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15:50, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Faction: Zhentarim.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 178 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 30 Dec 2024
at 20:42
  • msg #1

Faction: Zhentarim

It's common street knowledge that the Zhents aren't doing as well as they used to. The faction has had multiple splits in leadership when Manshoon "died" but then "came back" with half the faction believing he's an impostor, the other half believing he's a clone.

Anyway, they aren't gonna come knock on the door with an invitation. So put your ear to the ground and find them. If you still think you've got what it takes.
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 78 posts
The Lowpriest
Mon 30 Dec 2024
at 20:55
  • msg #2

Faction: Zhentarim

1 1 using 1d4.  guidanxce .
6 using 1d20-1.  persuasion.
 16 using 1d20+3.  investigation.
 19 using 1d20+3.  history

The Lowpriest knew alot about the Black Network. In one past life he was a lieutenant in their ranks after killing the current leader, but that was a completely different lifetime on a completely different planet in a completely different universe that has now been turned into nothing. He knew exactly where to go and what to do, the only problem was no one liked him. He always came off too arrogant or just lacking in charisma. So he just needed to find out who he had to kill in order to get their job. Or maybe it would be different this time???

He braved the cold to walk to the Yawning Portal Tav. Just a few nights ago the Xanathars had beat up that orc woman while they sat around and watched. They said something about her being a Zhent. If he found her, yay! If not, Durnan should know something. If not everything.
GM, 182 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 30 Dec 2024
at 22:32
  • msg #3

Faction: Zhentarim

You think you know more than you actually do, but you nailed this guess on the head. Unfortunately, the half-orc isn't around at the moment.

Strangely, Durnan is there behind the bar as always. Does he ever take a break?
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 79 posts
The Lowpriest
Tue 7 Jan 2025
at 20:44
  • msg #4

Faction: Zhentarim

He was never good at talking to the secondaries, as he thought of them. Those within his circle were the main characters, whether or not they always got along. Everyone outside that circle seemed less life-like. Like they followed a script. It was even scarier when they didn't.

"Eyyyy Durnan. How's it? You know that female orc that got beat up right before that troll attacked???"

Persuasion 6.
GM, 189 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Tue 7 Jan 2025
at 20:46
  • msg #5

Faction: Zhentarim

Durnan does not. Or rather, does not acknowledge you.

He sets down a mug of ale, the kind you like best, right in front of you, "On the house." Then he nods his beard in the direction of the stairs.

When you turn to look, you see an eladrin elf who looks just like you, in his winter season, his skin is pale blue, his eyes ice white. The man is going up the stairs.
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 80 posts
The Lowpriest
Fri 10 Jan 2025
at 15:58
  • msg #6

Faction: Zhentarim

Oh what divine comedy was this??? The Lowpriest did not not believe in the gods, he just didn't worship them, so it wasn't the gods he thanked. He looked up at the ceiling and nodded his gratitude to the one he called "The One Above All."

Then a proper, "Thank you, to Duran for the tip and the beer. The old barkeep didn't talk much but he knew everything going on, and it seemed somehow he was helping.

Anteris took three powerful swallows, trying to down the entire mug in ten seconds. Nothing but a heavy layer of foam remained. He immediately felt the buzz, knew it was just "placebo" there was no way the alcohol could mix with his blood so quickly.

Then he took off toward the stairs to follow his look-a-like. (19 stealth.)
GM, 194 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Fri 10 Jan 2025
at 16:21
  • msg #7

Faction: Zhentarim

The eladrin went to one of the private rooms that guests rent out for long periods of time, weeks, even months. This immediately means he had money.

Despite all your sneakiness the man isn't ignorant, he stops and looks around the hallway. You quickly hide behind a corner and avoid detection. He unlocks the door and steps in lightning fast. The door shuts and the lock clicks.

Now what?
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 83 posts
The Lowpriest
Thu 16 Jan 2025
at 17:26
  • msg #8

Faction: Zhentarim

His heart raced, his head ached, the free beer that had wet his throat just minutes ago now left an awful dry taste in his mouth. He closed his eyes and focused on ancient memories of his fey ancestors...some had been Zhentarim before, long ago. Maybe.

He went to the door and knocked with the secret rhythm the Black Network used to identify one of their own. Shave-and-a-hair-cut...
GM, 218 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 18:05
  • msg #9

Faction: Zhentarim

The half-orc woman opened the door. Her face had healed nicely from the beating a few days ago. nicely as an orc's face can get. All male fantasy tropes of half-orc muscle mommy's aside, she was downright ugly.

