I want to encourage people to be creative in their combat posts. Feel free to narrate different scenes with the NPCs you're fighting to help flex those creative muscles. One thing to consider is that an attack roll does not always mean you took a swing, and a miss doesn't always mean you didn't hit.
Huge epic combat posts aren't a requirement. I understand that between referencing character sheets and maps and rolling dice, it can really suck your time away, but if you find yourself feeling like combat is dragging on, or you're tired of writing "I swing and I miss" over and over again consider incorporating some of the details of one of your fellow players into your post to help make combat a bit spicier not just for you but for your fellow players as well.
To encourage these types of posts, I will be awarding ST inspiration based on your posts. You may "bank" ST inspiration earned from your post (to help combat the evils of the dice roller), and there is no limit to the inspiration that you may have. ST inspiration may be awarded in [1d6] [1d8] or [1d12] increments. More than one paragraph isn't encouraged but might earn you [1d12] inspiration.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:27, Mon 27 Nov 2023.