I think Gareth is doing the best thing in taking his dad on a roadtrip with his brother. I hope you all get to enjoy the trip and have some fun while doing it!
As for the game, I am torn. I like playing Pali and I like the group we have, small and manageable. Having Gareth be the Innkeeper NPC might be a good way to keep him here for whenever he can come back.
At the same time, adding new people will change things around here. Maybe good, maybe bad. Depends on who joins really. There are a lot of DND players on RPOL. Just about every DND game which posts a ad for players will fill up fast. However as it is online, the turn over is also high. Will we find players who stick around? Hard to say.
We could either let things go into stasis until Gareth comes back OR we can put up the shingle to see who comes this way.
If things don't work out with the noobs, I guess we can always go into stasis mode later. So there is that option.
I'm leaning towards the giving recruitment a try, but maybe only add like 2 people at most to keep the game small kinda like it is now.
That's my 2 cents...