shout – but that word from Mort’s people about emplacements is the first proof we’ve had of any kind of ground defences. Anything we’ve gone toe-to-toe with so far has had nothing to do with him.”

“No idea whether we’re picking a fight with a civvy or really poking the nest.”
GM, 576 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 00:29
  • msg #403

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Maya Vost:
“You heard about anything like this before, Mort, or is this something new? Last thing we need is to find our mutual friend’s been screwing about with more than just machines.”

Mort shakes his head, eyebrows furrowed. "It's news to me. We don't have a whole lot of big animals left here, and I haven't heard of any being out in the Dustgraves - practically nothing can survive out there. Nothing normal, anyway, but if you're dealin' with mad science then who knows?"
Werner Steinn
player, 587 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 24 Jan 2025
at 07:11
  • msg #404

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"We're absolutely poking the nest here."  Werner answered Maya.  "He's had years to dig in, and has to know he's had the Talons and IPS-N snooping around his operation.  Dead drops say he's paranoid.  Lack of obvious external defenses can just mean he's good at disguising them."  He paused, "I don't know what to expect by an animal-adjacent thing..."

The fingers of his hardsuit snapped, and Werner brought up a holographic projection of his previous frames.  "Remember these guys?"  He indicated the image of his Unsupported Hypothesis, a tall reptilian theropod.  Then the massive avian that was his Contradiction in Terms.  "Someone saw one of these at a distance, especially in the dust, I think the description 'animal-adjacent' would feel accurate.  Maybe Doctor Virga has a similar preference for mech design."

"Of course, I wouldn't be surprised either if Northstar plans on stabbing us in the back as soon as we've done all the heavy lifting."  Werner turned to Erin, "But the last time the Talons ambushed us they lost a lot of frames, and at least one pilot.  I don't think they're in any condition for skullduggery.  Besides, IPS-N knows we're on to them at this point.  They can't be stupid enough to move openly against Union on Havelburg."

"Thanks Mort, you've been a lot of help."  Werner nodded to Erin, "We have the coordinates for Virga's dead drop location, some snooping there might get us a bit of intel.  He probably has his own eyes on that spot...hmm..."  Plans start to form.  Werner turns back to Mort, "Say Mort, before we go I was wondering if you had mech-grade ammunition in this shop of yours.  I think I'm going to need something special for an upcoming mission, you see."

He ticks his fingers as he calls out the special ammunition he's looking for, "Let's see...some incendiary Hellfire rounds, high explosive Jagers, and armor-piercing Sabots.  That should do the trick."

Just looking for an role-play reason for my upgraded Walking Armory munitions
This message was last edited by the player at 11:01, Fri 24 Jan.
GM, 577 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 27 Jan 2025
at 12:47
  • msg #405

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Mort raises an eyebrow, nods, then gets up and starts rummaging through the piles of scrap metal in the back. "Now, any other time someone would ask me that, I'd probably laugh at them. I'm a scrapper, not an arms dealer. But." Mort disappears behind the back flap of the stall. A couple minutes pass, accompanied by a series of bangs, clatters, and curses. Eventually, Mort reemerges, dragging behind him a large cart with a larger box of what looks to be mech-grade ammunition. "I found these on my last trip to the the junkyard. Incendiaries, HEs, and sabots. They're... old, but as far as I can tell, they should still work. Just be careful not to jostle them too much, yeah?"

Upon sorting out payment and transport details (Mort insists upon being careful with the ammunition), the scrapper gives the group well-wishes on the upcoming mission and their future travels. "Good luck," he says, "and if you're ever in town again, feel free to stop by!"

