Game & World Information
Section I: Game System
For our game we will use Paizo's Pathfinder and the Dreamscarred Press supplement Ultimate Psionics. The supplement is available for purchase/download on DriveThruRPG.
Section II: Game Style
The intent of this game is to be psionics-forward, weaving the elements of psionics into the mechanics and the world. Magic still exists, and there is semi-transparency between the two systems. Players can expect to be thrown into a harrowing scenario of battles, exploration, investigations, and a reactive game world where player actions have tangible outcomes and the clock is always ticking.
Section III: Cyfrinith
Cyfrinith, the Land of Lost Time. Stretching from the metallic glimmervoid in the the Western Prisms to the florid and labyrinthine ruins of the Shattered Orchards, Cyfrinith is both corpse and conservatory; the tattered and resilient remains of the world before what the wise Kleiomati call the Cascade drew down the light of all stars. The sky is not a sea of twinkling candles, but a scan of parallel lines, comet tails continually burning eternal vectors above. Cyclical centuries of prosperity and upheavals under the rule of the great Hydrarchs and their vicious Aquabarons after the Cascade has pocked the time and space of Cyfrinith with strange magics, psychic awakenings, and rampant evolution of everything from commerce, society, and architecture. Hive-minded goblin-folk make long treks transporting water between baronies; Loop-cycled eidolons continually construct and deconstruct buildings one brick at a time; psychic flora lure unsuspecting travelers into digestive acid pools; a council of unbodied Crystal Lords clash over a desirable vein of psi-infused emerald uncovered at the edges of the geometric domain. There are farming villages and remote, quiet hamlets; there are vast, blackened monasteries filled with warring empires of sentient rats; and secrets, so rumored, buried deep in the substrata of the earth, where beings immense and unfathomable contemplate the void in their colossal titanium tombs.
When the players find themselves kidnapped and stranded in the ruins a forgotten temple gradually crumbling down around them, they must come together to free themselves and find the truth: who sought them out and placed them here, and to what fell purpose?
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:44, Mon 10 June.