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07:14, 6th October 2024 (GMT+0)

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones.

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Game Master
GM, 8 posts
I bring adventure...
I bring danger...
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 01:55
  • msg #1

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Nentir Vale
Late Summer // Mid-Day // Clear and Pleasant
Mood Music by Bardify

For purposes each your own, you four brave souls have taken to the road together.  Some of you may be in search of truth and justice, some may seek profit and gain, and others still may be searching for a reason to search at all.  But, there is strength in numbers, and you have each agreed to help one another out.  Your base of operations, as it were, is the town of Fallcrest in the central Nentir Vale.  Work is plenty for such as yourselves, but many of the tasks proffered and offered are daunting for your means.

Your travels have brought you to a ruined town not far from Fallcrest.  It is said that beneath this place is a ruin, beneath which are buried vast riches, and where dwells a dark-hearted necromancer who conducts foul and terrible rites.  But, all that you see are stone buildings, overgrown with weeds and moss, and with lichen.

What do you do?

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:38, Sat 31 Aug.
Charis Ignasus
Adventurer, 1 post
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 03:07
  • msg #2

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

"Well, this settlement looks like it could use some love." Charis motioning to the ruined and mossy structures. She looks over the locale closely and observes what the surroundings of the town might be.
Burbas Koboldminer
Adventurer, 1 post
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 03:09
  • msg #3

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Barbus explores the ruins without saying anything but "Off we go then! Let's look at this." hoping to find something worthwhile among the rubbish in abandoned buildings. Search closest building.
Rufus Lightfoot
Adventurer, 1 post
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 03:10
  • msg #4

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Rufus stays close to the dwarf, to search with him. "I will go with Barbus, then! Uhh," he looks back at the dwarf who had already moved on a bunch of paces towards the edifices. "Sorry! I'm coming!"
Esna the Stone-Hearted
Adventurer, 1 post
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 03:11
  • msg #5

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

"Wonder who was living here before, what happened to them... Who is here now..?" Esna scans the area, pondering about a theory that surely must be the correct one. She eventually wanders to find the center of the town.
Game Master
GM, 9 posts
I bring adventure...
I bring danger...
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 03:22
  • msg #6

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

 There is much to be found in this settlement: All find broken pot-shards, roof tiles, and even bits of charred wood.  A fire seems to be the cause of the destruction.  Burbas finds, through his stonecunning, that teh damage was done around one hundred years ago... near to the time of the fall of the Nerath Empire.

 Several two-foot-diameter holes can also be found throughout the area, as well as rat pellets seemingly left by specimens ranging in size from "large", or the size of a medium dog, to "normal".  Ugh!

 Burbas finds a shattered human skull, but no signs of what caused this...

 The last thing of especial interest is a building with an intact, ivy-covered chimney.
Esna the Stone-Hearted
Adventurer, 2 posts
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 04:24
  • msg #7

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Esna examines some of the fragments of the pots, hoping to find anything resembling a clue to who the people were, such as an insignia, or initials. She shuffles through some of them like playing cards in her hands. Closely looking at each one. Looking up every few moments to make sure the group hasn't left her yet.
Burbas Koboldminer
Adventurer, 2 posts
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 04:31
  • msg #8

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Burbas and Rufus are both inspecting one of the two foot holes now.
"Now what do you suppose made those?"
"Something big, stomping around.. probably?"
Burbas gives an unimpressive look at Rufus, who returns an equally clueless one.
"It's got to have been dug, see how its two feet in diameter! You don't see something making that deep of a footprint unless its deliberately dug out!"
"Now how am I supposed to know everything from the get go, Burbas! I had no idea what I was signing up for this, when you hired me!"

The two continue to chatter near one of the holes, examining what it might be.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:37, Sat 31 Aug.
Charis Ignasus
Adventurer, 2 posts
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 04:36
  • msg #9

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

Charis makes her way over to examine the building with the ivy covered chimney, trying to size up the building, to figure out what it was for.
Game Master
GM, 10 posts
I bring adventure...
I bring danger...
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 04:49
  • msg #10

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

 As the adventurers banter and bicker, a very big rat stumbles halfway through the hole and looks at them each in turn, before grunting and sighing.  They look sleepy, as if awakened.  Wary.

 Charis finds that the building seems to have been a regular house, at best.  Just... prone to an ivy infestation, practically overgrown with it.  Some of it seems dead and decayed, however, and crunches and crumbles if touched.
Charis Ignasus
Adventurer, 3 posts
HP: /; AC
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 05:12
  • msg #11

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

"Hey! over here guys!" she calls out and beckons to her distracted companions. It takes a few seconds for them to trot over.
"you found a building?"
She ignores Barbus. Turning to Esna.
  "looks the only intact building here.. might be clues inside Esna." she gives a promising nod. Then looks over at the Dwarf and raises an eyebrow and pauses for a second.
" and .. there is a chance that your 'precious treasures' could be in there, Barbus"
She throws her head to the side to invite them in, "lets find out."

The group moves into the building
Game Master
GM, 11 posts
I bring adventure...
I bring danger...
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 05:16
  • msg #12

Challenges & Lairs: Hall of Bones

 The rat gives everyone a look of warning before retreating into their hole, no doubt grumbling something impolite in Rat.

 The building is covered in vines, most of which are healthy, but some being brittle and brown and sickly.
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