The trip back to the Rio Grande is largely uneventful. Perhaps a few more eyes on you this time, but the return trip is not interrupted. In a short time after your return, your mechs have been repaired and refitted, with your new NHP copilots installed and your new equipment ready. Before your next sortie, you are requested to meet in the briefing room - Lieutenant Kim is waiting to relay the information related to the Mesmertrance Dampeners given to you by the Talons.
Werner Steinn
player, 590 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 29 Jan 2025
at 08:20
  • msg #406

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"Well, I can't say I'm completely happy about this."  In the hangar, Werner had personally overseen and been heavily involved with the refit of his mech.  The new armaments had required such an extensive overhaul that it had to be done from the ground up.  And the anti-mesmertrance software, as it turned out, was incompatible with Werner's personalizations.  His arms were crossed as he stared at the result.  A generic Harrison Arms Sherman.  At least the exotic weapons slotted into the gun bays with no trouble.

"It's been a long time since I took out a machine without any personal touches.  But we just don't have time to get my customizations in line."  He turned to the rest of the lance, "I'm calling this one my Conflict of Interest.  I'm sure you can see why."  Werner shrugged, "Still, looking forward to testing out all the new firepower I've gotten my hands on."

"I don't see what the problem is."  Asura, freshly re-installed in the new frame, spoke up.  "Nothing wrong with a stock Sherman, most of my simulations had me piloting one."

"It's the little things that make a mech yours, Asura."  Werner answered, "Someone sees a dinosaur in the field, they know they aren't dealing with any old pilot."

Just then they are told to attend a briefing with Lieutenant Kim, "Keep running the pre-mission checks Asura.  I think we'll be back soon to get this show on the road."

Entering the briefing room, Werner took his seat.  "So what's the news?"  He asked.
GM, 578 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 29 Jan 2025
at 12:28
  • msg #407

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Lieutenant Kim stands in the room, scrolling through his dataslate as the group arrives. A hologram projection of the dampener module floats over the briefing room's table, spinning lazily and casting a blue glow. Kim greets you with a crisp salute.

"Good to see you all again," he begins. "As I'm sure you've seen, your frames' upgrades have been applied. You are all almost at combat readiness. Before you sortie, however, there was one thing that science wanted to flag for you. The Mesemertrance dampeners."

The lieutenant sends the relevant data to your personal slates, the messages receiving with a ping and the info automatically scrolling in your HUDs. "We took a look around the programs installed in these. It looks like they work as advertised - they'll block out Mesmertrance, and give you blanket protection for other E-attacks. However, science also found something quite alarming." Pressing a series of buttons, Kim switches the hologram's projection to show a specific section - the more tech-minded among you will recognize it as some kind of intrusion function.

"The Mesmertrance dampeners have a backdoor installed in their code," Kim continues. "It's vicious, remotely activated, and can shut down a mech entirely. I don't think I need to explain to you how massive a security risk this is for your frames. Protocol would have me forbid the use of these entirely and throw them in the bin. I would throw them in the bin, but I do believe we're all well aware how potent Mesmertrance is. I don't want to see what it can do to a mech. As we speak, I'm having our tech-heads excise the intrusion software from the dampeners. Science tells me that they should be ready for use within the hour."

Kim starts pacing slightly, looking wearier than usual. "Things are heating up here. All of this piling up on top of the missing NHPs. It's pretty clear with this new development that the Talons are not to be trusted. I think our best play here is to play it safe. Don't let them know that they've been found out. That way, if they try anything, they'll be caught off guard."
Erin Fastness
player, 81 posts
Callsign: Smoke Check
Wed 29 Jan 2025
at 18:40
  • msg #408

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Erin shook their head as the briefing came. Of course the so-called “gift” was laced with something that would shut them down. They had barely met the Talons and their first thought was they were shifty even for IPS-N operatives. Erin had worked for a few months with a similar team on a prior op. Just as shady then as today.

Erin looked over the briefing report and then sent the info to their dataplating HUD so they could pay more attention to the others. A moment of silence got the better of them and Erin spoke up. “Without the dampeners, are my FORGE subalterns going to be at risk of activating against me? The deployment bay is hardened but not impenetrable. I don’t want to install the dampener if I don’t have to,” they asked as they looked over the schematics of the FORGEs.

