The following have been proposed (thank you Rodrigo!) and seem to make sense so we'll give them a shot. :)
New Combat rules
One action per round:
Alternate Brawl rules.
Every round a player must pick 1 of 4 actions. The NPCs will still declare their actions first. Then PCs will choose actions, roll, and post one those actions.
1-All out defense/move
1-The biggest change will be all out defense/move. We will not be using combat maps, but 'theater of the mind.' That means you can creatively use the environment to justify a better defense for your character. If there is any form of cover to be found against ranged attacks, you may roll your mobility against all ranged attackers, subtracting your success vs their successes & +1 automatic success(So the least amount you can get is 1.) Because movement is now assumed for all people in a battlefield, getting MORE successes on your mobility roll allow you to change the range to one attacker of your choice-ether closer or farther away. Doing all out defense will apply against all incoming attacks, and will give you +1 automatic success(as normal cover rules) against future ranged attacks, assuming you do not get into melee combat. Note: There may be situation where all out defense cannot be used! Like ambushes...
2-Ranged attacks. Ranged attacks will still get 'initiative' over melee attacks, but most melee attackers will be trying to close with ranged opponents via all out defense/move. Ranged attacks can also be 'countered' by shooting at attackers and beating their successes as normal. Unlike all out defense, you can only 'counter' one ranged attacker with your attacks unless you have the 'Suppressive fire' talent, which then you roll is compared with up to 3 attackers. You may do less damage if you win, but you also may counter 3 shots instead of 1. Many shooters on one person is no longer multiple rolls. The person with the highest pool is used, and gets +1 die for each person shooting at the same target-max of 3(PC or NPC)
3-Once you are in melee with someone, they have to use their close combat skill to fight with you-even if they are using a ranged weapon. However, weapons that are meant for ranged combat do not get any weapon bonus to the close combat roll(Rifles can be used as melee weapons, but have different stats). Most people can draw a melee weapon as a free action during such events, but not in the cases of ambush, nor if they shot this round(In that case they don't get a roll). All out defense can be used in melee combat-in cases of several people on one person. Close combat successes are compared as normal. Much like in ranged combat, only the highest die poll is used against the defender, getting +1 for each person in melee against one target up to a max of 3(PC or NPC). This bonus is impossible to get if there is multiple foes in one melee combat and both sides are relatively equal.
Shooting into melee combat is a increase in difficulty if you only want to hit one person. The shooter must subtract the person with the highest successes in close combat when shooting. If you don't care who you hit, you can subtract half the lowest amount of close combat successes, but then you will hit a target randomly determined by fate. There will be a talent called 'Sharpshooter' that gives you +2 dice only when shooting into melee combat.
4-Other action will happen at the same time as the above actions. Some actions-like first aid, can be combined with 'all out defense'. Its assumed you are dragging the wounded person to safety while you are working on him. Actions like scout and stealth are 'other' actions, but can only be done in certain situations. Fate will decide if the other action you are doing can be combined with an all out defense/move.
In the cases of Stealth vs Scout, such skills can only be used when one side is unaware of the other. Scouting is rolled vs the person with the highest scout die pool, +1 for each other PC or NPC in the group(Max of 3). Stealth works the same way, as the highest stealth score will be used with +1 for each other person(Max of 3). Once combat has begun, stealth cannot be used again until a major event causes the awareness of both sides to be impacted(I.E. the lights go out), Or you are two or more range categories from your foe, and have places to hide. I.E.-Close vs Extreme. Once you move 3 range categories away, combat is over. From there, tracking or scouting is required to find your target again.
When ambushed, a target cannot use all out defense! They can attack, but only after the ambusher does their action. After the 'surprise round' combat returns to normal.
Note that people remaining in stealth during a combat can be detected via a scout roll(as a other action). This stealth ends if they attack in any noticeable/loud way.
Critical injuries
When reaching 3 health(Broken), critical injuries are not rolled right away. A PC victim can roll endure(Or just strength) to 'hold off' a critical injury roll. They are still broken however. This roll will be at a cumulative -1 for each round they hold off the critical injury. If first aid can be provided BEFORE this happens, the person in question gets to roll twice on the critical injury table and take the better result. The 'Nine lives' talent will apply to both rolls!
Walker attacks
No rule changes. Beware...