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典出奧維德《變形記》,講述梅杜莎因為在密涅瓦神殿被海神涅普頓侵犯,而被密涅瓦懲罰,轉化成怪物的故事。貌美的梅杜莎一頭捲曲紅髮變成一條條毒蛇,這首詩出自《變形記》第四部第792行,表達梅杜莎的恐懼和被迫害的心情。為了設計伊茲拉的Nemesis在讀文獻,找到這詩讀起來好聽且動人,就貼一下。梅杜莎在2020年#咪兔中成為新的象徵(如Luciano Garbati的雕刻作品〈Medusa with the Head of Perseus〉),《變形記》裡的梅杜莎的遭遇和現在流傳於通俗文化中的怪物形象,如此諷刺。
alternis inmixti crinibus angues (Snakes Mixed-In with Coiling Hair)
People wouldn’t know this,
because nobody asks,
but I was once afraid of snakes.
I loved my beautiful auburn hair,
I enjoyed the male gaze.
I will never forget the day
when everything was taken from me.
My white dress stained red,
my hair no longer a comfort,
but my greatest fear.
What do you do when the one thing you’re afraid of is forced to become a part of you?
What do you do when you used to be chased after and now you’re fled from?
What do you do when you realize you’re no longer a woman, but a monster?
You learn to live with it.
That first month,
I didn’t sleep.
I couldn’t rest in fear they might slither around my neck and choke me in my sleep.
That first month,
I couldn’t look in the mirror.
I couldn’t see my sunken eyes,
I missed my locks.
That first month,
I thought I was going to go deaf from the hissing,
a sound so close to my ear,
fear also became a part of who I was.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:09, Tue 23 July 2024.