Erin then looked at the others before speaking up again. “That is, of course, unless we all want to install them like LT says to give the Talons a bit of false confidence. I can move something’s around last minute to make room for it,” they started before being cut off by Bridger projecting himself through their dataplating from his secured casket.

”Ain’t no way yer going to be puttin’ some untested scrap code in with me! Might as well set a bear trap and hide it from yourself!”, he exclaimed while Erin rolled their eyes. Bridger then waggled a finger at them. ”Don’t give me no lip back, Erin. You know it ain’t neat to stick untested gear in our chassis,” he finished.

Erin tried to prevent themselves from doing another eye roll. ” Well, we know Bridger’s vote. I’m willing to install the dampener if everyone else is going to,” they finished.
Maya Vost
player, 473 posts
HP: 18/18 Heat: 0/8
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Wed 29 Jan 2025
at 20:58
  • msg #409

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Werner Steinn:
"It's the little things that make a mech yours, Asura."  Werner answered, "Someone sees a dinosaur in the field, they know they aren't dealing with any old pilot."

“And that'd be a shame wouldn't it, 'cause they'd be dealing with a very special old pilot.” Maya chipped in, delivering an affectionate punch to the shoulder. It wasn’t enough to sting. “Guess you’ll just have to be dinosaur enough yourself ‘til they give you time enough to make her yours. Something to look forward to.” She tipped her head to the Sherman’s guns. “It’s got all the important bits anyway - the stuff you need to slag ‘em - and with Asura locked in there’s no way things’ll get boring. Think of it as a chance to remind people how good you are: wreck enough shit to put respect on your name no matter what frame you’re in.”

At that she lazily gestured to her own, Life’s Too Short now uparmoured and mutilated modified to the point it scarcely kept its former silhouette. “Might be for the best anyway. If you don’t stand out all that much it just makes it more likely they’ll put the focus on me, and taking hits is the only thing that pile’s good for ‘sides putting fists down throats. Being a bit more low key might suit you just fine.”

Erin Fastness:
”Ain’t no way yer going to be puttin’ some untested scrap code in with me! Might as well set a bear trap and hide it from yourself!”, he exclaimed while Erin rolled their eyes. Bridger then waggled a finger at them. ”Don’t give me no lip back, Erin. You know it ain’t neat to stick untested gear in our chassis,” he finished.

Having appeared genuinely engaged through the briefing, even letting out the inevitable scoff when the flaw came to light, Maya actually looked a little taken aback at what the newbies had to say. Nonetheless she did her best to brush that aside, to seem at least somewhat level-headed. Wouldn't do to bite someone's head off over a dissenting opinion.

“Now I’m not going to tell an NHP what they should be okay interfacing with, but if Science says they’ve scrubbed it clean then that should be enough, yeah?” Words aimed at Bridger but meant for the room. “I’m all for scepticism, but it’s not like they get anything but trouble sending us out the door half-cocked. Union’s not going to burn a team and give IPS-N free reign to pick the bones just to hit a deadline.”

“Anyway ... if you’ve got an alternative that isn’t bailing on the mission or meeting the ‘trance without protection then I’m all ears.”

She threw her attention Kim’s way.

“As for the plan itself, I’m not questioning the call but I think we’ve got to give the other guys some credit here. We might’ve trounced them before but the Talon’s are meant to be professionals, and unless they think we’re properly stupid then there’s no way they won’t expect us to do a little digging. You can’t tell me they won’t have their doubts if we show up all smiles like nothing’s wrong.” A shrug. “Too easy, you know. Hard to buy we're walking straight into the trap.”

“Still best to leave them doubting, but I’d put good money on there being some kind of backup plan just in case their magic bullet doesn’t do the trick. I'd want one if it was me anyway.”

