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, welcome to [Spelljammer 5e] Sol System

05:55, 12th October 2024 (GMT+0)

General Information.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 24 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2024
at 19:22
  • msg #1

General Information

This thread is for general information about the Solar System at large, rather than specific planets and/or moon systems.
Dungeon Master
GM, 25 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2024
at 19:29
  • msg #2

The Factions

There are 3 known factions  in the Solar System, each with differing goals:

So-Lar's Chosen.

So-Lar is a Reigar that has adopteds the Soalr System. Some cliam it was here first, and the system is named after it.

SO-Lar has empowered a handful of Warlock (it is thought to be only n6, enough to crew it's crewless ship), but has other followers in ports throughout the system.  Libraries are said to be a good place to find one, or leave a message that cna get back to one.

Traveler's Aid Society
Actually, the Faction is known as The Hand of Celestian, but most folks nly of of the Traveler's Aid missions in various spaceport.

The Hand is the Chrch's outreach to aid travelrs and make space travel safe for others. It is rumored that support a powerful privateer ship to hunt pirates.

Gemstone Guardians

The Gem Dragonborn have recently left Saturn's moons and are poatrolling the system in military craft, hunting beholders, neogi, and mindflayers.

This is a military faction open only to Gem Dragonborn.

Dungeon Master
GM, 26 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2024
at 19:31
  • msg #3


And, of course, there is the usual selection of pirate craft. Not just Neogi,  Mindflayers, Beholders and vampirates, but the occasional amateur or Astral incursion as well.

Thus far no known individuals of any stripe stand out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:40, Wed 25 Sept.
Dungeon Master
GM, 98 posts
Sat 28 Sep 2024
at 17:30
  • msg #4

Navigation in Space

When it comes down to it, if you have tools and a chart, you make your roll. basic stuff. but there are aspects to it in background that couel be issues for you in strange systems, or with esoteric charts. Knowing these factors can hel;p you overocme proficiency penalties you may encounter.

ALso note: An Orrery (aka planetary Locator) obviates the need for a dark room. Most Helms are inside, and some don't have windows. That's fine, windows aren't needed,a nd a dark helm room is a good thing if you have an Orrery. An Orrery dim projects an imagine of the solar system it's in around it, to a limit of the smaller of the room size or 30' radius. Too bright and you can't see it. If you can see it, you know where you are, and what direction to go to reach your destination, assuming your destination is big enough to see in the display.

But, when using tools, you need a chart. The chart shows you were the planets were ona  certain date, and should indicate the length of their orbits. Assuming you know the calendar used and the current date you can figure out where theya re now, and where they will be when you get to them.

So, the first issue with new charts: Find out what calendar system it uses, what date is represented,a nd learn to translate that to the calendar system you use.

Just losing track of time while in the Astral can cause issues at home, but this system can be used to determine the current date, assuming you can find where the planets currently are in the first place.

A bit more study may be needed in a new solar system, to use their charts.

Mostly this won't matter. If you're worried about it... well, if you can afford a ship and Helm, you can afford an Orrery.
Dungeon Master
GM, 170 posts
Mon 7 Oct 2024
at 18:33
  • msg #5

Jolly Boats

Jolly boats are really just rowboats that use two conflicting gravity planes as a way to travel between objects (usually ships, or a ship and a dock).

They appear inthe published aventure that is part of the 5e SJ box set.

basiclaly you float in a gravity plane pushing you out (your ship's), and use an oar to steer, or, possibly, accelerate a bit. To get back, you use the other gravity plane (that of the objuect you went to in the boat) to do the same going back towards your ship.

Note that this only works between two objects larger than the rowboat/jollyboat. One object means you can leave but never return (the gravity plane keeps pushing you away,a nd there's nothing for your oar to push against to fight it's pressure).

Also note that the jollyboat/rowboat only holds 8 man hours of air. You dont' want to slip out form between your two bigger objects and into the void.
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