"Uh..." She proffered, aware that Anteris was a spitting image of her boss, who was sitting at his desk behind her. "Boss?"

All righty, it's gonna be a persuasion or deception dc15 and you're gonna fail because that's what always happens to me.
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 87 posts
The Lowpriest
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 18:09
  • msg #10

Faction: Zhentarim


Not sure why things always have to be solved by charisma when intelligence should be used to logically persuading things.

The Lowpriest always had a plan, always two steps ahead, as if he knew what everyone else was thinking, as if he ran the show, "Look, I noticed it the second you walked in. I could be a valuable asset to you. Be in two places at once. Be your alibi, your doppleganger, your scapegoat. OR...just replace you."

Probably shouldn't have added that last part. Anteris's fingers brushed the handle of his gun.
GM, 230 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 30 Jan 2025
at 17:07
  • msg #11

Faction: Zhentarim

The eladrin smirks. He's better than you, he knows it. He knows you know it.

" about this. You beat Yagra at an arm wrestle and you've got the job."

The femme half-orc slides some paper off the desk and slams her elbow down, hand up, ready to break your wrist. Her bicep is bigger than your face.

Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 90 posts
The Lowpriest
Thu 30 Jan 2025
at 17:23
  • msg #12

Faction: Zhentarim

Why was everything so difficult? Everyone else had faction reps coming to them begging them to join. Was it because the Lowpriest wanted to join the Zhentarim? Is that how things work? Once you want something it's harder????

"Eh...I guess I don't really want the job." He shrugs and moves to the door.
GM, 232 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Thu 30 Jan 2025
at 17:29
  • msg #13

Faction: Zhentarim

Davil realizes his bluff has been called. "Okay okay! Look I'll pay ya 20gp a month. We provide loans and merc services here, I don't deal directly with merch. I'm sure you know about the war with the Xanathar Guild, we're really low on members and yes, I happen to notice we look very similar. Although you're definitely uglier."

He digs into the top drawer on the desk, a snake with wings flies out of it, he barely notices. He slaps the paper down on the table. "Here's your first mission. Complete it and you get your money."

"Someone is killing elf and half-elf sailors in the Dock Ward-three dead so far, each one decapitated by a blade in the dead of night. Look into it, will you? Methinks the City Watch could use a little help."

Characters who spend three consecutive nights loitering around the docks spot Heldar, a drunk half-elf sailor (bandit), leaving the Muleskull Tavern (on Ship Street in the Dock Ward). EVERYONE PLAYING make a perception check dc18.
Anteris Monreth
dmpc, 92 posts
The Lowpriest
Thu 30 Jan 2025
at 17:35
  • msg #14

Faction: Zhentarim

Hanging out around the docks in this weather is terrible. Would be more terrible if he didn't have his experimental brew with him. A whiskey flask that never seemed to run out. On the other hand, he had to stay sober enough to spot victims and he spent his time staying just drunk enough to not freeze to death but sober enough to see straight.

It actually took more discipline and self-control than he thought he had, and therefore he wasn't so bored after all.

Passive perception 18.
Pali Nujam
player, 116 posts
Yuan-ti Pureblood Wizard
HP 20/20 AC 12
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 03:51
  • msg #15

Faction: Zhentarim

Pali agreed to help Anteris, if for nothing that to keep an eye on him.  She had a feeling that he might need some supervision.  Wrapped up in her cloak she stayed warm.  Though she never let on as she usually was moving her hands about like she was casting a spell the secret was... well, she WAS using magic to cheat the cold.  She was using her Prestidigitation spell to repeatedly warm up her shirt and her pants from time to time.  It made her appear to be unbothered by the cold.  It also made her smirk as Anteris complained and struggled to stay warm.

OOC:  WOOT! rolled well!
22:38, Today: Pali Nujam rolled 19 using 1d20+2.  Perception Check

Yeah that's my secret cap, I'm always casting magic.  LOL

GM, 234 posts
Story Spinner
Dice Fibber
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 16:11
  • msg #16

Faction: Zhentarim

What do you do with a drunken sailor?

You keep an eye on the fella and spot a drow gunslinger hiding in the shadows, waiting to ambush. You successfully stop him, trying to incapacitate him for questioning, but the gunslinger runs off rather than fight. The sailor appreciates it so much he gives you all his money. LOTS OF MONEY.

When you return to Davil he also pays more than originally suggested.

Due to our slow pace right now I'm fast forwarding this.
Reward: Each Zhentarim character gains 1 renown.

Pali and Anteris get 50gp each.

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