GM, 579 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 30 Jan 2025
at 12:23
  • msg #410

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Kim nods, considering Maya's words. "That's true. I'll see if we can get some other teams ready to go in case they try to pull anything. We won't be able to send them in with you - both to avoid Virga catching you early and to avoid an incident with the locals - but we'll keep them available to intercede if the Talons try anything. IPS-N is ruthless when it comes to their bottom line - I highly doubt they'd waste a spec-ops team if more of our forces got involved."
Werner Steinn
player, 592 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 31 Jan 2025
at 02:32
  • msg #411

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"Could be the Talons are compromised."  Werner added.  "Maybe Doctor Virga got to them; or at least their commander.  They're supposed to have been on his tail for years."  He shrugged, "It would explain why they have their Mesmertrance dampeners and yet still haven't made any headway towards stopping him."

"But heading out without this mesmertrance protection sounds worse than risking the backdoor they left in the code.  We don't really know the full extent of Virga's ability to control tech.  He can easily command a subaltern.  What about taking control of a mech?  Or even scrambling an NHP at close range?  We can't risk that."

"Maybe we're lucky and this is just good, old-fashioned revenge they have planned."  He looked towards Maya, "We did tear up their squad pretty well.  IPS-N has already disavowed them, right?"  Werner looked to Kim for confirmation, "Maybe they've gone rogue."

"Anyway, it's a moot point for me.  I've already made the adjustments I need to have the Mesmertrance dampener installed.  Science says they made it safe, so that's good enough for me."
Erin Fastness
player, 83 posts
Callsign: Smoke Check
Fri 31 Jan 2025
at 03:39
  • msg #412

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Erin recoiled a bit at the feedback, glaring at Bridger to deflect the attention away from themselves. They nodded and slapped their thigh as they rose from their seat. “That settles it. I’ll load up the dampener right now and adjust as required. Sorry if it seemed like I was saying the idea was no good. Bridger and I are used to being more independent. He’s still learning but I’ve got no excuse for it,” they said as they turned to Kim.

“Make sure the Science team knows that it was never meant as a slight to them,” Erin said as they floundered a bit. “The upgrade will be installed before we launch. I’ll make sure of it,” they finished. Bridger didn’t seem to take the hint. He popped back into the forefront with a loud protest. He only got a few seconds before Erin cut him off. “Enough! We can talk in the cockpit but you’re on thin ice, friend.”

They then stared down the NHP until he growled a few profanities before disappearing.
GM, 580 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 31 Jan 2025
at 21:00
  • msg #413

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Werner Steinn:
"Maybe we're lucky and this is just good, old-fashioned revenge they have planned."  He looked towards Maya, "We did tear up their squad pretty well.  IPS-N has already disavowed them, right?"  Werner looked to Kim for confirmation, "Maybe they've gone rogue."

Kim nods. "Of course. Officially, IPS-N has no such squadron, and are shocked at the clearly false information that has spread. The Talons going rogue is definitely a possibility."

Kim raises an eyebrow at Bridger's outburst, then nods at Erin, joining them in staring down Bridger in a surprisingly intimidating manner. He, clearly, is displeased at Bridger's outburst, but once Bridger disappears his normal demeanor returns with a sigh. "No slights will be given to the science team. Oh, and Bridger - I know you're still listening - make sure to stay respectful the next time you talk to your superior officers. I may be patient, but not all of the officers on this ship share my disposition."
Werner Steinn
player, 595 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 2 Feb 2025
at 12:09
  • msg #414

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"Hmm...I still need to get a mobile casket for Asura."  Werner said after having watched Bridger's display, "He'll need to integrate with the Rio Grande too.  I wonder if Sunder has any spares..."

"So either IPS-N wants to stab us in the back," he returned to the discussion of the Talons, "Or a group of rogue operatives do.  I'm starting to think I like Doctor Virga.  Might be a mad scientist performing terrible experiments on captured NHPs..."  Werner scoffed, "But at least we can be fairly sure he's going to try stabbing us in the front once we knock on his door."

