The Burnished Dawn winked into existence as it returned to material space. The only warning gave was a faint shimmer of light at the edge of the Weydana system. The colony ship engaged it's thrusters. The blocky brick like craft slowly rotated, setting a vector for Weydana-4, before it fired it's main engines. A pod of voraija that were cavorting in the upper atmosphere of Weydana-6 effortlessly zipped through the vacuum as the ship skimmed the gravity well of the planet. They sang to each other in a microwave concert that reverberated through the ship's hull and played havoc with the sensors as they pass you. Perhaps they were startled by your sudden arrival from Drift space.
"No worries folks," the ship's comms cut through the whale song's din with Erizand's calm voice.
"Just spooked some harmless locals." He reassured the crew.
The bridge crew busied themselves at their stations, reacting as a well oiled machine after five weeks together in the Drift. The fledgling colonists might be a rag-tag bunch and have no uniforms, but all are experienced professionals. Within two hours the plan is for all of you to be boots on the ground at your new home. The open glass steel view ports give you a glorious view of the various planets as you passed them.
Erizand "Patches" Shyre stuck his steaming cup of coffee in the cup holder at his console, and dropped his half eaten breakfast biscuit next to it. Technically it was early morning ship's time. Astraca, the ships ysoki counselor, had the bright idea that for the last few weeks in the Drift the ship's crew should assimilate to Weydana-4's local time. Everyone reluctantly agreed, after some cajoling, and had adjusted their schedules accordingly.
Sniffing, Erizand checked everything over one final time, and eased back in to the pilot's seat.
"Well hell of a view, huh?" He asked over his shoulder at the gathered crew.
"Our new home." He made a sweeping gesture towards the viewport.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:18, Wed 28 Aug.