Sparks of Imagination: OOC World Building
So...I assume that those here are still aware of Marvel Survival and its pending resurrection. With that, I, myself will still be active over there when it rises from its ashes.
What does that mean here?
I will still be developing this, though at a slower pace as I do not feel the desperate need to get this launched immediately. If you are still interested, keep posting...keep the input coming.
Writers will always have their heroes succeed. Even in the source material for this, aka Marvel universe, the stories end in success 99% of the time. Sure, there will be setbacks, sure there will be losses, all within the framework of succeeding as the final outcome. Otherwise, what is the point of reading the stories and even more importantly, what is the point of telling the stories? The only stories that don't follow that framework are Horror and Cautionary Tales style stories, something this setting is not.
My personal experience with this in Freeform has been relatively positive with almost everyone writing in those small losses and injuries. The setbacks that make the comeback that much more impactful. IF a writer cannot or will not abide writing in these things and only writes their impossible achievements, they will quickly find that partners needed to write with will dry up and become non-existent. Without partners, in this system, the capability to write and post become impossible. In a way, this becomes self-governing through consensus.