"One last thing I wanted to bring up."  The stocky scientist brought up the coordinates they had received from Mort showing Doctor Virga's dead drop location near his base.  "We picked up these coordinates from a contact in the city.  Doctor Virga has his supplies delivered here so that no shipments ever actually go to his base of operations.  Standard paranoid criminal stuff."  He showed the site to Lieutenant Kim, "Any chance we could get a distraction out there before we launch our assault?  Nothing big or fancy, just enough to get his defenses looking the wrong way when we come in from the other direction."
GM, 583 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 2 Feb 2025
at 15:04
  • msg #415

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Kim reads through the data, then nods. "I can send a squad of marines out there, let them do what they do best. Set up some explosives, draw attention, and get out. They're quieter than mechs, so they should be able to sneak in undetected." A notification pings on Kim's dataslate, and he Setting down the slate, Kim regards the group. "Looks like science just finished cleaning those dampeners. If there are no further questions, I'll see to it that they are installed. Once that is complete, sort yourselves for sortie. Good luck."
Werner Steinn
player, 597 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 4 Feb 2025
at 09:19
  • msg #416

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

"Great!  I'm sure Sergeant Garcia's men will be happy to stretch their legs and blow a few things up."  Werner said cheerfully, "And no doubt the Sergeant himself will let us know all the trouble his marines went through just to give us an assist too.  Maybe I'll get him a new fishing rod as thanks."  He thought a moment, "They probably don't do much fishing here on Havelburg, do they?"

"Looks like we've got our green light."  Werner stood, "everyone ready to mount up?"
Erin Fastness
player, 105 posts
Callsign: Smoke Check
Sat 8 Feb 2025
at 09:56
  • msg #417

Operation: DUSTGRAVE

Erin nodded at Werner while texting a message to Bridger to get the final prep done. “I know this is going to be my first ride with your outfit so I’m going to follow your leads. If you need something in the field just say the word.” They left to rejoin Bridger in the hangar.

The look they must have had was obviously shock when they returned to the hangar. Gone was the sleek, armor-plated mech they had left and a new machine stood in the bay. It was hunched on predatory legs with much of the previous up-armored chassis now covered in a ghillie-type netting. The Forge-2 subaltern bay underneath was gone and replaced by an ultra-compact canister variant on the side. They knew this was Bridger’s tantrum made manifest. The only upside was he had placed the Blackspot and auxiliary launcher on a turret mount instead of the whole torso.

Erin had to admit, Bridger was evolving further and further. Despite his flair for the dramatic with his mood and frontier outfit, the guy knew how to design a functional modern mech. Climbing the dubious looking rope ladder to the cockpit hatch, Erin was greeted with a cocky looking Bridger. He waggled a finger at them. “I was fixin’ to scrap this whole thing after you lost it in the briefing,” he said with a surly grump. Erin returned it with incredulity. “I lost it? You managed to piss the whole squad and LT Kim. We aren’t irreplaceable. You’ll get us kick off assignment again if you keep it up. I don’t know about you but I’m all for being a part of an actual Lance instead of glorified guard duty,” they said.

Erin’s face softened as they adjusted the cockpit seat. It was quite cozy in the cockpit with a very lived in feel. Bridger even installed a holder for Erin’s coffee container. ”I know I ain’t been the most polite fella. I ain’t apologizin’ either. We’re in a war machine. You know I developed from a Targeting AI. I expose other people’s vulnerabilities. Thinkin’ I’d let an untested code turn loose in our home? Not a chance!”

A short silence followed as Erin thought. ”From now on, respect and professionalism with everyone. Once we have a few paint scrapes then you can hunt and scout out threats to your hearts content, does that sound like a deal? And before you answer, I have a few conditions. Wait…are we hot mic right now? Damn it! Where did you move the damn switch! Okay and,” as the open channel went silent again.

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