Faction: Force Grey

Vahjra walks all the way down the stairs so you are on the same level. She nods that she heard you, but doesn't smile or give any reassuring expressions.
"Thank you for your honesty. You are right. Our goals align. Once of Force Grey's primary objectives is to prevent loss of life. I have often wondered why wizards are able to perform necromancy but cannot perform the most common cleric healing spells. As to my knowledge, no necromancer has ever become great AND good, but if you're willing to accept my guidance I will gladly help you.
As a member of Force Grey, you are simply on call to respond to emergencies whenever they arise. You will be paid 100gp a month to drop whatever you are doing when I call---but don't worry, we answer only to the Masked Lords of Waterdeep, I shouldn't be calling you too often, maybe once a week if that.
Copying spells costs time and money, like I said yesterday I will give you 100gp and I also have a spellbook with some level 1 necromancy spells if you want to copy them. And I have a mission for you."
You can choose to keep the money or spend it to learn up to 2 level 1 spells.