Life and Trade in Space.
Ok, as it's come up, I want to be sure everyone is awaree that a Space voyage is NOT the same as a Sea voyange.
Air limits your range. You can cruise through the upper atomsphere os a planet too big to l;and on to replenish air safely, assuming the air there is safe inthe first place. But you have to be near a planet or moon for that to work.
Most asteroids will have some sort of air (some will be voids, with no air). How fresh it is can be hard to tell. If it has plant life on it, it's probably safe. if not, you're going to be risking it.
Water is trickier. Most big asteroid cities have some sort of lake or pond refilled by hauling in Ice asteroids. This is why water costs gold.
The cheapest and easiest thing for a ship's crew is to have someone that can cast Ceate Water. Druid and cleric helmsmen are popular for this reason. You can mine ice asteroids around Saturn or ice meteors in the Krupeir belt, but you might want to have Purify Food and Water on hand.
And, of course you can buy water on Ceres o the Rocks (Fred's and Barney's)
And, finally, there is food.
City Asteroids generally have the city on one side, and farms producing air food on the other. The generally also rotate along a 24 hour cycle, or keep the Farm side to the sun, depending on the ruler's personal preference.
Rock Hopper clusters generally sell grain, vegatables, and pork, but rarely more than a week or two supply of fresh (and none dried, at least for sale). They are clusters of small farms selling off surplus, after all.
Ceres and Venus produce plentiful food, as they are actual planets. Smaller than most, but well traveled to. Venus sells very little if any meat. Ceres has plenty pof meat, including a rather tasty but unique strain of beef. Ceres, especially, sells dried rations as well, although you can get some vegetarian selections at Venus, as well.